Wednesday 2 March 2016

Super Fruit for Healthy Eyes

Eyes are the most important part of the body, without eyes, we will be a little mean. Eyes are organs that always be aware of their health so that we can smoothly activities Maintain eye health, not only by using glasses, but we also need to maintain the health of the eye. Custody of the is to eat foods and fruits are important for the eyes. Many fruits are important for eye health. These foods must be considered in the diet, so that our eyes become healthier.

Apricot - Nutrients in apricots can help protect the heart and eyes, as well as provide the disease-fighting effects of fibre. The high beta-carotene content of apricots makes them important heart health foods. Apricots contain nutrients such as vitamin A that promote good vision. Vitamin A, a powerful antioxidant, quenches free radical damage to cells and tissues. Free radical damage can injure the eyes' lenses. The degenerative effect of free radicals, or oxidative stress, may lead to cataracts or damage the blood supply to the eyes and cause macular degeneration.

Papaya - Papaya helps in keeping eyes bright and protected. Papaya is a source of beta-carotene along with carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin that protects against high intensity blue light and reduces the onset of age related macular degeneration (AMRD). It is also found to help against cataract. For a natural way to brighten your eyes, eat papaya. It's rich in the enzyme papain which helps nourish and support the creation of bright eyes and healthy skin, says Snyder. Papaya also contains high concentrations of vitamins A and C, which repair the skin, keeping it youthful. Eat papaya alone or throw them in a fruit salad.

Guava -Guava responsible for good eye sight. Guava is rich in retinal, so if you don’t like carrots, you can try a guava for improving  your eyesight. Guava contains good amount of Vitamin A. As Vitamin A is antioxidants, so it becomes highly preferred food to be consumed to improve eye health. Due to high antioxidants figs protect eyes from free radicals. Also it effective to prevent retinal damage caused due to free radicals. Thus it improves eye vision and protect from cataract or oracular degeneration.

Orange - Oranges are good for your vision because they're an excellent source of vitamin C and potassium, and they also contain fiber, calcium and folate. Oranges will do more than help keep your eyes healthy. The folate found in oranges, other fruits and green leafy vegetables is essential for early neurological development in embryos, so women who are pregnant or might become pregnant need to get plenty of folate from their foods.The potassium and fiber will help to keep your heart healthy and the vitamin C is important for immune system function, strong connective tissue and healthy blood vessels.With their tough protective peels, oranges make great take-along snacks. You can also enjoy a glass of orange juice any time.
Mango – One cup of sliced mango supplies 25 percent of the needed daily value of vitamin A, which promotes good eye health. It increases eye vision and protect from free radicals. As it is a rich source of other antioxidants, thus it is highly effective to prevent degeneration of the eye retina. So mango protect from cataract and macular degeneration. Mangoes help in promoting good eye sight, fights dry eyes and also prevent night blindness.

 – can be improved by eating peaches due to the carotenoids present. They help protect the eyes from harmful sunlight and slow the progression of eye diseases like night blindness and cataracts. Beta carotene is responsible for eye health. Lots of people around the world are in sight problem for lacking of beta carotene. Peach fruit can be their hope. Peaches are a rich source of beta carotene that improves vision health by increasing circulation of blood in the all body parts.

Strawberry – Strawberries are helpful for healthy eyes because they're packed with vitamin C, and they also offer foliate a B vitamin, fiber, and an array of photochemical, some of which may help to prevent cancer. Vitamin C was one of the nutrients used in the Age-Related Eye Disease Study -- a major clinical trial sponsored by the National Eye Institute. Vitamin C is an antioxidant, and your body needs it to make connective tissue and for healthy blood vessels, including those found in your eyes. Strawberries make a great snack just as they are, or they can also be topped with a dab of whipped cream and chopped nuts for a healthy sweet treat. Or add strawberry slices to a bowl of oatmeal or on top of a salad. Antioxidants, Vitamin C, flavonoids, Phenolic Phytochemicals and Elagic Acid in strawberry protects against the free radicals from the sun’s UV-rays. 
 – Avocados contain more carotenoid lutein than many common fruits, which defend against macular degeneration and cataracts, and slow age-related eye disease. Avocado is an excellent source of carotenoid lutein, which known to help protect against age-related macular degeneration and cataracts. Eating avocados can increase your levels of Lutein which protects against macular degeneration and the formation of cataracts. Further research is needed to determine exactly what it is that may assist in eye protection.

Rock Melon – Rock Melon is rich in beta carotene which help in maintaining healthy eyesight. On absorption by the body, these beta carotene get converted into Vitamin A which helps in preventing cataract and improving vision. Studies have proved that regular consumption of foods having high vitamin content can reduce the risk of developing cataracts by 40%. The orange fleshy interior of the cantaloupe gets its color from the beta-carotenes it contains. Beta-carotenes are important as antioxidants and can be converted to vitamin A - an important vitamin for healthy vision. Not only does a diet rich in vitamin A reduce the risk of cataracts and macular degeneration of the eyes, it also improves night vision and prevents uncomfortable dry eyes.

Grapes - Healthy vision can be achieved by the intake of grapes. Antioxidants present in grapes help in reducing the occurrence of diseases like macular degeneration. These antioxidants also prevent the process of oxidation and vision loss. Cataracts can also be prevented by it. The flavonol compounds in grape seeds are effective for the treatment of night blindness, retinal disorders and vision improvement. "Eating grapes may slow or prevent the onset of age-related macular

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