Thursday 30 June 2016

Five different types of meditation

Mediation has proven to provide significant benefits in the life of practitioners. There are over five different types of meditation techniques listed below that can give you an insight into the treasury of a healthy mind as well as body. 

Breath Observation

breath observation
Central to any technique of meditation is breathing or monitoring one's breath. Breath observation is as simple as paying attention to your breath for a very short period from say a few seconds to minutes. To start with the breath observation meditation technique, settle yourself down on a flat surface and in a place that is quiet and serene. Sit straight and place your hands on either of your knees.Take a deep breath and exhale slowly. Breathe from your nose as it transports oxygen all the way to the bottom of the lungs. If your mind wanders for the first few times during your meditation session, re-focus your attention on your breathing pattern and continue doing it for long as you are comfortable. 

Begin Meditation with an empty mind

Meditation, for many experts or regular practitioners, is a source for vacating all the thoughts from the mind. And, to do this, sit patiently on flat surface with your back straight and eyes closed. Let the mind relax. This might be an especially diificult meditation for beginners because an effort of any kind on the mind will cause wrong practice of the technique. Just be patient and take your time.

Walking Meditation

Walking meditation requires the practitioner to use his or her body completely. This can be performed outdoors or inside a room. While you start walking, observe the way your body moves and how your feet contracts when it is exposed to ground. While walking, observe your breath. If you are planning to exercise the walking meditation technique outside your house, look out for a place that is away from the hustle bustle of city life. The health benefits of meditation are immense.

Mindfulness Exercise

walking meditation
Mindfulness exercise is also called insight meditation. In mindfulness exercise, you meditate to enhance awareness of everything that is happening around you. To start this meditation technique, you can concentrate on your breathing pattern. Slowly, move away from the thoughts that may be troubling your mind and focus on what is going on outside the realm of your body and mind. The key to this meditation technique is to watch and hear everything without judging or analysing what is being seen or heard.

Simple Mantra Meditation

Mantra meditation is considered one of the easiest ways of meditation as it draws you away from all thoughts by making you focus on just one object. Chanting mantras is a great help for people who wish to practice this technique. An experienced master who understands your expectations from a regular meditation routine usually chooses the mantra. While doing this meditation, you can either choose to say the mantra aloud or in your head.

Several other kinds of meditation techniques are available as well, but they need to be practiced regularly. However, one must understand that these techniques are usually used to suit certain situations.

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