Wednesday 24 August 2016

Diabetes project for pregnant women

The American Diabetes Association statistics suggest that about four percent of pregnant women experience gestational diabetes. GDM occurs when pregnant women have never had high blood sugar diabetes during pregnancy, especially lately. Plans for about 135 000 cases of pregnant women with gestational diabetes for installation in the United States each year.Women who develop gestational diabetes are likely to develop type 2 diabetes. Pregnancy is caused by failure by the parent in the system that produced insulin in the body naturally. associated with pregnancy, the hormones they produce, they are resistant to insulin. These are the conditions for pregnant women develop high blood sugar, also known as hyperglycemia.It is normal for women with diabetes during pregnancy for treatment even during pregnancy.congenital malformations associated with pregnancy, diabetes mellitus or pregnancy are not normal. Therefore, it can not be a big concern for children in this situation. The problem, however, may come a time when the task allowed to go untreated. Have excessive blood sugar, which means that the unborn child more than his share, or get fat and energy. This condition can lead to Makrosomiya or big kid.No matter how many people believe that fat is a sign of a healthy child, a child who weighs more than normally needed when it comes to birth. This can be very large to pass through the birth canal of the mother. The situation will almost always deliver a predetermined section. In addition, overweight children often have trouble breathing and finally, if they are still obese, type 2 diabetes alone.It's better when treatment is available gestational diabetes. Doctors recommend regular doses of insulin to restore her mother's blood sugar to normal levels. Women who want to avoid pregnancy, gestational diabetes, physical preparation. Physical therapy includes regular exercise, weight loss, and take a balanced diet. Women planning pregnancy should find also good glycemic index. The glycemic index helps people discover which foods to avoid to prevent diabetes or diabetic patients to help contain the disease.Pregnant women should and should follow the doctor for exercise and diet, particularly consumption of carbohydrates. Before pregnancy, women should always consult their doctor about their weight problems and ways to prevent diabetes. Professional counseling is important for women to prevent complications during pregnancy.A pregnant woman who was diagnosed with diabetes during pregnancy, her baby has a low risk of developing type 2 diabetes. GDM can be easily handled and not great. Pregnant women have access to a range of care their condition. What you should do is follow that doctors say.

Saturday 13 August 2016

Bedtime Drink

It is very important to know that detoxification is very essential for your body. By detoxification you can eliminate the toxins from your body which contributes in proper absorption of nutrients from the food. Cancerous and toxic compounds are also neutralized by the process of detoxification. In the next part of the article we will present you one amazing beverage which has the ability to speed up your metabolism, improve your immune system, cleanse your body of toxins and it can help you to lose weight also.
bedtime drinkbedtime drink
Belly fat is linked with hypertension, diabetes and development of heart diseases. Many researches show that excess belly fat is the first sign of diabetes type 2. Excess belly fat can be the cause of sudden heath death, according to one study which is published in The Journal Hearth magazine.
If you are determined to lose belly fat, then you will start to exercise regularly and eat healthy. We will present you one beverage which contains the most effective fat burning ingredients which will surely help you to reach your goal.
  • ½ lemon
  • 1 cucumber
  • 1 tsp. grated ginger
  • A bunch of parsley
  • 1/3 cup of water
Take all of the ingredients, put them in a juicer and make an amazing juice. Drink this juice every night before going to sleep. You will notice results very quickly.

Tuesday 9 August 2016

Antioxidant Brain Fruit

Eating good antioxidant Fruits helps you avoid diseases that make life tough on your brain. There are some Fruits which are a powerhouse for brain health. Antioxidants neutralize free radicals are groups of atoms that can damage cells and are believed to accelerate the progression of cancer, cardiovascular disease, and age-related diseases. A diet rich in antioxidants may also keep the brain operating at its peak to help reduce the risk of conditions.

Here are some of selected fruits that have high benefit for our brain:

Avocado - Healthy unsaturated fats in avocados help keep your brain cell membranes flexible. Avocados contain high quantities of monounsaturated fatty acids. helped protect nerve cells in the brain known as astrocytes, which provide support to information-carrying nerves. Avocados combine brain healthy omega-3 fatty acids with natural vitamin E, which has been clinically proven to prevent Alzheimer's disease from progressing and even reversing it in its earliest stages.

