Monday 29 February 2016

Third Trimester Pregnancy Symptoms

Third Trimester Pregnancy Symptoms

Third Trimester Pregnancy================================================================================================================================

By seventh month of pregnancy, a woman may gain around six to seven kilos. Hormone level in this period shoots up and causes mood swings, fatigue and heartburn. In the first week of seventh month, there are chances of experiencing sciatic pain and infections.

Due to the increased size of uterus, a mom-to-be may also experience breathlessness.  In the second week of seventh month, there are increased possibilities of preeclampsia. It is the time when ligaments and muscles relax for delivery and breasts get ready for lactation. By third week, a woman may develop constipation, her diet may increase and foetus’s growth may make it difficult to rest too long in a certain position. Frequency of urination also increases.

As the first month of third trimester of pregnancy ends, the prospective mother gains more weight, blood volume of her body rises and breasts starts lactating. Other common symptoms are gum bleeding, leg pain and insomnia.


Symptoms of Eighth Month

Uterus grows to five inches from the navel and the woman’s weight increases by 10 kilos.

Baby kicks for more than 10 times in every two hours. Mom-to-be finds difficulty in breathing, walking and sleeping due to expanded uterus.  In the second month of third trimester, production of amniotic fluid rises and keeps on increasing until the end of eighth week.

Belly button becomes very sensitive and heartburn may be caused by the baby’s acid spit ups. A woman may find that her hands, feet and face have swelled. If the there is excessive swelling, she may have developed preeclampsia.

Urination will become frequent and there will be trouble in eating. She may also experience vaginal discomfort due to pressure of uterus, which grows 5.5 inches from the navel.

There is increase in Braxton Hicks Contractions. Other frequent symptoms are lethargy, restlessness, mood swings and sleep disturbance.

Symptoms of Ninth Month 

In the last month of third trimester of pregnancy, lot of pressure can be felt in the lower abdomen because the baby prepares for delivery. As delivery is not too far, breast size of the mom-to-be increases.

Vaginal discharge and sleepless nights are some other common occurrences.  In the ninth month, there are possibilities of water retention. Baby movements also increase causing pain around pelvic and groin area. With every passing day, contractions will become frequent. Burning sensation may also be felt inside the vagina.

In the last week of pregnancy, the number of baby kicks increase and the woman will experience labour pain this week.
Third Trimester Pregnancy

Top best health benefits of eating dry fruits

Dry fruits are extremely rich sources of minerals and proteins. A handful of dry fruits is recommended in the diet to keep us healthy and fit. There are several varieties in dry fruits like raisins, cashew nuts, almonds, pistachios, walnuts, dates and many more.

Health benefits of dry fruits

Cures constipation

Many of the dry fruits show their effectiveness to treat constipation, majorly dried figs and prunes are taking the higher scale due to their rich fiber content, which is making the bowel active. In this process the stimulation of gastrointestinal fluids takes place and making the digested food soft to flow.

Helps for the proper blood circulation

Raisin consists of major minerals like iron, magnesium, potassium and phosphorous, which promote the healthy blood circulation. They are suggested for the improvement of the eye vision and to prevent tooth decay as they contain vitamin A.

Good for dieters

Best benefits of eating cashew nuts
The cholesterol free raisins are rich in fiber amount and less in sodium amount, they complete fat-free dry fruits.

Calcium strength

Almonds, figs and walnuts are the super food to retrieve calcium, which is very necessary for the bone strength and stronger teeth.

Brain food

The walnuts which are rich in omega 3 fatty acids are important t for the healthy brain and they also prevents the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Walnut oil is suggested to treat and prevent the wrinkles and fine lines.

Helps the immune system

The vitamin A and beta carotene present in the dried yellow fruits like apricots, papaya and pineapple etc makes our immune system stronger and perks for the hair and skin.

Rich in minerals

Potassium, iron and folic acid are three major minerals required for a healthy body, can available easily through dried figs.

Almonds for many health treatments

Almonds promote the blood circulation and increases the haemoglobin levels. They dilute the cholesterol factor and prevents breast and lung cancer.


