Tuesday 31 May 2016

Ways to Gain Weight with a Fast Metabolism

learn the simple ways here that you can do to add pounds to your frame.
  • 1

    Increase Portion Size

    The basic thing that you should follow is that your calories intake should be 3,500 more than what you burn through activities and daily functioning. One simple way to work towards this goal is by increasing the size of portion you eat. You don’t have to stuff yourself if you are someone who eats little or have small appetite, but consciously need to try to eat more food than usual every time you sit down to have your meal.
    pinterestIncrease Portion Size
  • 2

    Increase Calorie Intake

    Start eating calorie dense foods to increase your calorie intake. Certain foods provide more calories than others for the same serving size. This helps those a lot who want to put on weight. Include foods like dried fruits, nuts, peanuts butter, cheese, peas, corn, potatoes and ice cream to add calories.
    pinterestIncrease Calorie Intake
  • 3

    Increase Protein Intake

    Protein is the building block of your body and your body is going to be starving for it if you don't add enough proteins to your diet. Never let your protein intake go lower than 2.5 gms per kilo of body weight, when you are aiming to add muscles for long-term.
    pinterestIncrease Protein Intake
  • 4

    Include Snacks

    Include more of unprocessed foods such as nuts, seeds and dried and fresh fruit that are nutritious and can be easily tucked inside your backpack, briefcase or purse to eat when you are away from home. Eat every two to three hours to enhance your calorie intake.
    pinterestInclude Snacks
  • 5

    Start Strength Training

    Strength training is the key to adding pounds of muscle mass to an underweight body frame. Muscles weigh more than fat and can also help the body shape for a healthier appearance. For best results you should target each major core muscle in your body such as the legs, arms, back, chest, shoulders and abdominals. Performing two to three sets of each strength exercise, two to three times per week can bring a lot difference to shape the body. In addition, you should also obtain comprehensive instructions by a trainer at your local gym or apart from this you can also get help from fitness magazines or books, online or from workout DVDs.
    pinterestStart Strength Training

6 Ways To Boost Male Fertility Naturally

The presence of couples unable to conceive is an increasingly common scenario in my clinic compared to two decades ago. About 15 percent of couples experience conception problems, and this percentage is growing. Infertility is defined as the absence of conception after one year of regular intercourse without the use of any contraceptive. Men are responsible for this problem at least 40 percent of the time. Where modern medicine has developed its own technical solutions for assisting infertile couples in getting pregnant, complementary medicine can also offer its own assistance in increasing male fertility. Before attempting natural remedies, it is important to rule out any underlying treatable medical conditions.

1. Improve sperm count 

The average sperm count is between 120 and 350 million per cubic centimeter. A low sperm count is below 40 million per cubic centimeter. Low sperm counts or poor sperm motility may be due to environmental toxins such as chemicals, radiation, drugs, heavy metal exposure, cigarette smoking, excessive alcohol use, street drug use and pollution.
Heat can also reduce sperm production. Hot baths, sitting for long periods of time and tight-fitting underwear that constricts the testes can all elevate temperatures long enough to suppress sperm production.
The anti-ulcer drugs cimetidine and ranitidine have both been reported to decrease sperm count and produce impotence.
2. Reduce chemical exposure 

The semen of the average man today has half the sperm, and of poorer quality, than 50 years ago.
This is believed to be caused by exposure to xenoestrogens (PCBs, DDT, dioxin, other pesticides, plastics and industrial pollutants) that mimic the effects of estrogen. You can prevent or minimize the impact of xenoestrogens on your health by doing the following:

