Monday 28 November 2016

Clear Blue Pregnancy Test Is The Best Home Product

Clear Blue Pregnancy Test Is The Best Home Product

For women, pregnancy gives you unlimited happiness of his life. This gift of God, which every woman wants. Recently married women who are at a loss and do not wait, try to consult a doctor at home. Since the test is that the confirmation of her pregnancy. But now everything has become much more advanced and modernized so that most women now believe that the results arising from the pregnancy test. In the market you will find many pregnancy tests that are just big business here because of its good reviews from users.

Clear Blue Pregnancy Test Is The Best Home Product

A Clear Blue famous British company, the first building products on the market, which is known as a digital pregnancy test blue course. This is the first product in a way that can determine the actual date when the child was conceived. The device is capable of indication that the user knows that conception was provided. This process is due to detection of hCG in the urine and the best part is that the result is that provides 100% security. This new product uses dual technology really smart sensors, which you probably will not find in other products, and it is very true. This technology is used to measure concentrations of hormones and to assess it in this concept. What you need to do is take the piss, then you will see in about three minutes to the expected result on the display. This is the only product that can also mean that a few weeks after conception has occurred.

According to the investigation of the use of these products is based on the house, it was reported that among all the goods for the house in blue pregnancy test for the better. Characteristics that are present in it only occasionally and in others. The concept of indicator used it quite a unique concept. Women can totally believe in this product, without any doubt and hesitation.

Child birth labour

Nine months of weird cravings, swollen breasts, squished lungs and no waistline leads up to the inevitable climatic point of pregnancy; labour. There are many rumours, myths and old wives tales that might make you feel unsettled, unprepared and downright terrified of this time-honoured rite of passage to motherhood.

Knowing what happens during labour and delivery can help relieve any fear or anxiety. Huggies has collected the following information, hints and tips to help prepare you for what is probably the most momentous event in your life.


Your big day is looming and it’s most likely going to be a roller coaster ride – scary and exciting all at the same time. One of the best ways you can ensure your labour is successful is proper preparation. You need to decide on several things in regard to your labour, including whether you will have a home birth or a birth in a hospital. Many hospitals give you a choice of going into a labour ward or a birthing centre. Birthing centres are usually for ‘natural’ births requiring no intervention and where the mother doesn’t want an epidural. Some have baths for water births.
If you do have a home birth, you will need to arrange a midwife. You may go into labour before or after your due date so it’s a good idea to start preparing a few weeks before your due date. You should get a hospital bag ready; this bag should be prepped way ahead of time. Some hospitals are a little pedantic about what you are and aren’t allowed into the hospital so it might be a good idea to check beforehand.

You should also ensure you have a car seat fitted for your little one’s journey home as well as nappies and baby clothes so your tot is comfortable and warm. It is a great idea to do a labour test run, where you get everything together and make a trip to the hospital. Many women are unsure about when labour actually starts, there are a couple of warning signs that signal the imminent onset of labour, but these signs can differ between women. Check out these signs and indicators in the signs of labour page so you are aware of what to look for. You should also understand that there are some different indicators for a premature birth, all these signs and symptoms are covered in Premature Birth: Signs and treatment of pre-term labour.
Labour can last a long time, and if you are relaxed about it, you should try to stay at home for as long as possible. If your contractions are arriving with 5 minutes intervals or less, if your water breaks, or you are bleeding, then it is a good time to make your way to the hospital. You should also have a reliable birth partner available to help you through the labour process. Here are the qualities and responsibilities that you should look for in a birth partner.


