Sunday 22 May 2016

Water Guava(Jambu air)

Jambu air or water guava also known as rose apple, does not at all resemble an ordinary apple. This water guava is imported from Thailand. The fruit has the shape and size of a small pear. Fresh water guava has a bright green colour. If ripe, the skin is rose-pink and waxy. The fruit is crispy, has a woolly texture and tastes like an apple. The liquid to flesh ratio of the wax apple is comparable to a watermelon. It's remarkably refreshing and juicy.

water guava, are low in calories and rich in antioxidants. In medical industry the fruit is undoubtedly a tonic for the brain and liver in India. A distillation of the fruit behaves as a diuretic. A sweetened preparation of the flowers is considered to lessen a fever. The leaf decoction is used to sore eyes, also works as a diuretic and expectorant and cure for rheumatism.

A number of Traditional Medicinal Utilizes which aren’t however clinically confirmed. The seeds are utilized towards diarrhoea, dysentery and also discharge .In Nicaragua, it is often claimed that the infusion of roasted, powdered seeds is effective to diabetics. In Colombia, they promise that the jambu air seeds provide an pain-killer. there are actually many benefit and nutrient can get form eating this fruit

1. Prostate Cancer Prevention
Water guava has shown to prevent the development of cancer of the prostate. There is certainly a few proofs that selecting a nutritious diet that’s lower in fat and also packed with vegetables and fruit may possibly lower your chance of prostate cancer.

2. Breast Cancer Protection
Water Guava, consuming a diet abundant with vegetables and fruit doesn’t provide direct defence against breast cancer. Additionally, dietary fat as well as breast cancer demonstrated just a minor reduction in the potential risk of unpleasant breast cancer for ladies who consumed a low-fat diet.

3. Lower Cholesterol
Water Guava are usually loaded with vitamin C and also fiber, a substance which has been proven to reduce cholesterol levels.

4. Beneficial for Diabetics
Water Guava fruit has an effect on the pancreas within diabetes sufferers and also behaves as a block from the transformation of starch into sugar. The seeds have got a glucose within them referred to as jamb line which can be dried out and changed into a powder this particular powder could be included with water 3 to 4 times each day to help lessen sugar within the urine.

5. Water Guava good for brain and Liver
The fruit is recognized as a tonic for the brain and also liver. An infusion of the fruit behaves as a diuretic. A syrupy preparation of the flowers is considered to lessen a fever. The leaf decoction is used to sore eyes, additionally functions as a diuretic and also expectorant and cure for rheumatism. The juice of macerated leaves is taken like a febrifuge. Powdered leaves have already been applied on the bodies of smallpox sufferers for the chilling result.

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