  • Avoid plastic containers for food storage, plastic bottles, wraps and utensils.
  • Use office paper products whitened without chlorine.
  • Use only non-bleached coffee filters, paper, napkins and toilet tissue to reduce dioxin exposure.
  • Avoid chlorinated tap water, chlorine bleach and other chlorinated products; use hydrogen peroxide as an alternative.
  • Eat organic food as much as possible to avoid pesticides and herbicides.
  • Avoid synthetic deodorants and cosmetics; use only organic products whenever possible.
  • Avoid animal products with a high fat content that contain hormones, especially conventional milk and dairy products, chicken, beef and pork.
  • Avoid alcohol and caffeine.
  • Avoid fried, charcoal-broiled or barbecued forms of cooking.
  • Eat lots of foods high in antioxidants (carotenes, vitamins A, C, E and selenium) such as green leafy vegetables, kale, carrots, citrus, broccoli, cauliflower and yams.
3. Improve diet
Getting plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains and legumes can help boost fertility. Also avoid tobacco, refined carbohydrates, coffee, tea, alcohol and foods with artificial additives.
Maintain your ideal weight. Food deprivation in men leads to a loss of sex drive and structural changes to reproductive tissue leading to infertility.
Obesity, on the other hand, can be associated with a low sperm count and impotence, possibly because of higher temperatures caused by excess fat near the testes.

4. Exercise regularly 

According to the American Society of Reproductive Medicine, regular exercise (five times a week for at least 45 minutes) and a healthy diet enhance fertility by keeping body weight at normal levels and relieving stress and anxiety.
Excessive amounts of exercise (marathon running and associated training) can be a cause of infertility because it can lead to amenorrhea (absence of menstruation) in women and a lowered sperm count in men.
If you are not sure what type of exercise is best for you, get yourself a personal trainer. He or she can give you an exercise program to bring your weight and fitness levels into the ideal range.

5. Take nutritional supplements
For men, the most important supplemental nutrients to enhance fertility are vitamin C and zinc. Vitamin C (2,000 to 6,000 milligrams daily) helps prevent sperm from clumping or sticking together, thus improving the chances for fertility.
Zinc supplementation (100 to 200 mg daily) has been shown to increase testosterone levels, sperm count and sperm motility. High zinc sources include oysters, organ meats, lean beef, turkey, lamb, herring, wheat germ, legumes and nuts.
Arginine is an amino acid the body produces from the digestion of protein. It is found in high amounts in the head of the sperm. Although not available as a supplement in Canada, arginine has been shown to help low sperm counts and poor motility. In high doses, arginine is also a potent dilator of arteries, leading to better erections. Food sources of arginine include nuts, chocolate, meat, poultry, fish and dairy.
Other nutrients that have been shown to improve sperm counts include essential fatty acids (9 to 12 grams daily), chromium (1,000 mcg daily), selenium (200 mcg daily), copper (2 mg daily), vitamin E (800 IU daily), coenzyme Q10 (400 mg daily) and B-complex vitamins (50 mg daily), especially vitamin B12 (1,000 mcg daily).

6. Try herbal helpers
The herbs listed below may be effective for improving erections, sexual desire, blood flow to the sexual organs and general sexual health with virtually no side-effects:

  • panax ginseng (Korean ginseng): 500 milligrams, 1 to 3 capsules daily
  • saw palmetto berry: 80 mg, 1 to 2 capsules daily
  • muira puama: 500 mg, 3 to 6 capsules daily
  • ginkgo biloba extract: 250 mg, 1 to 3 capsules daily
  • rhodiola rosea: 500 mg, 1 to 3 capsules daily
  • nutmeg: 500 mg, 1 capsule daily
  • horny goat weed: 500 mg, 1 capsule daily
  • elk antler velvet: 500 mg, 1 to 3 capsules daily
  • Tribulus terrestris: 500 mg, 1 to 3 capsules daily
Since sperm formation takes almost three months, it will take at least this amount of time before experiencing the benefits of a nutrient supplementation program.