There are three distinct stages of labour, all with their own unique qualities and characteristics. Your first stage of labour is characterised by dilation of your cervix brought on by contractions. Your contractions will change from a dull cramp feeling into rhythmically occurring pain that comes at regular intervals. Due to this your cervix will become softer and more stretchy during its preparation for the baby. You should try to relax as much as possible and settle into a position that is comfortable for you. You should also go to the bathroom as often as possible to make sure your bladder is empty.
The second stage of labour is when your cervix is fully dilated, you push your baby down the birth canal and this stage ends with the birth. It helps to get into an upright position so that gravity can help the birth process. Don’t forget to breathe either! If you have had an epidural and can’t feel much, you need to listen carefully for instructions from your doctor or midwife.
Did you know that you are still in labour even after your baby is born? This is known as the third stage of labour. Your contractions might stop for a bit, giving you some false hope, but will start up again so that the placenta can be delivered (although they won’t be anywhere near as intense as your contraction from the first two stages). Some hospitals can give you an injection to nudge the placenta out of your body making the process easier for you. After you have ‘delivered’ the placenta, your midwife or doctor will check that everything is ok and that will pretty much be the end of your labour. Huggies has more detailed information on each stage of labour, so explore and get all the information to put your mind at ease

Sunday 6 November 2016


By now we should comprehend that eating fish is good for you. It’s packaged with omega-3 greasy acids that have a series of health benefits, not to discuss that they are also the substructure forrich seafood recipes you’re going to love.

To get these health boosts, however, you’ll have to supplement fish to your domicile menu during slightest once or twice per week. “When we speak about a advantages of eating fish, we’re articulate about over a prolonged tenure – that comes from eating it twice a week,” Alice Lichtenstein, former chair of a American Heart Association’s Nutrition Committee and highbrow of nourishment scholarship and process during Tufts University in Boston told a American Heart Association.
Of course, not all fish are combined alike. Some have a aloft calm of omega-3s, such as mackerel, salmon, tuna, sardines, and bluefish. But if you’re a seafood novice, go with what’s accessible uninformed in your internal marketplace (sometimes a best choice will be frozen, unless we live nearby a coastline) and what we consider you’ll like. “The many critical thing is they have to suffer a form of fish they buy or else it’s going to be a one-time thing,” Lichtenstein said.
No matter what form of seafood you’re selecting, you’re environment yourself adult to have a healthier life in a prolonged run, quite when it comes to your heart and your memory. Here are a few reasons because incorporating some-more fish in your diet is value it in a prolonged run.

1. It reduces your risk of memory loss

A new investigate published in a Journal of a American Medical Association (JAMA) found that eating fish as partial of a unchanging diet reduced a risk of Alzheimer’s disease by 47%. The study’s authors autopsied a smarts of 286 defunct participants after following their dietary habits for years as partial of a memory and aging study. None of a participants were diagnosed with Alzheimer’s illness when they began a study, yet those who ate fish frequently were significantly reduction expected to rise a neurological pathology unchanging with Alzheimer’s disease.
In this case, there was a poignant disproportion in participants even if they customarily had fish once per week, definition if you’re many endangered about your memory, a twice a week recommendation isn’t totally necessary. “Most studies in insanity have found that one seafood dish a week is beneficial,” lead researcher Martha Clare Morris told The New York Times, though “they haven’t found that a some-more we eat, a revoke a risk.”
Another anticipating of a study, however, was that imposters don’t feign out your brain. Fish oil supplements had no poignant outcome on tying Alzheimer’s, definition we need to eat a tangible fish to acquire this benefit.

2. It lowers your risk of heart disease

Source: iStock
Source: iStock
There’s a reason a American Heart Association is fervent to remonstrate we to eat fish twice per week: It can significantly diminution your chances of failing from heart disease. One study, again published in JAMA, resolved that eating one to dual servings of fish per week, “reduces risk of coronary death by 36% … and sum mankind by 17%.” This is generally loyal when a fish is high in omega-3s. (If you’re extraordinary about that fish have a top omega-3 content, this chart from a University of Michigan provides a ranking.)
Another investigate found that in group ages 40 to 59, eating dishes containing fish once or twice per week reduced their risk of failing from a heart conflict by 50%. Some people are endangered about increasing levels of mercury that come from eating a incomparable apportionment of fish any week. While it’s loyal that profound and nursing women and tiny children should extent their intake of certain forms of fish, for everybody else “the benefits of eating fish customarily transcend a probable risks of bearing to contaminants,” a Mayo Clinic states.

