Sunday 7 August 2016

The Stages of Pregnancy

What should I know about the different stages of pregnancy 

The task is essential to maintain the labels carefully what happens in your body, it is important to ensure that the priority of security conditions like these. 

Pregnant women, it is important to consider the various stages of pregnancy, so you can predict the changes occur, and adapt care to do this your body and coordinate family support needs of pregnant women . 

At this point, it is best to keep you, so you can make and track any case, your body. Your doctor can every day to make sure everything is okay and not needing medical help should be extended to you. 

Stages of pregnancy 

However, concerns about the weight of most women who are pregnant, also useful for members and loved, who knows what time will help the body release its own women-specific "per semester. 

Various stages of pregnancy, including features and changes that can occur, listed in the next section in detail. 

A. In the first quarter - the first half of pregnancy is characterized by several symptoms of many changes. It may be difficult for beginners to experience more symptoms of pregnancy and is a typical indicator of this appalling situation. 

Symptoms may include fatigue (typically morning sickness) breast changes in size and weight, nausea, vomiting and other things. Excessive urination may be experienced in this period because of hormones circulating in the blood, and that the developing fetus in the uterus during pregnancy. 

Moreover, until the first half of pregnancy have been completed, the fetus may increase the size of a walnut and start showing signs of life such as heart rate and locomotor skills (running). At this critical stage, as well as intensive and regular medical examination of signs of health for the mother and the fetus is normal symptoms of pregnancy that can happen. 

Food diet is recommended at this stage, even during pregnancy and regular consultations to maintain a low physical activity. 

In the second quarter. The second half is characterized by more aggressive changes. Dramatic changes in body figure for 6 weeks and most evident Legend, called Braxton Hicks contractions, you must create. It is this stage that your belly will grow and you can feel the baby grows inside you. 

Around 20-22 weeks, the uterus begins to grow all the way up to the navel, and a number of changes, including the production of colostrum (first milk is food), chest and nipples and the areola color and overall tone of the skin, can cause discomfort to the ta. 

Moreover, the blood vessels in different parts of the body where the fetus is developing experience in pressure and can lead to poor implementation of hemorrhoids and varicose veins. Pigments and color change can become Medicamentosum call this time and may disappear after delivery. 

After all, the end of the second half showing more signs of change in body size of the fetus grows 22-25 cm (11-14 inches) and weight can be about half a pound, and normal and probably hit. 

C. In the third quarter. The third quarter is usually called "delay" delivery. It is now your body to become less tolerable pain and change. You can start complaining of lower back and chest feel "full" maximum. 

At this stage the potential for mothers to begin training exercises breast and participated in "Big Day". The provision of training materials are conceivable, which are among the parents, who are generally not well prepared for these conditions. 

In theory, the most uncomfortable part of pregnancy because it may get leg cramps, lowerback pain, frequent urination and activities of bladder control and strong Braxton Hicks contractions.

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