Sunday 5 April 2015

Health Benefits of Onion (Pyaz)

About Onion (Pyaz)
Onion (common or bulb onion) is called as the pyaz or king of vegetables due to its spicy and pungent flavor and belongs to the family Liliaceae (Allium) just like garlic. It varies in its size, shape, color and taste and classified as spring or summer onions and yellow, green, white or red.

OnionThey are cultivated and used raw or cooked for many purposes all around the world. Yellow onions are sweet in taste and specially in making onion soups. Red onions are more pungent and used to make salads, sandwiches and etc. White onions are mild in taste used to eat raw or cooked. Green/spring onions are not fully developed onions used to eat raw or mix in the curries. Smaller onions becomes more pungent then others and makes eyes watery while cutting them due to the presence of organic sulphur. Onions are the most famous vegetable and good source of the antioxidants, soluble fibers, flavonoids and etc which is must to add in the daily diet. They have sweet or spicy aromatic flavor because of these antioxidants compounds.

Benefits of Onion/Pyaz
Onions contains sulfur-containing compounds (allyl sulfides, diallyl monosulfide, diallyl disulfide, diallyl trisulfide, diallyl tetrasulfide and etc) responsible for its spicy and countless health benefits. They are the richest source of the flavonoid polyphenols or phytochemicals (especially quercetin) and antioxidants substances which enhances its nutritional values and healthy nature. They are also rich source of vitamins, minerals, dietary fibers, folates and etc. It has amazing and countless nutritional health benefits (bestowed very ordinarily by the nature) which are mentioned below:
Benefits of Onion for Cardiovascular System
Prevents Unnecessary Blood Clotting
  • Pyaz contains variety of sulfur compounds which have anti-clotting capability and prevents from the unnecessary blood clotting in the arteries.
Maintains Cholesterol Level
  • It has ability to maintain the cholesterol and triglycerides level in the blood as well as improve red blood cells functioning.
Good Blood Thinner
  • It is a good blood thinner as it contains thiosulfinates thus prevents from the risk of stroke and heart attack caused by the clumping of blood components.
Contains High Amount of Soluble Fibers
  • It is a plant-based foods having high amount of soluble fibers which aids a lot in the blood sugar regulation, reducing bad cholesterol and etc.
Benefits of Onion for Bone, Joints and Connective Tissues
Increases Bone Density
  • It helps in maintaining the health of bones and joints by increasing the bone density especially among women during menopause when they feel loss of bone density.
Reduces Risk of Bone Fracture
  • Pyaz reduces the risk of bone fracture especially hip bone if consumed on daily basis.
Nourishes Connective Tissues
  • Its high sulfur containing quality makes it able to nourish the connective tissues.
Relieves Pain and Inflammation
  • It provides relief from the painful symptoms of the rheumatoid arthritis by reducing inflammations.
Eliminates Uric Acid
  • It provides relief from the symptoms of rheumatism by encouraging the proper elimination of uric acid.
Benefits of Onion for Immunity
Prevents from Inflammation
  • Its anti-inflammatory nature prevents from the allergic airway inflammations.
Enhances Body Immunity
  • It enhances the body immunity power by maintaining the functioning of immune defense system of the body.
Prevents Fatty Acids Oxidation
  • Pyaz contains antioxidant quercetin which enhances its anti-inflammatory properties to prevent fatty acids oxidation in the body.
Keeps Away from Infections
  • It improves blood circulation all through the body and causes sweating thus keep away from infections, reduces fever and etc.
Rich Source of Phytochemicals
  • Its availability of phytochemicals enhances the functioning of Vitamin C in the body thus aids in improving body immunity.
Benefits of Onion for Cancer Protection
Reduces the Risk of Cancers
  • Eating Pyaz in daily diet reduces the risk of several body parts cancers such as colorectal, oral, esophageal, laryngeal, ovarian, uterine, breast, liver, gastric, prostate and etc.
Prevents from Colon Cancer
  • It contains fructo-oligosaccharides which help in stimulating the bacterial growth in the colon thus prevents from the risk of colon tumors development.
Inhibits Cancerous Cells Growth
  • Pyaz is naturally packed with anticancer compounds like flavonoids and phenolics which inhibit the cancerous cells growth.
Benefits of Onion for Diabetes
Controls Blood Sugar Level
  • It helps in controlling the normal blood sugar level among diabetic patients if consumed regularly.
Manages Blood Pressure
  • It helps in managing the blood pressure and cholesterol level thus provides relief the diabetic symptoms.