3. It reduces inflammation

In some cases, inflammation in a physique can damage blood vessels and lead to heart disease, according to a Mayo Clinic. Eating fish twice per week (the clinic’s and a American Heart Association’s recommendation) can revoke this risk.
But even if you’re not during risk for heart disease, eating fish can urge your health in other ways. The Arthritis Foundation recommends dual servings of omega-3 abounding fish per week to revoke symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis. According to a University of Maryland Medical Center, immoderate fish or fish oil can palliate a pain of corner damage from rheumatoid arthritis, yet it won’t delayed down a course of a disease. Though eating a genuine fish is always preferable, another investigate found that immoderate fish oil helped reduce a need for painkillers to palliate corner rigidity and pain.

4. It can revoke high blood pressure

Teriyaki fish, salmon

About 1 in 3 Americans (70 million people) have high blood pressure, according to a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. High blood pressure is a heading means of heart attacks and strokes, that together are a heading causes of genocide in a United States.
If we have critical high blood pressure, eating fish substantially won’t be a customarily diagnosis we need. (Exercise and remedy competence also be endorsed by your doctor.) However, studies have shown eating fish can assistance to regulate cholesterol levels, that will assistance revoke a risk of health complications that mostly go along with high blood pressure. The DASH diet, medically devised to revoke high blood vigour and one of a best diets of 2016, relies on a dish devise that includes fish. Large amounts of fish oil can assistance to revoke blood pressure, yet WebMD suggests eating a genuine fish instead of holding oil supplements, given a supplements in vast doses can means upsetting side effects.

Wednesday 2 November 2016

Health Benefits Of Kumquats

A small round to oval citrus fruit, the kumquat resembles a tiny orange. The kumquat grows on trees that originated in China. It can be found in California, Florida, the Mediterranean countries, China, Japan, Indochina, Indonesia, Israel, Peru, and Brazil.


Kumquat hybrids, when crossed with other citrus fruits, include the limequat, lemonquat, orangequat, and the calamondin (a cross with the mandarin orange).

Buying and storing tips

Kumquats are occasionally sold with a decorative stem and leaves attached. Avoid fruits with damaged skin and those that feel soft.


The peak season for kumquats is November through February.

Preparation, Uses, and Tips

In this fruit, the rind is edible, tender, and sweet, while the flesh can be dry and very tart, compared with oranges. Kumquats are usually eaten raw, as whole fruit, excluding the seeds. They make a striking garnish, especially when used with the leaves still attached. As with other citrus fruit, kumquats can be candied, marinated, prepared as marmalade, added to fruit salad, poached, or preserved whole.

Nutritional Highlights
  • Kumquat (raw), 1 fruit (19g)
  • Calories: 12
  • Protein: 0.17g
  • Carbohydrate: 3.1g
  • Total Fat: 0.02g
  • Fiber: 1.25g
  • *Good source of: Vitamin C (7.1mg)

*Foods that are an “excellent source” of a particular nutrient provide 20% or more of the Recommended Daily Value. Foods that are a “good source” of a particular nutrient provide between 10 and 20% of the Recommended Daily Value.

Health benefits and concerns

Allergies and sensitivities (food and chemical)

A low-allergen diet, also known as an elimination diet, is often recommended to people with suspected food allergies in order to find out if avoiding common allergen foods gives relief from symptoms. This diet eliminates foods and food additives considered to be common allergens, including citrus fruits. Some popular books offer guidance to people who want to attempt this type of diet. Most elimination diets are quite restrictive and increase the likelihood of nutritional deficiencies. A successful elimination diet is usually followed by reintroduction of eliminated foods one at a time, to see which ones are truly allergens for the individual person and therefore need to be eliminated indefinitely. Strict avoidance of allergenic foods for a period of time (usually months or years) sometimes results in the foods no longer causing allergic reactions. Restrictive elimination diets and food reintroduction should be supervised by a qualified healthcare professional.