Dry fruits to get weight fastly
To get the vitamin A, Vitamin C and iron apricot is the easiest way.

Cashew for tremendous benefits

Due to because of their high fat components, cashew nuts are recommended for the excess consumption. Take them in moderate to control blood sugar levels, cholesterol and to prevent hypertension and migraine head ache.

Improves hemoglobin

Almonds which are one of the most popular dry fruit are very effective in improving the haemoglobinbythe formation of new blood cells and by increasing thehaemoglobin level in the blood. They also help in the proper functioning of the crucial organs in the body.Prunes help to keep the energy levels high with the help of potassium, Vitamin A, fibre and copper content in it. Cashew nuts also provide great flexibility to blood vessels. Dry fruits helps the mind to stay alert and also improves the memory.

Helps in constipation

Most dry fruits have ability to cure intestinal problems.Raisinsswell up in the stomach and the fibre in them absorbs the water. Thus gives relieffrom constipation. The fibre content in pistachios helps in the functioning of the digestive system and getting rid of constipation.Dates are well known for curing constipation in several countries.Dates also help in giving rise to friendly bacteria in intestines. Walnuts also help in constipation as they have a laxative effect in the body.

Maintains cholesterol

Cashew nuts and pistachios are very advantageous to maintain low cholesterol levels. The essential fatty acids in almonds help to keep the cholesterol level low and to increase blood circulation.. Raisinspromote blood circulationas they are loaded with magnesium, potassium, iron and phosphorus.

Reduces the risk of cancer

Dry fruits that help in reducing aging
Almonds contain several substances that are useful to prevent cancer. They are strong suppressers of thegrowth tumours of lungs andprostate.  The flavonoids in almonds help to suppress breast cancerby reducing the growth of cells that cause cancer. Cashew nuts and walnuts also help to reduce the free radicals which are the cause of cancer because they are rich source of antioxidants.Pistachios contain the nutrients that help to protect from skin cancer.

Important for body organs

Raisins are most important for bone formation, eye care, protecting the teeth from tooth decay and cavities Cashew nuts support healthy muscles and gums. Pistachios are also very effective for maintain the eye health. Walnuts contain omega 3 fatty acids which is important for the development of the brain.

Controls blood pressure

Almonds help to lower blood pressure. Other dry fruits like raisins and pistachio also help a lot in maintain the blood pressure and blood sugar level.

Prevent heart diseases

Dry fruits are the best to treat cardiovascular problems. Almonds help to reduce the risk of coronary heart problems. Cashew nuts promotes cardiovascular health as it does not contain cholesterol and is loaded with monosaturated fats. Walnuts help to get rid of clots in the blood vessels and prevent erratic heart rhythms.Pistachios helps in preventing heart problemsby improving cardiovascular health by increasing the elasticity of blood vessels.Dates protect the health of the heart by protecting from the major cause of strokes and heart attacks which is atherosclerosis.

Why Take Milk Thistle

Milk_Thistle_1============================================================================================================================================The majority of people in the United States have an overabundance of poisons in their bodies, and their livers are overloaded. Take a look at the toxins within our environment, and also the reasons behind these health problems are virtually no mystery. According to the US Environmental Protection Agency, approximately 2.2 billion pounds of environmental toxins were discharged into the environment between the years 1987 and 1994 and that’s merely counting industrial waste. If you include over-the-counter and prescription drugs that we consume, combined with additives in many food products, our bodies are dealing with a shocking quantity of chemicals that we’re not capable of handling.
Hence, the necessity for milk thistle (Silybum marianum), At one time or another, almost everyone can be helped by this potent herb that has the capability to defend and revitalize the liver, our major organ of detoxification.
Milk Thistle History
Milk Thistle has been utilized for its medicinal properties for over 2,000 years. During the span of those two millennia, herbalists have learned to admire the beneficial effect it can have on the liver and gallbladder. In Germany, where doctors routinely prescribe herbal remedies, it’s one of the favored remedy for liver problems. Which might be news to many people in the United States, but even here, it’s getting growing awareness among health practitioners and the general public. The “milk” in the name refers to the white sap that leaves markings on the leaf-but it also contains the prickly, spiny appearance of a typical thistle. It grows wild in parts of Europe, Russia, Asia, and North America. English colonists brought it to North America. It’s the milk thistle seeds which have medicinal properties. The seeds contain a group of flavonoids which are together termed as silymarin. Within this group are silibin, silidianin, and silychristin.
All flavonoids in the silymarin complex contain the combined power of antioxidants that can prevent free-radical damage from the toxic substances that enter the liver. Silymarin has been discovered to be 10 times stronger an antioxiant than vitamin E, the only vitamin most famous for its antioxidant power. It’s silymarin that the unique capability to slow up the rate at which the liver absorbs toxic substances.
Additionally, milk thistle is among the few substances that can boost the glutathione content of the liver. This is important as glutathione, one of the body’s most significant . antioxidants, is very important for efficient detoxification. Milk thistle also boosts the levels of another potent antioxidant known as superoxide dismutase (SOD).