Improves Glucose Tolerance
  • It contains mineral called chromium which helps insulin secreting cells in bringing down the insulin level and improving glucose tolerance.
Prevents Fluid Retention
  • Pyaz is diuretic and blood cleanser in nature prevents from the fluid retention in the body.
Benefits of Onion for Infections and Diseases
Prevents from various Infections
  • Its anti-biotic, antimicrobial, antiseptic and carminative properties make it able to prevent from various infections.
  • It prevents from the infection of tooth, gums, urinary tract infection, cystitis and etc.
Contains Antibacterial Property
  • It has antibacterial properties as it contains sulfur-containing compounds and flavonoids which make it able to prevent from the bacterial infections of Streptococcus mutans, E.coli, salmonella, Streptococcus sobrinus and etc.
Prevents from various Epidemics Diseases
  • Pyaz is a good home remedy, has ability to prevent from various epidemics diseases such as cholera, plague, common cold, cough, sore throat, allergies and etc.
Relieves Urinary Tract Infection
  • It provides relief from the urinary tract infection and burning sensation feeling during urination.
Benefits of Raw Onion
  • Raw onion has more health benefits than the cooked as it contains active organic sulphur compounds and volatile oil. On cooking, some of its nutritional value gets destroyed by the heat.
Benefits of Onion for Women and Kids
Prevents from Bone Problems
  • It prevents from the risk of arthritis, osteoporosis, gout, bone problems and etc among women and promotes proper growth and development of the bones among kids.
Treats Anemia
  • Its high iron content is very beneficial for treating anemia among women during pregnancy.
Treats Menstrual System Disorders
  • It helps in treating menstrual system disorders among women if consumed few days before starting of cycle.
Eliminates Intestinal Worms
  • Onion juice helps in eliminating intestinal worms among kids.
Improves Milk Secretion
  • It helps in increasing milk secretion among mothers during lactation if eaten raw with meals.
Maintains Hormonal Balance
  • Chromium mineral found in it helps in maintaining the hormonal balance and prevents from the pre-menstrual tension (PMT) symptoms.
Benefits of Onion for Digestive System
Relieves Digestive System Disorders
  • It provides relief from the chronic constipation, dysentery, dyspepsia, diarrhea, nausea, jaundice, internal piles and flatulence problems if eaten regularly.
Promotes Intestinal Health
  • It contains high amount of insoluble fibers which promotes intestinal health by managing digestive system functioning.
Improves Digestive System Functioning
  • It improves digestive system functioning by curing the digestive problems and increasing secretion of digestion juices.
Benefits of Onion for Skin
Treats Skin Problems
  • It helps in removing moles, dark patches or pigments from the face skin if onion and turmeric juice is applied on particular area.
Makes Skin Healthy and Glowing
  • It makes the skin very healthy and glowing as it contains high amount of amounts of antioxidants like vitamins A, C and E.
Prevents Premature Ageing
  • It has anti-ageing benefits which help in fighting with cells damage due to harmful UV rays and free radicals thus prevents from premature ageing of the skin and body.
Prevents from Wrinkles
  • It is the very good source of quercetin which acts as powerful antioxidant and prevents skin from getting wrinkled.
Makes Skin Youthful
  • Massaging the skin with onion juice enhances blood circulation to the skin and makes it youthful and radiant.
Treats Skin Infections
  • Its anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and anti-bacterial properties protect skin from acne, pimples and other skin infections if onion juice with olive oil is applied to the face for 20 mins.
Lightens Skin Complexion
  • It helps in lightening the skin complexion by purifying and enhancing blood supply to the whole body.
Benefits of Onion for Men
Enhances Sexual Desire
  • It helps in preventing from the sexual debility as it is a natural and potent aphrodisiac which enhances sexual desire among men.
Treats Sex Related Problems
  • It helps in treating the problems like premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, low libido and etc among men if eaten on daily basis.
Benefits of Onion for Weight Loss
Manages Weight
  • It helps in maintaining normal body weight and keeps BMI under control as it contains special soluble fiber called fructan which gets turned to gel-like substances and converted to fatty acids in the colon which is a good natural laxative and stimulates proper bowel movements thus assists in the weight management.
Sliced Onion
Sliced Onion