Blueberries - Help to improve short term memory, and slow, and even reverse, the onset of age related memory problems and balance issues. They also have a low GI, Berries could play an important role in clearing the accumulation of toxic proteins in the brain.Berries are a good source of antioxidant compounds and compounds such as polyphenolics that block inflammation and protect against cell damage. Scientists believe these polyphenolics restore the brain's ability to clean up cell debris produced as the brain ages, so it doesn't interfere with normal brain and nerve function. In a sense, the polyphenolics in berries carry out a "clean up" job that allows the brain to function better.

Nuts - Nuts are not only high in protein, but are also a good source of vitamin E, which helps prevent memory decline. Nuts contain protein, high amounts of fiber, and they are rich in beneficial fats. For getting an immediate energy boost that won’t turn into a spike later, you can’t do better than nuts. The complex carbs will perk you up while the fat and protein will sustain you. Nuts also contain plenty of vitamin E, which is essential to cognitive function. You don’t have to eat raw, plain, unsalted nuts, but do avoid the ones with a lot of sweetening or seasoning blends. Filberts, hazelnuts, cashews, and walnuts are great choices, with almonds being the king of nuts.

Watermelon - An excellent source of vitamin B6, watermelon makes an awesome brain food since it contains 92% water, which is the same content as the brain.  Besides this, watermelon helps regulate brain chemicals, thus normalizing sleep patterns, alleviating stress and depression besides enhancing a feel good factor. Being nature’s most natural source of potent antioxidant vitamins such as C and A through concentration of beta-carotene, along with their abundant supply of carotene antioxidant, lycopene, Watermelons protect the bodies from risk of various ailments.

Tomatoes - Tomatoes have been shown to fight against damaging free radicals. More concentrated methods of consumption, such as in tomato paste, provide the greatest benefits, but fresh tomatoes still hold some benefits as well.Tomatoes usually make the brain-boosting food lists. Tomatoes contain lycopene, an antioxidant that is particularly good for your brain, it even helps prevent dementia. You have to cook tomatoes to get the lycopene take that, raw foodies! Just kidding. But this does mean that ketchup is good for your brain. Although because of the sugar in it, you should look to other sources for most of your lycopene intake, such as fresh tomato sauce.

Pomegranate - Pomegranates contain same level of antioxidant as blueberry, which are essential for a healthy brain. Your brain is the first organ to feel the effects of stress, so anything you can do to offset stress is probably a smart choice although note that the connection between pomegranate and stress reduction is currently both contested and unconfirmed.Drinking pomegranate juice is very effective than eating it, pomegranate juice is also contains a lot of Fiber

Kiwi - kiwi that increase bone density because of the presence of potassium which prevents the loss of Calcium and helps keep bones intact.Fresh kiwi fruit is a very rich source of heart-healthy electrolyte potassium, which is an important component of cell and body fluids that help regulate heart rate and blood pressure by countering malefic effects of sodium. It also contains good amounts of minerals like manganese, iron and magnesium. These nutrients are important for the development of healthy bone. Apart from this, it contains potassium that is required for development of bone. Potassium is required to prevent the loss of calcium. It increases body capacity to absorb and utilize calcium. So kiwi fruit is effective to protect from osteoporosis.

Cherries - Eating cherry improves brain health due to its rich antioxidants. It prevents degeneration of brain cell thus prevents memory loss. The cherry also contains another antioxidant called Melatonin which due to its ability to cross the blood-brain barrier. It produces a soothing effect on the brain neurons helping to relieve neurosis, insomnia and headaches and calms down nervous system irritability. It was found that individuals with low melatonin levels have experienced heart attacks. Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder or ASD benefit from eating cherries or drinking cherry juice as the melatonin level increased as it brought about a calming effect on the brain neurons. Melatonin, is also associated with slowing down the aging process.
Carrot - Eating carrots benefits your eyes, but did you know they’re also good for your brain? Carrots contain a significant amount of luteolin, a compound shown to reduce brain inflammation and memory deficits. During normal aging, immune cells in the brain tend to produce more inflammatory molecules, which contribute to memory problems. Luteolin stops the release of these inflammatory molecules in the brain. start to eat carrot or drink carroit juice from now to get active with your brain.