Top Health benefits of cauliflower


Cauliflower belongs to the cruciferous family among the green veggies which is one vegetable that must be added in the diet regularly in rotation. It contains number of nutrients which include, antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and other photochemical. Cauliflower contains antioxidants and phytonutrients that protect against cancer, fibre that helps with weight loss and a healthy digestive tract. It has several beneficial effects on the health and so is often termed as a super food.

Health benefits of cauliflower

Heart care

Top health benefits of sweet corn
Cauliflower is a known vegetable for its many healthy benefits. It is a heart friendly and helps to maintain the heart and other systems like cardiovascular etc.

Decreases the cholesterol levels

It a great source of fiber which has the magic to lowers the risk of cholesterol.

Vitamin K help

It is consisting of vitamin K which is necessary for the fast curing of injuries and wounds and it is the same vitamin helps for the development of the bones.

Benefits immune system

The rich amounts of antioxidants performs as anti-inflammatory agents and increase the strength of the immune system.

Cauliflower for pregnancy women

For the foetus proper development cauliflower works tremendously good, the rich content of vitamins A, B and folate help for this. Addition to the above it is also comprises of vitamin C which is very essential for the pregnancy women in particular.


Health benefits in sweet honey
For the nerve impulses transmission, teeth and bone health calcium plays a very crucial role and one can get the calcium easily through consumption of cauliflower.

Minerals list

Cauliflower is loaded with the trace minerals like manganese, magnesium, zinc, phosphorous, sodium and selenium. Zinc helps for the fast healing of wounds and to make new cells. Selenium improves immune system functioning and phosphorous strengths the bones.

Prevents cancer

Similar to the broccoli, cauliflower has the nature to reduce the chance of cancers including breast cancer, lung cancer and bladder cancer.

Liver health

The mineral manganese present in the cauliflower helps for the stimulation of the enzymes in the liver.

Health diet for losing weight

The superb combination of vitamin C and folates present in cauliflower aids to decrease the body weight and is a starch free food which is eatable for unlimited amounts.

Fights cancer

Best health benefits of cluster beans
Sulforaphane is a sulphur compound that is present in cauliflower which helps in assassinates cancer stem cell and decreasing the tumour growth. Research has revealed that the combination of cauliflower and turmeric which contains the active compound curcumin can help to prevent and treat cancer of the prostate. There is other multipart in cauliflower which also helps in preventing cancer.

Increases heart health

Sulforaphane in cauliflower has been found to improve blood pressure and improve the functioning of the kidney. Studies have revealed that cauliflower significantly reduces the risk of developing coronary heart disease, high blood pressure and stroke.


Inflammation in the body can lead to some inflammation-related damage to the body. It is a condition linked to cancer and other diseases. You can also get anti inflammatory benefits through consumption of cauliflower.

Rich in vitamins and minerals

Cauliflower is rich in several nutrients like Vitamin C, K, riboflavin, niacin, magnesium, phosphorus, fibre, folate potassium and manganese that are essential for the body.

Improves brain health

Cauliflower is a good source of a B vitamin which is vital for its role in the development of the brain. It can increase cognitive function, and help in learning with memory upgrades. It also helps in eradicating the problem that arises due to aging. The memory can be updated with the consumption of this. It can also protect the brain from the damage of toxins in childhood and protect the brain from toxins in later life.