Causes of Male Infertility

  • inadequate sperm production by the testes
  • poor sperm motility
  • varicocele (dilated veins in the scrotum)
  • undescended testis/testes
  • excessive xenoestrogen (environmental estrogen) exposure
  • infectious disease of the epidydimis (storage tube for sperm), testes, seminal vesicles, urethra, prostate or vas; benign prostatic hypertrophy (enlargement)
  • endocrine (glandular) diseases affecting the hypothalamus, pituitary, thyroid, adrenals and the testes (e.g. low DHEA and low testosterone levels)
  • congenital abnormalities
  • urethral stricture
  • malnutrition, especially protein deficiency
Infertility Statistics
  • Ten to 20 percent of all men have low sperm counts.
  • Two to three percent of all men are completely infertile, producing no sperm at all.
  • Infertility affects at least 15 percent of the reproductive age population, with roughly 40 percent of the cases attributable to men.
  • Eighty-five percent are treated with conventional medications (synthetic hormones) or surgery to repair diseased reproductive organs.
  • Less than five percent of infertile couples attempt in vitro fertilization, which has a 10 to 20 percent success rate at a cost of $10,000 per attempt

Monday 30 May 2016

What are The Health Benefits of Carrot for Body and Beauty

What are The Amazing Benefits of Carrot for Body and Beauty

The carrot is a root vegetable, usually orange in colour, though purple, red, white, and yellow varieties exist. It has a crisp texture when fresh. 
Carrots are one of the vegetables that should be familiar to all people all over the worldOf elongated shapeand color, mostly orange or red carrots easily make one vegetable that is easily recognizableMost of usalso knows that vegetables are very good for maintaining the health of the eye organSoeat carrots directlyor for the juice and vegetables are highly recommendedHoweverit was not the only carrots benefits foryour bodyThere are many hidden benefits contained in a carrot

Daucus carota is cultivated across the world for its prized taproot. It is biennial and bears flowers during second year of life. However, in general, the whole plant is harvested much prematurely without wait for the bloom when its root reaches about an inch in diameter, tender and juicy.

Carrots vary widely in color and shape depending up on the cultivar types. Generally, oriental taproots are long, featuring flat upper end with tapering, tail like, lower ends. They are winter season crops in many parts of Asia.

European carrots, on the other hand, have more rounded blunt ends with almost as a cylindrical body. In addition, European-variety feature bright orange color in contrast to saffron colored Asian cultivars.
Here are some Amazing benefits of carrots for the healthy of the body and Beauty

Better eyesight
Source of beta-carotene in carrots will be converted by the liver into a source of vitamin A. So no wonder, if a person regularly eating carrots in the daily menu, then organ eye health will awake the whole time.

Anti-Cancer Vegetables
Carrots become one of the vegetables that are very effective to ward off various types of cancer is very deadly as breast cancer, lung and colon. This is due to the content of falcarinol and falcarindiol which are anticancer in a carrot.

A More Heart Healthy
The content of beta-carotene, alpha-carotene and lutein make carrot is in need of the heart organ. This is because. various substances that will make you avoid the various disorders or heart attack.

Teeth Healthier And Stronger
Carrots instrumental in helping remove plaque and food debris that can damage your teeth and gums. This is because, carrot contains certain minerals that can prevent tooth decay from time to time.

The Powerful Stroke deterrent
Regularly consume orange vegetables or carrots can reduce and prevent stroke that could threaten the safety of lives in an instant.

More Appear Younger
The content of beta-carotene which is very high in a carrot can slow down the aging of cells. So that makes a person look more youthful despite years pass.

Cleansing Toxins In Body
The content of Vitamin A in carrots can cleanse organs colon and bile and fat in your liver naturally and effectively.

Thus I created this article to provide information on the "What are The Health Benefits of Carrot for Body and Beauty" may be able to give a good knowledge for the readers. If this article is pleased and feel good, would you to share this article via Facebook, Twitter so your friends know this information.

Diarrhea Causes and Treatment

Diarrhea is a disease that can affect individuals of almost every age group. However, this disease, caused by a virus, is usually found in infants and small children. If this condition persists for more than a couple of weeks, it is termed as Chronic Diarrhea.

Diarrhea Signs and Symptoms

The patient passes a thin stool frequently. At times, a severe stomach ache is also experienced. Due to the frequent passing of stools, the body becomes dehydrated and an individual suffers from a deficiency of essential minerals. The skin becomes dry and rough and severe weakness occurs. The patients of Diarrhea suffer from rapid weight loss and they become pale. Children, in particular, look extremely dull and weak. In severe cases, the intestines may also bleed.