Monday 8 August 2016

Mango for Hot Day

Mango, which is the most popular tropicana fruit, it has nutritionally rich fruit with unique flavor, fragrance, taste and health promoting qualities . Mangoes offer important vitamins and mineral to our body, preventing that way many dangerous diseases and keeping our body healthy and fit. For Hot weather one of the best fruit to eat more is Mango, it makes you feel cool and fresh.
Juicing the fruit from green mango and mixing with water and a sweetener helps to cool down the body and prevent harm to the body and also for hot day. From an Ayurveda viewpoint, the reason people often get diuretic and exhausted when visiting equatorial climates is because the strong “sun energy” is burning up your body, particularly the muscles.  The kidneys then become overloaded with the toxins from this process.

Mangoes contain 60 milligrams of vitamin C per cup of slices, which supplies 80 percent of a woman's daily vitamin C needs and 66 percent of a man's. Consuming plenty of vitamin C-rich foods like mangoes may decrease your risk of cancer, high blood pressure, osteoarthritis and heart disease. Vitamin C is also vital for maintaining the health of the bones, skin and blood vessels. The vitamin C content in mangoes decreases when the fruit is exposed to light, heat and air. To minimize vitamin C degradation, store your mangoes in a cool, dark location and use them within three to four days of purchase. Avoid peeling or slicing mangoes until just before eating.

Sunday 7 August 2016

The Stages of Pregnancy

What should I know about the different stages of pregnancy 

The task is essential to maintain the labels carefully what happens in your body, it is important to ensure that the priority of security conditions like these. 

Pregnant women, it is important to consider the various stages of pregnancy, so you can predict the changes occur, and adapt care to do this your body and coordinate family support needs of pregnant women . 

At this point, it is best to keep you, so you can make and track any case, your body. Your doctor can every day to make sure everything is okay and not needing medical help should be extended to you. 

Stages of pregnancy 

However, concerns about the weight of most women who are pregnant, also useful for members and loved, who knows what time will help the body release its own women-specific "per semester. 

Various stages of pregnancy, including features and changes that can occur, listed in the next section in detail. 

A. In the first quarter - the first half of pregnancy is characterized by several symptoms of many changes. It may be difficult for beginners to experience more symptoms of pregnancy and is a typical indicator of this appalling situation. 

Symptoms may include fatigue (typically morning sickness) breast changes in size and weight, nausea, vomiting and other things. Excessive urination may be experienced in this period because of hormones circulating in the blood, and that the developing fetus in the uterus during pregnancy. 

Moreover, until the first half of pregnancy have been completed, the fetus may increase the size of a walnut and start showing signs of life such as heart rate and locomotor skills (running). At this critical stage, as well as intensive and regular medical examination of signs of health for the mother and the fetus is normal symptoms of pregnancy that can happen. 

Food diet is recommended at this stage, even during pregnancy and regular consultations to maintain a low physical activity. 

In the second quarter. The second half is characterized by more aggressive changes. Dramatic changes in body figure for 6 weeks and most evident Legend, called Braxton Hicks contractions, you must create. It is this stage that your belly will grow and you can feel the baby grows inside you. 

Around 20-22 weeks, the uterus begins to grow all the way up to the navel, and a number of changes, including the production of colostrum (first milk is food), chest and nipples and the areola color and overall tone of the skin, can cause discomfort to the ta. 

Moreover, the blood vessels in different parts of the body where the fetus is developing experience in pressure and can lead to poor implementation of hemorrhoids and varicose veins. Pigments and color change can become Medicamentosum call this time and may disappear after delivery. 

After all, the end of the second half showing more signs of change in body size of the fetus grows 22-25 cm (11-14 inches) and weight can be about half a pound, and normal and probably hit. 

C. In the third quarter. The third quarter is usually called "delay" delivery. It is now your body to become less tolerable pain and change. You can start complaining of lower back and chest feel "full" maximum. 

At this stage the potential for mothers to begin training exercises breast and participated in "Big Day". The provision of training materials are conceivable, which are among the parents, who are generally not well prepared for these conditions. 