Helps detoxification

Best health benefits of carrots
Cauliflower helps the abilities of the bodyto detoxify with the help of antioxidants which activate the detoxification enzymes. The fibre in cauliflower promotes regularity in the getting out of toxins from stool.

Digestive benefits

Cauliflower is an important source of dietary fibre which plays a vital role in improving the digestive health. The Sulforaphane content of cauliflower health is beneficial as it reduces the bacterial overgrowth of bacteria in the stomach wall. The high content of water and fibre helps to regulate the bowels and improve constipation. This is in turn reduces the risk of colon cancer.

Strong bones

Vitamin K in cauliflower helps to reduce the risk of fracture of bones and osteoporosis by improving the health of the bones. It acts as a modifier of bone proteins, recovering the assimilation of calcium and reducing its excretion.

Helps in weight loss

The rich fibre content of cauliflower helps in reducing inflammation and in lowering the risk of obesity by improving the digestion.


Studies have also revealed that cauliflower helps in controlling diabetes by improving the insulin sensitivity.

Sunday 28 February 2016

How to prevent sagging breast after pregnancy

Over the years, women have blamed breastfeeding for breast sagging. An academy in America had interviewed 132 women who were seeking for breast enlargements or uplifts. Around 70 women had breastfed their babies for 6-9 months and there was no difference in the degree of breast sags, compared to how they looked before pregnancy. Thus, this is to remind you that breastfeeding is immensely essential for your infant, and has got nothing to do with breast sagging.
Researchers then explained, that the expansion and contraction of milk glands, activated by pregnancy, cause droopiness and not breastfeeding. The most common reason for breast sags is due to aging. Women start losing the elasticity and suppleness of their breasts with age. Though this is not sooner than 40 and above, it is best to start treating and maintaininghealthy breasts post pregnancy.

Remedies to keep breasts firm after pregnancy

After delivery a mother needs immense rest. This is the reason why we have listed down some home remedies to solve your worries on this concern. We do not expect or want you to overdo anything during this delicate period of time, the reason why there are some natural home remedies which would solve all your needs.

Ice massage

It is considered to be really helpful to regain the firmness of breast sagging and helps to uplift them. Cold temperatures cause contract in the tissues, which alternatively make breasts look firm and uplifted.
  • Take the ice cubes to massage your breasts in circular motions for 1 minute.
  • Use a soft towel for drying the breasts and then wear a bra which fits you properly.
  • Stay still in a reclining posture for around half an hour.
  • Do it at regular intervals when you get free time for other chores.
Make sure your breasts aren’t exposed to the ice for over 1 minute. This could lead to numbness.

Olive oil

Massage breasts with olive oil to keep away from sagging. It is a rich source of fatty acids and antioxidants, which reverses the damage that is caused by the free radicals in our body. This also helps you improve skin texture.
  • Put olive oil on your palms and then rub together to produce some heat.
  • Run your hands over the breasts in an upward motion.
  • Gently massage for 15 minutes and improve the blood flow, which stimulates cell repair.
  • Repeat the remedy for 4-5 times every week.
Tips: You could use argan, almond, jojoba and avocado oil instead of olive oil.

Cucumber with egg yolk

A combination of these two ingredients will help you have an amazing breast mask. Cucumber provides skin-toning properties along with immense vitamins and proteins from egg yolk. Following this remedy once a week would help you have stronger breast tissues. Thus, your breast sag complains just got reduced!
  • Take a small cucumber and puree in blender
  • Add 1 egg yolk
  • Add 1 teaspoon of cream or butter for proper paste
  • Apply to the breasts and let it be for 30 minutes.
  • Wash off with cold water

Egg whites

Egg whites are astringent and they nourish the skin. They have hydro-lipids, which lifts breasts which seem to sag.
  • Take egg white from 1 egg and beat till the texture is foamy. Apply to the breasts and let it dry for 30 minutes. Wash off with cucumber juice or cold water. Onion juice would do instead of cucumber juice too.
  • Another alternative is to mix egg white from 1 egg with 1 tablespoon of yogurt/honey. Apply to the breasts and let it dry for around 20 minutes. Wash off with cold water.
Repeat either of the two remedies, once and week, and maintain firmer breasts.