Causes of Diarrhea

Diarrhea may occur due to a number of various reasons including virus and bacteria. Most people get in contact with this disease during the rainy season when the virus spreads easily. The most dangerous virus is called Rotavirus which affects infants. Diarrhea may also be caused due to bacteria called E. Coli, which may be found in food items like rice, milk or yoghurt. Bacterial infection may be caused if you eat fruits and vegetables without washing them.
Diarrhea causing germs are also found in unpurified water and can be transmitted to humans through this water. Many other dangerous parasites can also be the reason behind Diarrhea.

Diagnosis of Diarrhea

Diarrhea is diagnosed by carrying out a stool test. Viral Diarrhea is detected with the help of Elisa test. Dehydration can be detected in children judging from their pale and dull faces. Apart from that, bacteria are detected by conducting three separate culture tests.

Diarrhea Treatment and Prevention

After carrying out the laboratory test for Diarrhea, treatment should be conducted under the supervision of an experienced physician so that further complications can be avoided. The treatment depends on the type of virus. Usually, antibiotics are prescribed by doctors to treat Diarrhea. They can be taken by the patients for a prolonged period of time –up to three weeks. In case of severe pain, Bascopan may be prescribed.
An individual suffering from Diarrhea should only take simple and easily digestible food and should only drink boiled water. Spicy and oily food should be given up and cold water should also be avoided as much as possible. Children can be given ORS to treat their dehydration and mineral deficiency, whereas adults should drink more and more boiled water. In case there is severe deficiency of minerals, it should be treated by intravenous glucose drips. Diarrhea is very dangerous for children and old aged people. This is because Diarrhea leads to weakness instantly. This may lead to more health complications. Therefore, it is of utmost importance to treat Diarrhea promptly.

Health Benefits of Tamarillo (Tamamoro) For Woman Pregnant (During Pregnancy)

What are the Health Benefits of Tamarillo (Tamamoro, tree tomato, tomate de árbol) For Woman Pregnant (During Pregnancy)

Tamarillo, is a small tree or shrub in the flowering plant family Solanaceae (the nightshade family). It is best known as the species that bears the tamarillo, an egg-shaped edible fruit. It is also known as the tree tomatotamamoro, and tomate de árbol in South America.

Benefits of Tamarillo (Tamamoro) During Pregnancy

Tamarillo season begins in New Zealand from May until October. Choose well-developed, bright, uniform colored, ripe and ready to eat fruits. Tamarillos available in several attractive colors of orange, golden-yellow, deep red, maroon, etc. Look for healthy stalk. Avoid small, shriveled, damaged and bruised fruits.

At home, ripe fruits may stay well for up to 5-7 days and inside the refrigerator for up to 10 days.

Juicy, sweet and citric, tamarillo or tree tomato is a small oval-shaped fruit. It is closely related to other Solanaceae family of vegetables and fruits such as tomato, eggplant, tomatillo, groundcherry, and chili peppers. Tree tomatoes are thought to have originated in the semitropical high altitude Andes forests of Brazil and Peru. The fruits cultivated at a commercial scale in large orchards in northern parts of New Zealand and exported to USA, Australia, Japan and European Union countries.

Some of the common names include tomate de arbol (Spanish), tomate de arvore (Brazil, Portuguese), and tree tomato (English). Scientific name: Solanum betaceum (Cyphomnadra betecea).

Benefits of Tamarillo (Tamamoro) For Woman Pregnant (During Pregnancy) ?

When used as a juice, processing results from Tamarillo (Tamamoro) into a delicious juice, terlihst like tomato juice with a reddish color. Besides delicious, this juice also has many benefits. How to make it the same as juicing vegetables in general. Which can use a blender.

One of the benefits of this drink that can help boost the immune system so the body becomes healthy because it is rich in vitamin C. This drink is also consumed as a beverage diet because it has a relatively high fiber content, low in calories and low in fat.