In theory, the most uncomfortable part of pregnancy because it may get leg cramps, lowerback pain, frequent urination and activities of bladder control and strong Braxton Hicks contractions.

When to Worry About a Mole

By the time you reach the age of 30, you will have probably 10-40 moles on your skin. These black or brown skin growths begin to appear differently after a period of time, either become raised or adapt a different color. They may also begin to grow hair. You may have moles that don’t change in any way; some may even just fade away.

When to Worry About a Mole

While most moles are nothing serious, there is always a chance that this skin growth could turn into a form of skin cancer. Chances are it will remain the same, but just make sure you keep checking the status of your skin so that you can have it checked out if it shows any of the following signs:
  • The sudden appearance or growth of a moleMost moles grow slowly so when one pops up out of the blue or an existing mole begins to change its appearance, it should be checked out.
  • Any change in the look or shape of a moleDon’t disregard a mole that has changed colors, especially if it seems to be taking on a darker shade than it originally had. Moles that begin to itch, bleed or hurt should also be brought to a physician’s attention. If it develops a crust around it, it could be the beginning of melanoma.
  • The size and symmetry of the moleKeep an eye on any moles that seem to be growing or no longer look symmetrical - both sides of the mole should look the same.
  • A mole with a rough or irregular edge to itIf you notice that your mole has begun to take on an irregular or rough edge around it, make sure you bring it to the attention of your doctor right away.
Most moles are regular and will remain that way, while atypical moles have a tendency to become cancerous.If you find a larger mole that is around 5-12 millimeters and it has a variety of colors to it, this would be considered an atypical mole. They could appear to be tan colored, pink, black or dark brown. The surrounding area is usually very irregular and not smooth and distinct. These types of moles seem to be more prevalent on people who spend a good deal of time in the sun but they are not limited to sun worshippers.
If your mole does happen to exhibit any of these signs, prompt treatment is of the utmost importance. If it is determined that your mole has the beginning stages of cancer, it is easier to take care of if treated right away. The treatment is removal while under a local anesthesia. The longer that you wait to see a doctor, the more challenging it will be to rectify.

How to Tell If Your Mole Is Dangerous

If you are trying to decide when to worry about a mole, it may be hard for you to decipher. Determining if your mole is potentially cancerous can be made a little simpler with the“ABCD” rule.
The American Cancer Society (ACS) suggests using the first four letters of the alphabet to remind you of what to look for in a dangerous mole.
  • A means it would be asymmetrical. If both sides of the mole do not look alike this is one of the things to watch for.
  • B has to do with the way that the border appears. It should be smooth and even rather than jagged and irregular.
  • C stands for color. Make note of any inconsistencies in the shades; regular moles are usually brown, black or tan. White, pink, black, or blue are not common colors for a typical mole.
  • D is for the diameter of the mole. Typical moles are around a quarter of an inch around. Think about the size of an eraser at the end of a pencil – if it is larger than that, keep an eye on it. Many, but not all, large size moles can turn cancerous.
How to Remove a Skin Mole
If you find that your mole has any of the signs that make it possibly dangerous, make an appointment with your physician. Removing the mole is a simple process that consists of numbing the area then cutting it or shaving it off. It’s possible that you may need a stitch or two to close up the area. Your physician will then send a sample of the tissue from the mole to the lab to determine if it was cancerous.

How To Stimulate Your Children To Eat More Fruits And Vegetables?

Fruit and vegetable enjoy deserved reputation as great helpers in our daily attempt to stay healthy and slim and these food products are associated with the reduced risk of many serious diseases.

Studies have shown that there is a connection between increased fruit and vegetable consumption and reduced risk of cancer (including cancer of the oral cavity, throat, stomach, colon and respiratory system). Thus, diet rich in fruit and vegetable is associated with the reduced risk of developing diabetes type 2, stroke, heart disease and high blood pressure (hypertension).

Fruit and vegetable help prevent various diseases, but they are also an excellent source of vitamins, minerals and fiber, contain little fat and contain folic acid (green leaf vegetables).