Benefits of Onion Juice

Relieves Bee Bite
  • Onion juice provides instant relief from the bee bite (pain, itching, swelling and burning sensation) if applied to the affected areas.
Relieves Cough Problems
  • Giving pyaz juice with sugar to the kids helps in relieving cough problems.
Provides Relief from Kidney Stones
  • Drinking fresh onion juice in small amount two to three times a day for three months helps in providing relief from the kidney stones.
Benefits of Onion Juice for Hair
Prevents Hair Loss
  • It prevents from the hair loss if onion juice is applied to the scalp two times a week continuously for 2 months.
Promotes Hair Growth
  • It promotes new hair growth and development.
Treats Hair Thinning
  • It is a good home remedy to treat hair thinning if the mixture of onion juice, honey and oil is applied to the thin hair areas for overnight then shampoo in the morning.
Relieves Dandruff
  • It provides relief from the dandruff and itchy scalp problem. It also promotes the growth of hair length if applied onion juice with olive or coconut oil to the scalp and hair for 2 hours and then wash with shampoo.
Natural Hair Conditioner
  • It is a natural hair conditioner and helps in maintaining the natural hair color if applying the mixture of onion juice and fenugreek paste to the hair.
Benefits of Onion Juice with Honey
Provides Relief from Seasonal Problems
  • Taking mixture of onion juice and honey provides immediate relief from the fever, common cold, sore throat, cough, allergies and etc.

Benefits of Onion Seeds and Seeds Oil

Enhances Sperm Health
  • It enhances sperm count, quality and sperm motility among men.
Relieves Pain
  • It has pain relieving property provides relief from the diarrhea, asthma and etc.
Remedy to Women
  • It enhances breast milk secretion among pregnant women and stimulates proper menstrual period.
Strengthens Hair
  • It has capability to strengthen the hair and nails.
Relieves Skin Problems
  • Onion seed oil provides relief from the skin problems like psoriasis and eczema.
Relieves Stress
  • It provides relief from the stress and fatigue by maintaining the nervous system health.
Cures Skin Problems
  • Onion seed oil helps in curing acne, fungal problems and other external skin problems.
Relieves Respiratory Problems
  • Applying oil on the chest provides immediate relief from the cold, sinusitis and flu.
Relieves Rheumatism and Arthritis
  • It provides relief during rheumatism and arthritis if massaged properly.
Kills Intestinal Parasites
  • It kills the intestinal parasites and manages the digestive health.
Other Health Benefits of Onion
Relieves Ear Disorders
  • It provides relief from ear disorders (ear ringing) if cotton balls dipped into onion juice is placed to the ear.
Prevents from Free Radicals
  • It prevents from the free radicals harmful effects and reduces the risk of gastric ulcers development.
Relieves Fever
  • It provides relief from the side effects of fever if placed on the fore head.
Slows Down Nose Bleeding
  • It helps in slowing down the bleeding from the nose if inhaled through the nose.
Cures Sleeping Disorders
  • It helps in curing sleeping disorders during night and enhances proper sleep.
Enhances Memory Development
  • It enhances good memory development and maintains nervous system functioning.
Detoxify Whole Body
  • It helps in detoxifying the body from heavy metals as it contains specific amino acids such as methionine and cystine.
Breaks Down Renal Stones
  • It helps in breaking down the renal stones and removes them if onion juice with sugar is taken as syrup.
Relieves Sinus Problem
  • It provides relief from the sinus as it loosens the mucous and clears out the nasal passage to make breathing easier.