Things to note in this Tamarillo (Tamamoro) juice consumption, for pregnant women are advised to consult in advance if you want to eat, because it feared could happen to hit Tamarillo (Tamamoro) juice content with the drug content consumed pregnancy. In addition, it also has a lot of circulating myths and rumors that pregnant women are not recommended to consume as it can disrupt fetal growth and can cause miscarriage. For the truth of it is not known clearly.

Good information about the benefits of Tamarillo (Tamamoro) juice can be used as a reference source for maintaining a healthy lifestyle and everyday habits.

Sunday 29 May 2016

Stop Using Shampoos That Make Too Much Foam – They’ll Destroy Your Hair

If the shampoo you’re using at the moment makes too much foam, it means that it’s not good for your hair and that by using it you’re doing more harm than good to your hair. The ingredient that creates the foam when you wash your hair is actually sulfate, which is contained in almost 90% of hair shampoos despite being very bad for it. Sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) and sodium laureth sulfate (SLES), are commonly found chemicals in many personal care products besides shampoos. They act as a foaming agent, are not expensive to be included in the products and help remove the unpleasant oily buildup in one’s hair. However, they are very bad for your hair and here’s why:
  1. Skin Irritation
The reason why your scalp (the skin on your head) turns red whenever you’re washing your hair, or there’s dandruff on it, is the sulfate contained in your shampoo.
  1. Eye Irritation
The moment a small amount accidentally gets in your eyes while you’re washing your hair, the whites of your eyes (sclera) become red and start to burn and itch. Again, the main culprit for this sensation is the sulfate in your shampoo. Then, why do baby shampoos don’t irritate your eyes? Well, simply because most of them don’t contain any sulfate and that is also the reason why they don’t make that much foam either.
  1. Hair Follicle Damage
By using a shampoo that doesn’t contain this ingredient, you will prevent your hair follicles from getting damaged. Sulfate causes damage to hair follicles to a great extent because it removes the natural oils from your hair, which leads to breakage and drying out of the hairs making your hair look dull.
  1. Causes Colored Hair to Fade Faster
If you dye your hair and you wash it with a shampoo that contains sulfate, your color will fade faster. Therefore, always choose hair shampoos that are meant for colored hair and that don’t have sulfate in their content.
Dear readers, we hope that the reasons we’ve listed above are enough for you to stop using shampoos that make too much foam and that from now on you’ll be smart enough to start avoiding them. By doing so, your hair will become much healthier and shinier than ever before.

Saturday 28 May 2016

This is How You Can Lose Your Weight And Detox Your Body

Many individuals are wrapping their body in a plastic wrap, which is considered as cosmetic process that leads to the greenhouse effect.
This is How You Can Lose Your Weight And Detox Your Body Overnight! (Cheap And Easy)
This method increases the function of the sweat glands and the blood circulation and eliminates dangerous substances and toxins from the body.
People are wrapping their bodies in a household foil or a plastic wrap in order to lower their weight, purify the body and make the health of their skin better.
You can wrap your body with foil or plastic wrap in many ways, and each way has its own different benefits. You will read about two ways in this article and you will be able to lower your weight, detox your body and remove cellulite.
Wrapping with honey!
Put some honey in a dish and warmth it. At that point you can add one egg yolk and a few drops of natural essential oil by your decision (jojoba, orange or lemon oil).
Smear this blend on the wanted areas like thighs, arms or midriff and afterward wrap yourself solidly with plastic or household foil.
Put on some winter garments and spread your body with cover. Stay under the cover for one hour and after that remove the wrap and flush off the blend from your body.
Wrapping with clay!
This method is considered as one of the most efficient for removing cellulite and burning the extra fat from the body. The blue clay contains large amounts of microelements that are very beneficial for our skin. That’s why the experts are advising the blue clay for this treatment. Add warm water in smaller amount of blue clay until you get a composite with thickness of cream. Smear the resulting mixture on desired area. Wrap it with foil or plastic wrap and put on some warm clothes. Hold your wrappings for one hour. You can do some exercises in order to have the best results possible.
Iterate this method twice in a week and the results will surely come. The cellulite and the fat will be removed as well as the stretch marks.
While wrapped, your skin will get micro elements which will make your skin more flexible, gently and softer.
It is recommended to do some body scrub before applying the wrappings on your body.
The weight loss benefits of the enveloping in household foil or plastic wrap:
– If you are going to the gym or implementing some exercises you should wrap your abdomen in foil or plastic wrap. If you normalize your diet you will surely lower your weight within one week.
The household foil is inexpensive and very easy to be find in any store.
You can wrap your arms, feet and stomach.
It is very helpful for forming your body.
When the foil makes you sweat, that means that you are losing weight.
Your skin will be in better condition and your cellulite will be gone.
Warning: If you are affected from cardiovascular ailment, heart ailment, widespread veins or increased blood pressure, you should never try the methods of wrapping in foil or plastic wrap!

