Monday 11 May 2015

Chukandar Health Benefits of Beetroot


It is stamped as famous and delicious vegetable, which is rare but largely known due to its uses. Chukandar or Beetroot is mostly found in western countries. It belongs to the family of Turnip and Spinach. Glucose, protein, iron, vitamin A, H, C, B are its basic components, which make it a very useful vegetable. We use it in salad after boiling but it is found largely in Europe and is used as a source of sugar. It is cooked as vegetable and is red in color. Beetroot gives any to any dish a specified reddish color that looks elegant and one thing is believed that beautiful garnishing of food is a plus point in increasing appetite. So it can be said that Beetroot is more than a vegetable.

Hazrat Um-ul-Manzar (a.s) said that one day (Prophet Peace be upon him) came to her house with Hazrat Ali. At that time a few bunches of dates were hanging in their house so we served both of them with dates, both were hesitating and denying to have these so Prophet said to Ali that you must eat these because you just recovered from a disease and feel weak. Then I cooked bread and beetroot gravy so the Prophet advised his companion to have this because according to Prophet it was beneficial for him.

This advice to Ali was completely authenticated by medical science later on. If we look at the composition of beetroot we can observe a very important aspect of this that it contains natural sugar and starch called ‘Nashasta’ in Urdu which after entering into the body turns into glucose and helps to overcome the weaknesses.

Beetroot is a famous and delicious vegetable, which is produced in small quantities, but it has its fame for the unique set of benefits it provides. This beneficial vegetable mostly grows in western regions of the world. Beetroot belongs to the family of spinach. Half of its part grows beneath earth and the remaining above earth or soil. This is used as a vegetable but it is also used for the production of sugar as it has a huge amount of sugar stored in it. The sugar obtained from this vegetable is not as much better as the sugar obtained from sugarcane but still people like to use beetroot’s sugar.

In our country, it is usually used as salad after boiling or as it is. It is also used as the vegetable to make gravies. As it has red color so if you want to beautify any dish and adds some beetroot in it, it can change the whole dish into red color. It softens the chest veins and pipes. This is termed as a healer because it has the elements like glucose, protein, iron and vitamin A, H, C and B.

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