Allergy to foods and food additives is a common cause of hives, especially in chronic cases. Citrus fruits are among those foods most commonly reported to trigger hives. Numerous clinical studies demonstrate that diets that are free of foods that commonly trigger allergic reactions typically produce significant reductions in symptoms in 50–75% of people with chronic hives. People with hives should investigate the possibility that food allergies are causing their problem by consulting with a doctor.

Kidney stones

Citric acid is found in citrus fruits and may protect against kidney stone formation. Lemons are the best food source commonly available. One preliminary trial found that drinking 2 liters (approximately 2 quarts) of lemonade per day improved the quality of the urine in ways that are associated with stone prevention. Lemonade was far more effective than orange juice. The lemonade was made by mixing 4 oz lemon juice with enough water to make 2 liters. The smallest amount of sweetener possible should be added to make the taste acceptable. Further study is necessary, however, to determine if lemonade can prevent recurrence of kidney stones

Tuesday 1 November 2016

Top 5 Early Signs of Pregnancy

Very early pregnancy symptoms, then no doubt there are signs that very early on that you are pregnant. The fertilized egg is implanted in about seven days after his arrest. Implantation of the first symptoms of pregnancy, begin to appear. Changes in hormone levels and the body begins to react to the new hormone levels.

The initial concerns about the pregnancy is completely overshadowed by the most unpleasant symptom known as morning sickness.

"This morning," This term may be misleading, because the symptoms often continue throughout the day. Nausea during pregnancy can begin before you know you are pregnant almost immediately after conception has occurred. Maybe the reports to you.

These are early signs of pregnancy can be very painful, especially if you are still reeling from the discovery that you are pregnant. If there are mixed feelings about the pregnancy and the possible end point, it is very painful as the disease carries a constant reminder of the reality of the pregnancy.

In the early morning sickness can be very violent. It happens to go to bed wondering why I do not know anyone to wake up, that he was hit by a bus. All sorts of symptoms, physical and spiritual, can happen early in pregnancy, and explains, "morning sickness", a generic name. The following list describes the experiences of women in the report:


Fatigue Fatigue / tiredness in pregnancy may be worse than the night after the birth. The women want to sleep more often than usual, and even sleep with only a slight effect on fatigue and sleepiness. Not often the whole day in bed and you feel tired! This may be completed in the first week of the pregnancy, it does not seem infinite. Start to worry about how to deal with the child, if you can not cope with fatigue, fortunately, this objection is raised, the development of the pregnancy.


Nausea and vomiting, fatigue, systemic diseases, some women may experience the most debilitating pregnancy. This can affect every aspect of their lives that this is not the practice of everyday life almost impossible. Despite the fact that the debilitating effects only in extreme cases can lead to vomiting, surgery or treatment. Indeed can be done to stop vomiting during pregnancy, and most women just try to survive and adapt their lives as possible, hoping the symptoms go away quickly.

Strange taste will be "a" or hunger. Many women have reported a metallic taste in the mouth. Women's Classic refuse certain foods or develop problems with certain foods. This can be a good adaptive reasons for women's "Crave" certain foods, perhaps, their bodies, to determine nutritional needs. In practice, however, often point to, that seems unlikely. In extreme cases, non-food, coal is the object of desire, which would be difficult to explain, under physiological conditions.


Headache, aches and pains.

Tears, anger bursts, anxiety. But when these feelings can be confusing for parents-to-be, especially for pregnant and wanted to plan.

Do not forget to take care of themselves, even before pregnancy. Do not drink, and stop smoking. Eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. Five of these early signs of pregnancy are trying to figure out how to make, because only the proper knowledge can ensure a healthy pregnancy and healthy baby.