It is often used for this purpose in Ayurveda. It has vitamins and antioxidants which fight the free radicals, helps to tighten and uplift breasts, and also provides smoother skin around it.
  • Take ¼ cup of fenugreek powder and add adequate water to make a thick paste. Massage onto the breasts and let it dry for 5-10 minutes. Wash off with warm water. Repeat it 1-2 times a week.
  • Another alternative is to make a breast mask with combining ½ cup yogurt, 10 drops of vitamin E oil, egg white from 1 egg, and finally 10 drops of fenugreek oil. Mix till the paste is smooth. Apply paste to your breast and then gently rub. Let it dry for around 30 minutes and then wash off with cold water. Repeat it once a week for maintenance.


It has anti-aging properties which is why it can help your breasts from sagging. Pomegranate seed oil is rich with Phyto-nutrients which can help you have firmer breasts.
  • Take the peel of pomegranate and add some warm mustard oil. Paste both the ingredients and massage your breasts in round motions. Do it for 5-10 minutes before you go off to sleep.
  • You could use pomegranate seed oil for massaging the breasts 2-3 times every day.
  • One more option is to combine 4 teaspoons of neem oil along with 1 teaspoon of powdered pomegranate peel. Warm the texture for a couple of minutes and then let it cool. Use it for massaging the breasts and repeat 2 times every day for several weeks.

Aloe Vera

It consists of skin tightening properties which helps you keep away from breast sags. They have antioxidants as well and it prevents the damage caused by free radicals.
  • Apply aloe vera gel and massage the breasts for 10 minutes. Make sure the massage is in circular motions after which you can let it dry for 10 minutes. Rinse with lukewarm water and repeat 4-5 times a week for best results.
  • Alternatively, you can make a mix of 1 tablespoon of aloe vera gel along with 1 teaspoon of honey and mayonnaise. Apply the mix to your breasts and let it sit for 15 minutes. Wash off with lukewarm water first and then with regular temperature. Repeat once every week.

Lose your baby weight after pregnancy

It is better to release those pounds back into the ether, so go slow. Despite your hurry to get back into proper pre baby jeans. You need to maintain proper fitness with a balanced diet, and exercises. Your skin elasticity is challenged by rapid stretching in either direction. So, slowly and steadily progress gives a breast skin more time to recover and repair your breast. This also helps to keep your health that can be useful to maintain proper fitness.

Moisturize to reduce sagging breasts

You can use plain cocoa butter, shea butter, almond oil, or a wide variety of baby safe which are specially formulated as skin moisturizers that can aid the elasticity, general resilience, collagen production of breast skin. So, it is better to combine moisturizing with a few uplifting, breast massage to feel perkier instantly. Moisturize can help to prevent and fade the appearance of stretch marks too. Moisturizing also gives smooth and glowing skin and is best for dry skin.

Exercise to get perfect breast size

Exercise is the best way to increase breast size by just working out the upper chest muscles. You can just do pushups or press your palms together while pointing your elbows out to the sides. It holds and best as larger pecs equals larger looking and more uplifted breasts. SO, strengthening your core and back muscles will also give you a big boost by bettering your posture. It allows you to hold yourself taller and appear less saggy.

Wear right bra after pregnancy

You will be probably need to purchase best fitting bras for easy access. Be prepared for one set of measurements and during nursing and a different one after you wean. You need to take a final size that may not be fully settled until a few months after you wean. A proper fitting will ensure that you wear the right size that offers good support. Sports bras should always be a part of your exercise that can attire and this is also a great time to experiment with push up bras, and their cleavage enhancing properties.


