Monday 11 May 2015

Here Tuthpest / Tuthpavder fly ...... really part II (Kancluiding Part)

In this post we have to decide that today we have Tuthpest dental cleaning, a Ayurvedic Tuthpavder be, or have some other way. Then started to write this post but do not understand how the order should start! ............. I think people are using for cleaning teeth Let's start by discussing various ways ...... 

Madiketid Tuthpesten  ..... Peston containing these medicines are used by many people ... is simply that when someone hurts teeth, So a friend recommended the names of relatives Tuthpest Madiketid such places. Just what is it ... the next day by the whole family started the paste is used. For those who often feel cold in the teeth or gums bleeding when they go to a dentist instead purchase its own such Pesten rubbing pays to obey. Sometimes a dentist during the treatment of this type of paste used to recommend a couple of days ............ However, some people's attitude is just why it Stop, just a name we should know more when it seems the rest of us Peston thus, why should we use it to close. Nowadays newspapers such claims even some Pesten looks Piria disease is cured by the use of these.  Till then I neither saw nor heard any such charismatic Tuthpest that give this Piria heal itself.  If Piria then treating this with a trained dentist will have to be, and is not only an option if the teeth feel cold-hot ... then go to the dentist to know the reason for this has to be resolved after this. Such Madiketid Tuthpesten Do not do anything .... maybe Lnben long teeth and gums disease symptoms are suppressed surely gives people a strange way of Sans Sakyuriti embroiled in Falls City has everything that these Peston The reality is that despite the use of these teeth and gum disease are growing inside their own fun.  This type Madiketid Tuthpeston name a few reasons I am not writing here .... but you Most of these already know about and probably never ever would have even used them on someone Rikmandeshn. Ayurvedic Tuthpavder .... Since I am not a practitioner of Ayurvedic ... therefore in this regard my thoughts exactly My Abjrvesn are based on ..... I am waiting for years over an Ayurvedic expert also elicit these Ayurvedic Pavderon. You then see the condemned Ayurvedic bit of powder ... people probably die Kill will be determined. But why should condemn, we just talk about science. I often think the Ayurvedic so much faith in our people to benefit from all such companies only raised the Ayurvedic powder and paste. Not only took advantage of silver is only Kuti. How easy is it to keep a paste nice little country name ...... messing with people's trust to the people just the same name .... That's what is meant by these companies work .... These Ayurvedic Peston and Pavderon is inside, there has been someone to look .... just name the indigenous right, all right, and what! People often take the same thinking. Now many of you who are reading this are thinking that this is not what the doctor is saying, a thousand years old Ayurvedic medical system itself is saying bad things. No, I am not saying that at all, because in my mind the Ayurvedic medical system like you have great respect, honor! Now you must be wondering where the trouble ... so I listen only trouble is that my Consider the words of the people who Santiments Ayurvedic, those being the Aksplayt. An idea comes to my mind is often so much out of these Ayurvedic Pavderon packing components (ingredients) are written that once the ivory tower There must be so small as to seem that it Direct powder coming from his grandmother's nursing home. But I have a desire to use all the money that these powder sold on the market, if that much money just to buy these components from the market to grind, so that big box will be ready. Now the answer you think !! Well personally I do not think I ever spent so much money we can make such a big box. Today, twenty years ago, I did a survey on these Ayurvedic Pavderon .... This was what I noticed was that some coaches under The various components of the matter is that these so village, they had written so many grams .... and after that it has been mixed with 100 g to make the ocher soil. Due to this kind of survey was that in those days in the market were such that the powder found in the tobacco also was Huya. But nowadays do not like ..... well get some powder. Not sold in this country! Yes, I was referring to the clay powder ..... reality is that any damage to the outer layer of the teeth to wear on the teeth becomes affected and cold in the teeth Feeling hot starts. I have so many patients who come to see the thin shape of the teeth, I would ask you in the name of a powder with a powder that are depreciated ....... not very often I get the same answer to this is yes. Now that I heard these words will be giving you the answers KPatience more solution-a solution that doctors do not turn things ..... just so tell us whether these Ayurvedic Tuth-Pavderon continue using. But I am coming to the same thing. This is my conviction that a Datun (neem, acacia etc.) In addition, if you use an Ayurvedic dentifrice want to do it on your own, why not get ready .. .... well, that is just my opinion simply based upon my so many years of keen observation! simple thing that you can use any Ayurvedic