Wednesday 24 August 2016

Diabetes project for pregnant women

The American Diabetes Association statistics suggest that about four percent of pregnant women experience gestational diabetes. GDM occurs when pregnant women have never had high blood sugar diabetes during pregnancy, especially lately. Plans for about 135 000 cases of pregnant women with gestational diabetes for installation in the United States each year.Women who develop gestational diabetes are likely to develop type 2 diabetes. Pregnancy is caused by failure by the parent in the system that produced insulin in the body naturally. associated with pregnancy, the hormones they produce, they are resistant to insulin. These are the conditions for pregnant women develop high blood sugar, also known as hyperglycemia.It is normal for women with diabetes during pregnancy for treatment even during pregnancy.congenital malformations associated with pregnancy, diabetes mellitus or pregnancy are not normal. Therefore, it can not be a big concern for children in this situation. The problem, however, may come a time when the task allowed to go untreated. Have excessive blood sugar, which means that the unborn child more than his share, or get fat and energy. This condition can lead to Makrosomiya or big kid.No matter how many people believe that fat is a sign of a healthy child, a child who weighs more than normally needed when it comes to birth. This can be very large to pass through the birth canal of the mother. The situation will almost always deliver a predetermined section. In addition, overweight children often have trouble breathing and finally, if they are still obese, type 2 diabetes alone.It's better when treatment is available gestational diabetes. Doctors recommend regular doses of insulin to restore her mother's blood sugar to normal levels. Women who want to avoid pregnancy, gestational diabetes, physical preparation. Physical therapy includes regular exercise, weight loss, and take a balanced diet. Women planning pregnancy should find also good glycemic index. The glycemic index helps people discover which foods to avoid to prevent diabetes or diabetic patients to help contain the disease.Pregnant women should and should follow the doctor for exercise and diet, particularly consumption of carbohydrates. Before pregnancy, women should always consult their doctor about their weight problems and ways to prevent diabetes. Professional counseling is important for women to prevent complications during pregnancy.A pregnant woman who was diagnosed with diabetes during pregnancy, her baby has a low risk of developing type 2 diabetes. GDM can be easily handled and not great. Pregnant women have access to a range of care their condition. What you should do is follow that doctors say.

Saturday 13 August 2016

Bedtime Drink

It is very important to know that detoxification is very essential for your body. By detoxification you can eliminate the toxins from your body which contributes in proper absorption of nutrients from the food. Cancerous and toxic compounds are also neutralized by the process of detoxification. In the next part of the article we will present you one amazing beverage which has the ability to speed up your metabolism, improve your immune system, cleanse your body of toxins and it can help you to lose weight also.
bedtime drinkbedtime drink
Belly fat is linked with hypertension, diabetes and development of heart diseases. Many researches show that excess belly fat is the first sign of diabetes type 2. Excess belly fat can be the cause of sudden heath death, according to one study which is published in The Journal Hearth magazine.
If you are determined to lose belly fat, then you will start to exercise regularly and eat healthy. We will present you one beverage which contains the most effective fat burning ingredients which will surely help you to reach your goal.
  • ½ lemon
  • 1 cucumber
  • 1 tsp. grated ginger
  • A bunch of parsley
  • 1/3 cup of water
Take all of the ingredients, put them in a juicer and make an amazing juice. Drink this juice every night before going to sleep. You will notice results very quickly.

Tuesday 9 August 2016

Antioxidant Brain Fruit

Eating good antioxidant Fruits helps you avoid diseases that make life tough on your brain. There are some Fruits which are a powerhouse for brain health. Antioxidants neutralize free radicals are groups of atoms that can damage cells and are believed to accelerate the progression of cancer, cardiovascular disease, and age-related diseases. A diet rich in antioxidants may also keep the brain operating at its peak to help reduce the risk of conditions.

Here are some of selected fruits that have high benefit for our brain:

Avocado - Healthy unsaturated fats in avocados help keep your brain cell membranes flexible. Avocados contain high quantities of monounsaturated fatty acids. helped protect nerve cells in the brain known as astrocytes, which provide support to information-carrying nerves. Avocados combine brain healthy omega-3 fatty acids with natural vitamin E, which has been clinically proven to prevent Alzheimer's disease from progressing and even reversing it in its earliest stages.

Blueberries - Help to improve short term memory, and slow, and even reverse, the onset of age related memory problems and balance issues. They also have a low GI, Berries could play an important role in clearing the accumulation of toxic proteins in the brain.Berries are a good source of antioxidant compounds and compounds such as polyphenolics that block inflammation and protect against cell damage. Scientists believe these polyphenolics restore the brain's ability to clean up cell debris produced as the brain ages, so it doesn't interfere with normal brain and nerve function. In a sense, the polyphenolics in berries carry out a "clean up" job that allows the brain to function better.