Following are some general tips which you can follow once you are back to your regular regime. This alternatively means that you shouldn’t stress much post delivery, and wait for adequate time till your body gets back to normal.
  • Avoid extreme dieting. If your weight falls drastically it can cause breast sagging.
  • Swimming is good for having firmer breasts.
  • Avoid forward bends, contract poses, running or jogging without proper sports bra.
  • Drink ample amount of water for keeping skin hydrated.
  • Apply sunscreen while wearing tank tops, swim suits or dresses with a lower neckline.
  • Stop smoking for overall health and to protect fragile breast skin.
  • Sit straight and walk straight and don’t droop to prevent breasts from drooping as well!
  • Know the correct size of your bra maintain healthier breasts. Push-up bras are good for breast support.
  • Wear a sports bra while exercising, jogging or working out. This lets the breasts have proper bounce.
  • Eat healthier food with proper nutrition. Include protein, minerals, calcium, carbs and essential fats.
  • Try to gain back your old figure as that would help you maintain healthier breasts and happier you!

Fetish: 15 best herbs for better sex life

Herbs for better sex

To enhance their sexual ability and sexual performance, you can refer to Ayurveda. By taking the 15 Indian herbs which are naturally increase your sex potential. What if late, quickly using these Indian herbs to improve their sexual performance.

Rose petals
Rose has many medicinal properties and Rose are an aphrodisiac. Rose is used in many beauty products. It also can be used as a digestive. Rose anti-inflammatory properties in the blood vessels and improves blood flow to the genitalia increases.

Macuna pruriens seed
Macuna pruriens the root, leaves and seeds are all advantages. It is used as a laxative and can cure ulcers.Macuna pruriens seeds, roots and leaves are the source of herbal aphrodisiacs. Stimulating effect macuna pruriens seed plays an important role in enhancing the sex life.

White Water Lotus
White Water Lotus to stay healthy is one of the best herbs and aphrodisiacs, too. White Water using Lotus seeds have a positive impact on sexual life.

Miswak use tree bark is used as a toothbrush and promote healthy teeth are important herbs. Often it is used in making ayurvedic toothpaste. Miswak aphrodisiac properties of the tree and its fruit also helps to overcome digestive problems.

Ashwagandha or Indian ginseng commonly used in Ayurveda anxiety, arthritis, memory loss, improvement in hemoglobin and is used to treat immune system. Ashwagandha helps to relax the nerves, it also has an important aphrodisiacs.

Hibiscus or Suflavar
Hibiscus or Suflavar is very popular in India. The headaches, hair care and helps in the treatment of diseases like mumps. Also Suflavar is a fetish of its use can improve your sexual stamina.

Nutmeg is used as a spice. Oh very good home remedy which removes headaches and stomach diseases and blood circulation is improved. Nutmeg contains anti-inflammatory substances, which improves blood flow to the genitals, which are increasing the efficiency of your sex.

White Lily
The white lily is another flower that is not only beautiful but also aphrodisiac qualities. White Lily is anti-inflammatory and soothing, improve the sex drive and sexual performance enhancement is beneficial.

If the cooling effects of bamboo leaves. The drug relieves constipation anyone. It is also rich in protein. It is also a diuretic and sex enhancing component. It contains anti-inflammatory ingredients can increase one's sexual life.

Saffron, helps improve mental status and reduces depression. Use it not only colds, insomnia, asthma and is used for wounds but also saffron is an aphrodisiac. Mix saffron in milk adds to your sex ability.

Cinnamon is a spice that is used to make vegetable curry and sweet. The common cold and cough cinnamon also is used for the relief. The tooth pain, muscle spasms and is effective in treating skin diseases. Cinnamon anti-Iflemetri properties in the respiratory tract and blood circulation, improves the circulation with can make it effective aphrodisiacs.

People Tree
People Tree is found throughout India and its roots and tree bark are considered aphrodisiacs. The tree bark is also used to treat inflammation and fruit is Lackstiv.

Wrigtia tinctoria or woman Kutj India is available mostly in the mountainous areas. Besides having a aphrodisiacs its leaves and seeds of high blood pressure, constipation and pain in the teeth to reduce the problem can be treated.

Golden Eye Grass
Golden Eye Grass is such properties which helps boost sex drive. Also, it helps rid the body of impurities. If you want to increase your sex ability Please include it in your diet.

Nut grass
Nut grass is another herb used by Indian Sex capacity can easily be increased. The anti-Iflemetri, Antispasmodik and aphrodisiac qualities are found.