Benefits of Green Onion Leaves

Powerful Antioxidant
  • It is the good source of vitamin C which acts as powerful antioxidant and promotes healthy tissue growth, helps in wounds healing, repairing tissue and strengthens bones and teeth and etc.
Protects from Chronic Diseases
  • Quercetin found in it acts as a potent antihistamine, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent which protects from some chronic conditions like asthma, heart diseases, diabetes, allergies, cancer and etc.
Prevents from Vision Disorders
  • It is the good source of vitamin A which helps in producing rhodopsin which allows retinal receptors for light absorption thus prevents from night blindness including other vision disorders such as corneal ulcers and etc.
Rich Source of Phytochemicals
  • It is the rich source of phytochemicals means flavonoid compounds (quercetin, anthocyanins and etc) which help in developing better immune system.
Prevents DNA Damage
  • It inhibits the secretion of cancer causing enzyme (xanthine oxidase) and prevents from free radicals and DNA damage.

Nutritional Benefits of Raw Onion per 100 g

(Source: USDA Nutrient Database)
Energy: 40 Kcal
Carbohydrates: 9.34 g
Protein: 1.10 g
Fat: 0.10 g
Dietary Fibers: 1.7 g
Sugar: 4.24 g
Water: 89.11 g
Folates: 19 mcg
Niacin: 0.116 mg
Pantothenic acid: 0.123 mg
Pyridoxine: 0.120 mg
Riboflavin: 0.027 mg
Thiamin: 0.046 mg
Vitamin A: 2 IU
Vitamin C: 7.4 mg
Vitamin E: 0.02 mg
Sodium: 4 mg
Potassium: 146 mg
Calcium: 23 mg
Copper: 0.039 mg
Iron: 0.0.21 mg
Magnesium: 10 mg
Manganese: 0.129 mg
Fluoride: 1.1 µg
Phosphorus: 29 mg
Zinc: 0.17 mg
Beta- Carotene: 1 mcg
Lutein-zeaxanthin: 4 mcg
How to Enjoy Onions
Onion or pyaz can be enjoyed raw or cooked (boiled, steamed or roasted) in many ways. Chopped onions can be eaten with variety of vegetable dishes to enhance its taste and nutritional value. Onion pickles, soup, onion with chicken Tandur, onion pakodas, vegetables, salads, fried, green leafy onion vegetable and etc are also can be enjoyed.
How to Select and Store Onions
Always buy onions which are clean, well shaped, solid, packed, dry outer skin and bright color and smell good. Avoid buying sprouted, mold, skin with spots, moisture, dark patches, bruised or smelling bad onions. Try to purchase organically cultivated onions to avoid side effects of inorganic compounds of inorganically grown onions.
It can be stored for months if placed well in the ventilated and cool space at the room temperature. It should be stored away from the heat and sun light to avoid early decay. Already cut onions can be stored in the sealed container to avoid oxidation.
How Much Onion to Eat Daily
Eating an onion to the daily diet is good for health and gets prevented from the some health problems. However, eating over limit should be avoided or consulted by the doctor.
Disadvantages, Side Effects and Precautions of Onion
Do not forget ever that everything has their own limitations, over which they may cause serious problems. The same would also apply to the onions. Taking onion to the daily diet in moderation is good practice to easily get its all the nutritional health benefits. However, according to the health condition and age of the person, eating onions need some precautions as it has some disadvantages and side effects accordingly. Some of are mentioned below:
  • Some people may develop allergic reactions after eating onions.
  • It interacts with some medicines and drugs such as aspirin (increases sensitivity). So avoid eating the combination of both.
  • It may interact with the diabetes medications thus they should be avoided very carefully eating both at a time.
  • It has property of lowering down the blood sugar level just like the diabetes medications thus they should be avoided in combination.
  • It may interact with the anticoagulant medications.

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