Thursday 10 March 2016

Natural Treatment of High Blood Pressure

High Blood pressure is heart disease. It is also known as silent killer because it can affect anyone without any symptoms and cause in any age. Currently many people are suffering from this disease all around the world. Normal Blood pressure rating is 120/80mmHg, High blood pressure rating is 140/90 mmHg andabove 140/90 is known as pre-hypertension. High blood pressure can cause many other diseases like heart failure, kidney failure and Parkinson/paralyses.

There are many methods to cure high blood pressure. Medications help you to maintain the level of blood pressure, but medications work for sometimes and they have many side effects. You can treat your high blood pressure properly just using some natural herbal treatments and by changing in your lifestyle. You can cure from high blood pressure in some days.

Symptoms of High Blood Pressure:
  • Blood pressure attacks on our Nerves system. First sign of blood pressure is nerviness.
  • Sweating in body.
  • Problem during sleeping.
  • Headache.
  • Pain in chest.
Causes of high blood pressure:

  • Now a day’s smoking and drinking has become a natural habit between people. This is a big reason of high blood pressure.
  • Reduction of water in body.
  • High salt in your body can cause high blood pressure.
  • Problem in kidneys.
  • Genetic disease.
  • Stress can cause high blood pressure.
  • Old age over 50.
  • High level of cholesterol can trigger to high blood pressure.
  • Any heart diseases can cause high blood pressure.

  • Diet, people who eat fast foods, spicy foods they have more risk of high blood pressure.
  • Overweight is another major cause of high blood pressure.
  • Any major diseases can cause high blood pressure.
  • Pain relief medicines can cause high blood pressure.
Natural Home Remedies for High Blood Pressure:
  • Drink atleast 6 to 8 glasses of water in a day.
  • Use less salt.
  • Do not use tobacco products and avoid alcohol.
  • Eat more fruits and vegetables.
  • Maintain a proper weight.
  • Try to avoid pain relief medicines.
  • Avoid fast foods and spicy products.
  • Regular exercise can reduce the level of high blood pressure. Try to take a walk in the morning, Morning walk is best way to treat high blood pressure problem.
  • Avoid tea and coffee.
  • Try to change your life style.
Diet recommended for High Blood pressure

  • Eat leafs of basil. It helps you to lowering down your high blood pressure.
  • Use cinnamon when you prepare your dishes. It helps to treat many heart problems.
  • You can eat raw garlic it has antioxidant content. Antioxidant contents helps to lowering down blood pressure. It is best natural herbal treatment for high blood pressure
  • Eat vitamin c and Vitamin E because these vitamins are natural antioxidants. They have natural properties to protect heart from diseases.
  • Eat more raw vegetables.
  • Drink coconut water. It is very good source of vitamin C and potassium.
Add a banana in your diet, banana is rich in vitamin C and potassium. These two contents help you to lowering your high blood pressure.

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