Nuts - Nuts are not only high in protein, but are also a good source of vitamin E, which helps prevent memory decline. Nuts contain protein, high amounts of fiber, and they are rich in beneficial fats. For getting an immediate energy boost that won’t turn into a spike later, you can’t do better than nuts. The complex carbs will perk you up while the fat and protein will sustain you. Nuts also contain plenty of vitamin E, which is essential to cognitive function. You don’t have to eat raw, plain, unsalted nuts, but do avoid the ones with a lot of sweetening or seasoning blends. Filberts, hazelnuts, cashews, and walnuts are great choices, with almonds being the king of nuts.

Watermelon - An excellent source of vitamin B6, watermelon makes an awesome brain food since it contains 92% water, which is the same content as the brain.  Besides this, watermelon helps regulate brain chemicals, thus normalizing sleep patterns, alleviating stress and depression besides enhancing a feel good factor. Being nature’s most natural source of potent antioxidant vitamins such as C and A through concentration of beta-carotene, along with their abundant supply of carotene antioxidant, lycopene, Watermelons protect the bodies from risk of various ailments.

Tomatoes - Tomatoes have been shown to fight against damaging free radicals. More concentrated methods of consumption, such as in tomato paste, provide the greatest benefits, but fresh tomatoes still hold some benefits as well.Tomatoes usually make the brain-boosting food lists. Tomatoes contain lycopene, an antioxidant that is particularly good for your brain, it even helps prevent dementia. You have to cook tomatoes to get the lycopene take that, raw foodies! Just kidding. But this does mean that ketchup is good for your brain. Although because of the sugar in it, you should look to other sources for most of your lycopene intake, such as fresh tomato sauce.

Pomegranate - Pomegranates contain same level of antioxidant as blueberry, which are essential for a healthy brain. Your brain is the first organ to feel the effects of stress, so anything you can do to offset stress is probably a smart choice although note that the connection between pomegranate and stress reduction is currently both contested and unconfirmed.Drinking pomegranate juice is very effective than eating it, pomegranate juice is also contains a lot of Fiber

Kiwi - kiwi that increase bone density because of the presence of potassium which prevents the loss of Calcium and helps keep bones intact.Fresh kiwi fruit is a very rich source of heart-healthy electrolyte potassium, which is an important component of cell and body fluids that help regulate heart rate and blood pressure by countering malefic effects of sodium. It also contains good amounts of minerals like manganese, iron and magnesium. These nutrients are important for the development of healthy bone. Apart from this, it contains potassium that is required for development of bone. Potassium is required to prevent the loss of calcium. It increases body capacity to absorb and utilize calcium. So kiwi fruit is effective to protect from osteoporosis.

Cherries - Eating cherry improves brain health due to its rich antioxidants. It prevents degeneration of brain cell thus prevents memory loss. The cherry also contains another antioxidant called Melatonin which due to its ability to cross the blood-brain barrier. It produces a soothing effect on the brain neurons helping to relieve neurosis, insomnia and headaches and calms down nervous system irritability. It was found that individuals with low melatonin levels have experienced heart attacks. Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder or ASD benefit from eating cherries or drinking cherry juice as the melatonin level increased as it brought about a calming effect on the brain neurons. Melatonin, is also associated with slowing down the aging process.
Carrot - Eating carrots benefits your eyes, but did you know they’re also good for your brain? Carrots contain a significant amount of luteolin, a compound shown to reduce brain inflammation and memory deficits. During normal aging, immune cells in the brain tend to produce more inflammatory molecules, which contribute to memory problems. Luteolin stops the release of these inflammatory molecules in the brain. start to eat carrot or drink carroit juice from now to get active with your brain.