Thursday 26 May 2016

What Health Benefits of Rambutan Fruit during pregnant

What Health Benefits of Rambutan Fruit during pregnant

What Health Benefits of Rambutan Fruit during pregnant

what is rambutan fruit ?
The rambutan is a medium-sized tropical tree in the family Sapindaceae. The fruit produced by the tree is also known as rambutan. According to popular belief and the origin of its name, rambutan is native to Indonesia and Malaysia

What Health Benefits of Rambutan Fruit during pregnant ?

Rambutan very important role for pregnant womentherefore it is highly recommended to consume them regularly and regularly every dayBy eating the fruit rambutan also can reduce nausea and dizziness areoften experienced during pregnancybecause of rambutan fruit has a sweet taste and refreshing.

Rambutan fruits also contain iron which is needed by pregnant womenbecause the iron content can be incontrol of oxygen levels in the body and can prevent fatigue and dizziness caused by anemia or lack of redblood cellsWhile the phosphorus content that is owned rambutan can be beneficial transform filter out impurities in the fiber can be beneficial for kidney repair and maintain the system and its network cells aredamaged.

Consuming fruit rambutan during pregnancy can prevent and treat the types of disease that usually attackspregnant women such as feverheadachecoughflu and coldsAdditionallyrambutan can expedite the digestive system so that pregnant women will avoid digestive disorders like constipationconstipation,diarrhea and can also prevent the risk of colon cancerWhile the content of vitamin E in the rambutan fruitcan be beneficial in healthy and prevent diseases of the skin such as jeawatsigns of agingdull skin anditching.

Rambutan fruit can also help in lowering high blood pressure koleterol and commonly experienced bypregnant womenbut it can reduce the swelling in the hands and feet caused by a less smooth blood circulation in the bodyThe conclusion from the information I have described above is keep your health withconsume lots of fruits that can meet the nutritional needs of both mother and fetus on a regular basis,because the health of the fetus is in the womb of a pregnant woman hanging itself.

Thus information about the benefits of rambutan fruit for pregnant womenthe above information may be useful

Actually there are a lot of benefits to health rambutanHowever, according to the titlewe will discuss thebenefits for pregnant womenAs mothersof course, need to pay attention to any nutrients consumed everyday to stay healthy and well until the time of the birth arrived.

As discussed earlierthat this rambutan fruit has many nutrients and one of which is ironIron will help tocontrol the oxygen levels in the bodyIt also will prevent dizziness or fatigue due to anemiaMeanwhilethe content of phosphorus in the rambutan fruit is also useful to filter out impurities in the kidneys and helpsrepair tissue damaged or cell body.
Rambutan fruit beneficial for a healthy digestive systemso that pregnant women would avoid the problem of bowel movementsdiarrheaconstipation and prevent the risk of colon cancerOther content in fruitrambutan that vitamin E will help prevent acnepremature agingskin itching and dull during pregnancy.

Besides itthis fruit will also help to lower cholesterolhigh blood pressureand prevent swelling of the handsand feet due to lack of smooth blood circulation during pregnancy.