Experts say that it is not true that children do not want to consume fruit and vegetable, which is a common excuse. In countries where fruit and vegetable are traditionally consumed in large quantities, parents have no problem make their children eat their healthy five portions of fruit and vegetable per day.

Since children learn from their parents and they are consuming enough fruit and vegetable, then without any problem, their children will consume these meals, too.

It is best for children at the age of 2-10 to consume fruit and vegetable served in “relaxed” atmosphere, i.e. not to do “drama” about it. As addition to any other food, serve fruits and vegetables to your children with their favorite food.

Just Be Creative

Here are some creative tips on how to make children eat more fruit and vegetables:

Combined with Vegetables: 
  • Make mashed pumpkin or sweet potatoes instead of regular mashed potatoes. 
  • Power up your pizza with tomato, peppers, mushrooms, pineapple, young garlic and spinach. 
  • Add vegetables in the soup. 
  • Fill roast potatoes with wheat grains, young garlic, mushrooms and red pepper. 
  • Be creative when serving a salad. Do not just make a tomato and cucumber salad, add paprika, shredded mushrooms, grated ginger, onion chopped circles, spinach or any other favorite vegetables. 

Combined with Fruit: 
  • Add fruit in green salads – try with pieces of pear, apple, grapes, mango, strawberries, almonds or blueberries. 
  • Add blueberries or grated banana in pancakes dough. 
  • Add exotic fruits such as papaya, mango or pineapple in fruit salad. 
  • Mix apples, ginger, carrot and orange in blender and serve it as a refreshing drink. 
  • Pack fresh fruit in a plastic box, so the child can take it to school. Drain a little lemon juice over apples and pears so they would not turn brown. 

With a little creativity and effort you can stimulate your children eat more fruit and vegetable and enrich their diet which will strengthen their body.

Getting pregnant with normal periods

Review: trying to conceive, it can be difficult, but trying to get pregnant when your period can be frustrating and disappointing. If you do not have much time per month will be difficult to predict when it can produce. Irregular menstruation, does not necessarily mean that the prolific as a woman who can not predict the weather, but it could mean reducing the frequency of ovulation, therefore, are more likely to become pregnant each year. Menstruation does not necessarily reduce fertility - you may need to do a little difficult. Follow these steps, you can increase your chance to see the plus sign next to your pregnancy test stick.

Step 1: Fertility depends on ovulation, the egg is a healthy version of their ovaries. Of their irregular cycles, so that you can not predict when you ovulate, you should try something else. Women can not predict ovulation using ovulation prediction package (to OPK). These are sold in pharmacies and easily.

Step 2: You want to base your body temperature every day to learn to predict ovulation by monitoring your cervical mucus. discharge of cervical mucus from your body through the vagina - ovulation is fine, very comfortable, as the gem. basal body temperature is usually peak during ovulation - but wait! Study of the National Institute of Sciences concluded that opportunities for women to conceive, at the end of ovulation. Once you know that ovulation will help dress in touch with the best time for your body.

Step three: with yourself about the factors that can affect ovulation. Women who work fewer hours, or endurance training, such as marathons and triathlons, you can see that the imposition of a positive reduction in the welfare of your ovulation cycle. Women need a certain level of body fat ovulation law. Women who are obese, but the project will start to lose weight because obesity can affect your body's ability to ovulate regularly.

Step Four: Stop talking. It can be almost impossible to take a "Zen" as a child, but give it a shot. Try meditation, yoga and relaxation exercises - which to reduce stress. The pressure is counterproductive when trying to conceive, much less trying to get pregnant with irregular periods?

Your doctor if you have any serious health problems or trying to conceive for one year with no results.