Monday 8 August 2016

Mango for Hot Day

Mango, which is the most popular tropicana fruit, it has nutritionally rich fruit with unique flavor, fragrance, taste and health promoting qualities . Mangoes offer important vitamins and mineral to our body, preventing that way many dangerous diseases and keeping our body healthy and fit. For Hot weather one of the best fruit to eat more is Mango, it makes you feel cool and fresh.
Juicing the fruit from green mango and mixing with water and a sweetener helps to cool down the body and prevent harm to the body and also for hot day. From an Ayurveda viewpoint, the reason people often get diuretic and exhausted when visiting equatorial climates is because the strong “sun energy” is burning up your body, particularly the muscles.  The kidneys then become overloaded with the toxins from this process.

Mangoes contain 60 milligrams of vitamin C per cup of slices, which supplies 80 percent of a woman's daily vitamin C needs and 66 percent of a man's. Consuming plenty of vitamin C-rich foods like mangoes may decrease your risk of cancer, high blood pressure, osteoarthritis and heart disease. Vitamin C is also vital for maintaining the health of the bones, skin and blood vessels. The vitamin C content in mangoes decreases when the fruit is exposed to light, heat and air. To minimize vitamin C degradation, store your mangoes in a cool, dark location and use them within three to four days of purchase. Avoid peeling or slicing mangoes until just before eating.

Sunday 7 August 2016

The Stages of Pregnancy

What should I know about the different stages of pregnancy 

The task is essential to maintain the labels carefully what happens in your body, it is important to ensure that the priority of security conditions like these. 

Pregnant women, it is important to consider the various stages of pregnancy, so you can predict the changes occur, and adapt care to do this your body and coordinate family support needs of pregnant women . 

At this point, it is best to keep you, so you can make and track any case, your body. Your doctor can every day to make sure everything is okay and not needing medical help should be extended to you. 

Stages of pregnancy 

However, concerns about the weight of most women who are pregnant, also useful for members and loved, who knows what time will help the body release its own women-specific "per semester. 

Various stages of pregnancy, including features and changes that can occur, listed in the next section in detail. 

A. In the first quarter - the first half of pregnancy is characterized by several symptoms of many changes. It may be difficult for beginners to experience more symptoms of pregnancy and is a typical indicator of this appalling situation. 

Symptoms may include fatigue (typically morning sickness) breast changes in size and weight, nausea, vomiting and other things. Excessive urination may be experienced in this period because of hormones circulating in the blood, and that the developing fetus in the uterus during pregnancy. 

Moreover, until the first half of pregnancy have been completed, the fetus may increase the size of a walnut and start showing signs of life such as heart rate and locomotor skills (running). At this critical stage, as well as intensive and regular medical examination of signs of health for the mother and the fetus is normal symptoms of pregnancy that can happen. 

Food diet is recommended at this stage, even during pregnancy and regular consultations to maintain a low physical activity. 

In the second quarter. The second half is characterized by more aggressive changes. Dramatic changes in body figure for 6 weeks and most evident Legend, called Braxton Hicks contractions, you must create. It is this stage that your belly will grow and you can feel the baby grows inside you. 

Around 20-22 weeks, the uterus begins to grow all the way up to the navel, and a number of changes, including the production of colostrum (first milk is food), chest and nipples and the areola color and overall tone of the skin, can cause discomfort to the ta. 

Moreover, the blood vessels in different parts of the body where the fetus is developing experience in pressure and can lead to poor implementation of hemorrhoids and varicose veins. Pigments and color change can become Medicamentosum call this time and may disappear after delivery. 

After all, the end of the second half showing more signs of change in body size of the fetus grows 22-25 cm (11-14 inches) and weight can be about half a pound, and normal and probably hit. 

C. In the third quarter. The third quarter is usually called "delay" delivery. It is now your body to become less tolerable pain and change. You can start complaining of lower back and chest feel "full" maximum. 

At this stage the potential for mothers to begin training exercises breast and participated in "Big Day". The provision of training materials are conceivable, which are among the parents, who are generally not well prepared for these conditions. 

In theory, the most uncomfortable part of pregnancy because it may get leg cramps, lowerback pain, frequent urination and activities of bladder control and strong Braxton Hicks contractions.