dentifrice Zkbs Keep in mind that anything that is not harmful component were mixed, and not only be such coarse powder .............. but my dentist teeth without any problem also a matter of getting your place once a year Wahid is adamant that it can say he is the same person that you teeth and gums are disease-free. Well here I am again ... I have to write it word for Ayurvedic dentifrice is the guilt ... Now a grossly Kargujhar Ayurvedic medicine and I am writing it repeatedly Ayurvedic So that the powder in Ayurveda is only a few rounds. There is nothing like ..... the only people to Aksplayt is a business. So I am thinking that the place sold the domestic powder Pavderon !! Why do not you have to say so, the message is clear that you have nothing but your teeth and gums Please use should not be harmful to you and dental -cikitsk go regularly to keep your check-up offering. However, whether this post I am going to finish today, but soon a post on the correct use of Datun  Like the Un-Spasifaid ways to keep clean the outside of the teeth. The idea of mine about these something is better than nothing ...... long as it does not pose any health hazard! ...... Salt oil used is so often the difference now is the same .... So that's that someone is doing it as a hobby but sometimes it is the hand restraints that are not managed to buy the expensive paste-brush ........... but what difference does has been tested regularly by the dentist is saying that everything is fine, after all, is worth. This is no doubt that the salt-oil legislation to clean teeth, then hundreds of years old. But the tobacco burn rubbers on her teeth and gums when the legislation was nowhere ... it is our own theories .... It is very used by people in Bombay and other tobacco burns Meshri is called. This will clean around the teeth with mouth cancer but this can not be so great open invitation ...... a way of inviting superhit formula mouth cancer. Now, many people take Manj homegrown soap teeth .... It is wrong because of the chemicals present in the lesions in the mouth. Some people in the house by burning the shells of almond powder to prepare flame is seen. In this part of India, especially used by women Dndasa too ..... it is the bark of walnut is used as the Datun. Muslim brothers Miswok is used for cleaning the teeth ... which has been proven to be very beneficial ingredients. This thing conclude here by saying that you object to your ever-to-day on teeth and gums are used, it should be devoid of all kinds of harmful properties and better dentist should have a little talk. General Tuthpest  - --- Tuthpeston glut in the market today. But when people ask me what I use paste available at our multinationals am counted as two or three Peston has none of these up. I think of this indigenous, native or immigrant .... I'd never fall in the trap of a top company argued that if a patient has any other paste-paste my getting prices so why this second (paste it! .... and nothing Lijiyega sense!) to fall in giddy! richest countries to treat diseases of the teeth by unsuccessful attempts to be more consistent, but rich countries like the US, your hands been standing. So, the scientists decided that if we want to achieve victory over the mouth diseases, we will adopt the model of hedge. Therefore, to avoid diseases of the teeth found after all only been taken out of the blockbuster means the World Health Organization has recommended that ..... he is this ... twice a day, morning and night of sleep before any fluoride-containing Tuthpest should clean the teeth. So you must check this also took time to buy Tuthpest that fluoride is found Huya. Avoid diseases of the teeth is a big weapon. Today, twenty years ago about the use of fluoride in the country were the two camps are made. If you have questions about this Btlaiaga, will be covered in detail in a next post. The paste containing fluoride should only begin from the age of seven ... but as soon as the child is four years old, that's quite a bit of the paste by putting this paste on the brush can be started, but be careful That child does not paste. again about the fluoride, the paste will discuss and elaborate on the brush. pets also am trying to say to us today, tomorrow people eating too much much has changed, we are eating more and more refined things, more hard-stuff we often understand the practice to include in your food the same, raw-food (salads, sprouted grains and pulses, etc.) are becoming far Faust-food are in a hurry to bring it then also will have to accept the Tuthpest and brush. Well, now the time has come publishing this post I am thinking that the scope of the subject is so vast how to do justice to this in one or two posts .... Well, everything's comments, the feedback is up .... You want to know something about the subject to write about this will . Pets but a useful thing which is written in the books, he would surely tell that the brush with a paste .... it probably is not so much legitimate Aksaptebiliti only enhances brush. It is said that if someone without speaking to a paste to clean teeth, then I do not know how many people will .................. others, I myself do not I'll be 18 years since the fluoride-containing tooth paste brush am and Brand-Loyal ............ I am satisfied.

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