12 Health Benefits of Lemons and Limes That You Probably Haven’t Heard of Yet

Lemons and limes belong to the citrus fruit family, known for their high levels of vitamin C content and other essential minerals. Regardless of their acidity and sour taste, these fruits do not acidify the human body but on the contrary, their consumption has an alkaline effect upon it. Citrus fruits’ rinds contain limonene, a compound known to be anti-carcinogenic and liver healthy. It is also used to promote weight loss and treat bronchitis.
Lemon and Lime’s Nutritional Benefits
These citrus fruits are rich in folate, potassium, vitamin C, B6, flavonoids, phytochemicals and limonene. D-Limonene is a compound known to be anti-carcinogenic and to help promote the production of those particular enzymes that have the ability to detoxify carcinogens.
Health Benefits
Lemons and limes contain excellent anticancer and antioxidant properties. In addition, they also contain a high content of antibiotics that are capable of combating against the bacteria present in the body. The following are just a few of lemon and lime’s numerous health benefits:
  1. Lemon and lime help you combat common cold:
Combine the juice of two lemons or limes with half a liter of warm water. Add raw honey to taste and consume before you go to bed at night. The anti-viral properties found in lemons and limes will help you to effectively fight against common cold symptoms as well as boost your body’s immune response to fight off the infection.
  1. Improve digestion:
The consumption of both lemons and limes can help you relieve indigestion, bloating and foul burping.
  1. Relieve constipation:
Relieve your constipation problems by consuming a mix of lime or lemon, a glass of warm water and a small amount of raw honey to add a better taste to this healthy drink. Consume this drink before breakfast, on an empty stomach, to get an instant relief from constipation. Besides constipation relief, your body will also receive an excellent detox.
  1. Reduce frequency of heartburn:
Reduce frequent heartburns by consuming a mixture of 2 teaspoons of either fresh lemon or lime juice and a glass of warm water.
  1. Combat inflammatory disorders:
Both lemon and lime juice are highly effective in the combat against inflammatory disorders like arthritis, sciatica and rheumatism among others. The consumption of these juices is also associated with a reduced risk of gout, due to lemon and lime’s ability to inhibit the uric acid buildup in the body’s tissues.
  1. Treat asthma:
If you have asthma, you can relieve its symptoms by taking a tablespoon of lemon juice an hour before each meal.
  1. Reduce swollen gums:
To relieve swollen gums, combine some freshly-squeezed lime juice (diluted) with a pinch of sea salt and consume the resulting mixture. Another thing you can try to relieve this issue is to rub a piece of the albedo of a lime or a lemon (the white flesh under the peel) on your gums. Thus you will reduce their swelling.
  1. Relieve sore throat:
Prepare a mixture of warm water and lemon juice (ration 1:1) and gargle with it to obtain an instant relief.
  1. Relieve burning heels and soles:
Take a slice of lemon or lime and rub it onto the affected area (sole, feet, heel) to relieve the pain or burning sensation. By doing this, you will also encourage the process of toxin elimination from the pores of your feet.
  1. Nourish skin:
Lime and lemon peel help to moisture skin. Therefore, by rubbing dry or scaly skin with a piece of lemon or lime peel, you will provide it with its much needed moisture and it will become soft and supple like never before.
  1. Relax your body and help you fall asleep fast:
Soak your feet in a solution of lemon or lime and warm water. Its fresh smell and its cooling and astringent effects will provide you with instant relaxation, making you fall asleep right away.
  1. Relieve cholera:
The regular consumption of a cup of lemon or lime juice will help you destroy the cholera bacilli virus. Drink the same amount of water as well. Lemon and lime’s anti-viral properties are highly effective when it comes to this virus and will help you eliminate it within a short period of time.
Extra Juicing Tips
To get the most of your lemon or lime juice, you should include the entire fruit together with its peel. We all know that the peel is the part where harmful ingredients are usually contained, so prior to juicing you should make sure that the fruit is properly washed. Also, try buying 100% organic fruits in order to avoid the consumption of pesticides and GMO lemons and limes.
Using the whole fruit when preparing your juice will surely provide you with all the health benefits the fruit has to offer. The compound we’ve mentioned above, known as limonene, is very high in the white part of the fruit, just under the peel, so by juicing the entire fruit you will get the most of it.
In addition, you can use lemon and lime juice to make ice cubes and add them to other drinks as well. The ice cubes prepared like this can stay refrigerated up to two weeks and after that period they will start losing their taste and potential benefits.
A useful tip when buying lemons, is to look at their stem ends. The number of lines radiating from the stem shows you how high is their mineral content. The greater this number is, the higher their mineral content.
You should always consume lemon or lime juice in moderation.
If you notice any allergic reactions to some of these fruits, stop consuming them immediately and consult your healthcare provider.