Monday 2 February 2015

Top 8 health benefits of cluster beans

Cluster beans better known as guar or gavar are rich in fibre and low in calories. It contains various vitamins namely vitamin A, B and K and minerals such as potassium, iron and calcium in addition to other nutrients. This green vegetable is packed with numerous health benefits:
Good for diabetics
Cluster beans contain glyconutrients that help in controlling blood sugar levels in the body. They are low in glycemic index. Read about 10 ways to control diabetes naturally
Strengthens bone health
Guar beans contain calcium that helps in strengthening the bones. The presence of phosphorus in this vegetable aids in fortifying the bones and enhances bone health. Read more about 7 surprising foods for healthy bones
Great for heart health
Gavar exerts heart healthy effects by lowering the blood levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) in the body. The presence of dietary fibre, potassium and folate in this vegetable prevents the heart from various cardiovascular complications. Read more about Top 7 foods that can help bring down cholesterol
Helps manage blood pressure
The hypoglycemic and hypolipidemic properties of cluster beans make them the best natural aid for hypertensive patients.
Recommended during pregnancy
Iron and calcium present in cluster beans fills up the deficiencies of these minerals in the pregnant women. This vegetable is loaded with high levels of folic acid that prevent the fetus from numerous birth defects and also various pregnancy related health issues. Vitamin K contained in cluster beans is good for the bones and helps with better fetal development. Read about 10 diet dos and don’ts during pregnancy by expert dietician
Increases blood circulation
The presence of iron in gavar increases hemoglobin production and stimulates oxygen carrying capacity of the blood resulting in better blood circulation.
Acts as digestive aid
Cluster beans work as a good laxative, stimulating bowel movement and improving your digestive system. They also help in flushing the unwanted toxins from the stomach and prevent digestion-related problems. Read more about how wrong food combinations can lead to indigestion and gas
Calms the brain
Hypoglycemic properties of cluster beans help in soothing the nerves. They are also found to reduce anxiety and tension and calm the person mentally. Read more about foods that can boost your immunity

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