Tuesday 9 August 2016

Antioxidant Brain Fruit

Eating good antioxidant Fruits helps you avoid diseases that make life tough on your brain. There are some Fruits which are a powerhouse for brain health. Antioxidants neutralize free radicals are groups of atoms that can damage cells and are believed to accelerate the progression of cancer, cardiovascular disease, and age-related diseases. A diet rich in antioxidants may also keep the brain operating at its peak to help reduce the risk of conditions.

Here are some of selected fruits that have high benefit for our brain:

Avocado - Healthy unsaturated fats in avocados help keep your brain cell membranes flexible. Avocados contain high quantities of monounsaturated fatty acids. helped protect nerve cells in the brain known as astrocytes, which provide support to information-carrying nerves. Avocados combine brain healthy omega-3 fatty acids with natural vitamin E, which has been clinically proven to prevent Alzheimer's disease from progressing and even reversing it in its earliest stages.

Blueberries - Help to improve short term memory, and slow, and even reverse, the onset of age related memory problems and balance issues. They also have a low GI, Berries could play an important role in clearing the accumulation of toxic proteins in the brain.Berries are a good source of antioxidant compounds and compounds such as polyphenolics that block inflammation and protect against cell damage. Scientists believe these polyphenolics restore the brain's ability to clean up cell debris produced as the brain ages, so it doesn't interfere with normal brain and nerve function. In a sense, the polyphenolics in berries carry out a "clean up" job that allows the brain to function better.

Nuts - Nuts are not only high in protein, but are also a good source of vitamin E, which helps prevent memory decline. Nuts contain protein, high amounts of fiber, and they are rich in beneficial fats. For getting an immediate energy boost that won’t turn into a spike later, you can’t do better than nuts. The complex carbs will perk you up while the fat and protein will sustain you. Nuts also contain plenty of vitamin E, which is essential to cognitive function. You don’t have to eat raw, plain, unsalted nuts, but do avoid the ones with a lot of sweetening or seasoning blends. Filberts, hazelnuts, cashews, and walnuts are great choices, with almonds being the king of nuts.

Watermelon - An excellent source of vitamin B6, watermelon makes an awesome brain food since it contains 92% water, which is the same content as the brain.  Besides this, watermelon helps regulate brain chemicals, thus normalizing sleep patterns, alleviating stress and depression besides enhancing a feel good factor. Being nature’s most natural source of potent antioxidant vitamins such as C and A through concentration of beta-carotene, along with their abundant supply of carotene antioxidant, lycopene, Watermelons protect the bodies from risk of various ailments.

Tomatoes - Tomatoes have been shown to fight against damaging free radicals. More concentrated methods of consumption, such as in tomato paste, provide the greatest benefits, but fresh tomatoes still hold some benefits as well.Tomatoes usually make the brain-boosting food lists. Tomatoes contain lycopene, an antioxidant that is particularly good for your brain, it even helps prevent dementia. You have to cook tomatoes to get the lycopene take that, raw foodies! Just kidding. But this does mean that ketchup is good for your brain. Although because of the sugar in it, you should look to other sources for most of your lycopene intake, such as fresh tomato sauce.

Pomegranate - Pomegranates contain same level of antioxidant as blueberry, which are essential for a healthy brain. Your brain is the first organ to feel the effects of stress, so anything you can do to offset stress is probably a smart choice although note that the connection between pomegranate and stress reduction is currently both contested and unconfirmed.Drinking pomegranate juice is very effective than eating it, pomegranate juice is also contains a lot of Fiber

Kiwi - kiwi that increase bone density because of the presence of potassium which prevents the loss of Calcium and helps keep bones intact.Fresh kiwi fruit is a very rich source of heart-healthy electrolyte potassium, which is an important component of cell and body fluids that help regulate heart rate and blood pressure by countering malefic effects of sodium. It also contains good amounts of minerals like manganese, iron and magnesium. These nutrients are important for the development of healthy bone. Apart from this, it contains potassium that is required for development of bone. Potassium is required to prevent the loss of calcium. It increases body capacity to absorb and utilize calcium. So kiwi fruit is effective to protect from osteoporosis.

Cherries - Eating cherry improves brain health due to its rich antioxidants. It prevents degeneration of brain cell thus prevents memory loss. The cherry also contains another antioxidant called Melatonin which due to its ability to cross the blood-brain barrier. It produces a soothing effect on the brain neurons helping to relieve neurosis, insomnia and headaches and calms down nervous system irritability. It was found that individuals with low melatonin levels have experienced heart attacks. Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder or ASD benefit from eating cherries or drinking cherry juice as the melatonin level increased as it brought about a calming effect on the brain neurons. Melatonin, is also associated with slowing down the aging process.
Carrot - Eating carrots benefits your eyes, but did you know they’re also good for your brain? Carrots contain a significant amount of luteolin, a compound shown to reduce brain inflammation and memory deficits. During normal aging, immune cells in the brain tend to produce more inflammatory molecules, which contribute to memory problems. Luteolin stops the release of these inflammatory molecules in the brain. start to eat carrot or drink carroit juice from now to get active with your brain.


  1. The geographic area that is now the country of Jordan was for centuries a sparsely populated and highly tribalized desert region within the lurkish-controllcd Orcoman Empire, the population is overwhelmingly Arab and Sunni Muslim, although Christian Arabs,The New Jordans, Circassians, and other minorities have lived in this area for centuries. The Ottoman sultan in Istanbul was the ulrimate source of power for this political system, but he remained a distant figure who usually did little to help develop this highly impoverished portion of the Empire. The Ottoman authorities were feared more than admired by the desert villagers and townspeople of this region for rheir policy of conscripting local men into the Ottoman army for long periods of service. Such losses were an added hardship for Arab tribes and families attempting to make a meager living in a harsh desert environment. I he loss of young men to the Ottoman militarv reduced the number of individuals available to help provide for the subsistence of these areas and, more importanrly,Jordans Shoes, reduced the ability of local defenders ro fend off atracks by tribal raiders or brigands.

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