Thursday 18 June 2015

Hungry for More: What to Eat for Sexual Vitality

Hungry for More: What to Eat for Sexual Vitality

Hungry for More: What to Eat for Sexual Vitality
Rev up your sexual vitality with cinnamon and other surprising foods.


Envision a ripe, juicy apricot. It beckons from the kitchen counter—full, sweet, and ready to be enjoyed. Now think about a bag of dried apricots. They’re in the pantry, for use . . . whenever. Our sexuality should be like the fresh apricot: a nourishing and urgent part of our lives. Yet many of us struggle to feel desire, or we lack the energy to act on it.
“My mom confided in me that she only had sex when she went on vacation,” says Brigitte Mars, a herbalist and nutritional consultant based in Boulder, Colorado. “And I said, ‘But, Mom, you only go on vacation once a year!’” Luckily for Mom (and Dad!), Mars is the author of The Sexual Herbal and offered to make meals that contained a lot of cinnamon. The results? “After a week, she winked at me.”
“Cinnamon, consistently eaten, keeps you ‘user ready,’” explains Brian Clement. He and his wife, Anna Maria, both naturopaths and nutritionists, are the authors of 7 Keys to Lifelong Sexual Vitality . “It’s the biggest question we hear: How can I get my libido back?” says Anna Maria Clement. That’s a question worth pursuing, she says. “Sexual satisfaction is a major contributor to the quality of life.”
The right foods can support desire, but if you’re envisioning oysters, think again: Foods for sexual vitality are different from aphrodisiacs, says Mars. “You want to tone the whole body. It’s not, What can I do for tonight? but, rather, having extra energy for sex.” Here are the powerhouse foods that will fan your desire:
Nuts and seeds , especially sesame, chia, sunflower, hemp, and pumpkin. “Raw nuts and seeds have a lot of life force,” says Mars, who suggests soaking chia seeds overnight and having them for breakfast with blueberries, nuts, and honey.
Grains, beans, and squash . “The best way to eat squash is raw,” says Brian Clement. “Grate it up and add it to salads or dips.”
Turmeric, lemon, and cayenne , which support healthy circulation. “Some of the smallest capillaries in the body go down to the penis and vaginal areas,” Clement says. “Blood flow is necessary for full arousal,” agrees Laurie Steelsmith, a Honolulu-based naturopathic physician and the author of Great Sex, Naturally .
Cruciferous vegetables, acai, mangosteen, and berries . These support liver health, which is also vital to good circulation, says Steelsmith.
Cardamom, garlic, and ginger . “You want to warm your body up, not cool your jets,” says Mars. “Make your food healthy and exciting.”
Maca. This root is associated with stabilizing hormones, says Elyse Clark, a raw vegan chef and educator from Deer Park, New York. She uses maca powder, beets, and Brazil nuts to make raw-food truffles.
Dark chocolate . It contains L-arginine (a vasodilator) and phenylethylamine, which makes you feel happy, Steelsmith says. Skip the chocolate bar, with its added sugar and fat. Instead, buy cocoa powder and add it to your smoothies.
Root vegetables . “Roots are said to energize your lower chakras,” says Mars. Try burdock root, carrots, and beets.
Avoid fatty foods and alcohol , which will make you sluggish, and coffee, which Steelsmith says lowers testosterone in both men and women.
Overall, focus on fresh, unprocessed foods. “When you eat cleaner, you function more optimally,” says Clark. “Even your response to human touch will change—you can get aroused by simpler things. Your body is getting the message more clearly.”
Hungry for more? Click here for recipes to boost your sexual vitality (Maca Brazil Truffles, anyone?)
Hungry for More: What to Eat for Sexual Vitality

Hungry for More: What to Eat for Sexual Vitality
Rev up your sexual vitality with cinnamon and other surprising foods.


Envision a ripe, juicy apricot. It beckons from the kitchen counter—full, sweet, and ready to be enjoyed. Now think about a bag of dried apricots. They’re in the pantry, for use . . . whenever. Our sexuality should be like the fresh apricot: a nourishing and urgent part of our lives. Yet many of us struggle to feel desire, or we lack the energy to act on it.
“My mom confided in me that she only had sex when she went on vacation,” says Brigitte Mars, a herbalist and nutritional consultant based in Boulder, Colorado. “And I said, ‘But, Mom, you only go on vacation once a year!’” Luckily for Mom (and Dad!), Mars is the author of The Sexual Herbal and offered to make meals that contained a lot of cinnamon. The results? “After a week, she winked at me.”
“Cinnamon, consistently eaten, keeps you ‘user ready,’” explains Brian Clement. He and his wife, Anna Maria, both naturopaths and nutritionists, are the authors of 7 Keys to Lifelong Sexual Vitality . “It’s the biggest question we hear: How can I get my libido back?” says Anna Maria Clement. That’s a question worth pursuing, she says. “Sexual satisfaction is a major contributor to the quality of life.”
The right foods can support desire, but if you’re envisioning oysters, think again: Foods for sexual vitality are different from aphrodisiacs, says Mars. “You want to tone the whole body. It’s not, What can I do for tonight? but, rather, having extra energy for sex.” Here are the powerhouse foods that will fan your desire:
Nuts and seeds , especially sesame, chia, sunflower, hemp, and pumpkin. “Raw nuts and seeds have a lot of life force,” says Mars, who suggests soaking chia seeds overnight and having them for breakfast with blueberries, nuts, and honey.
Grains, beans, and squash . “The best way to eat squash is raw,” says Brian Clement. “Grate it up and add it to salads or dips.”
Turmeric, lemon, and cayenne , which support healthy circulation. “Some of the smallest capillaries in the body go down to the penis and vaginal areas,” Clement says. “Blood flow is necessary for full arousal,” agrees Laurie Steelsmith, a Honolulu-based naturopathic physician and the author of Great Sex, Naturally .
Cruciferous vegetables, acai, mangosteen, and berries . These support liver health, which is also vital to good circulation, says Steelsmith.
Cardamom, garlic, and ginger . “You want to warm your body up, not cool your jets,” says Mars. “Make your food healthy and exciting.”
Maca. This root is associated with stabilizing hormones, says Elyse Clark, a raw vegan chef and educator from Deer Park, New York. She uses maca powder, beets, and Brazil nuts to make raw-food truffles.
Dark chocolate . It contains L-arginine (a vasodilator) and phenylethylamine, which makes you feel happy, Steelsmith says. Skip the chocolate bar, with its added sugar and fat. Instead, buy cocoa powder and add it to your smoothies.
Root vegetables . “Roots are said to energize your lower chakras,” says Mars. Try burdock root, carrots, and beets.
Avoid fatty foods and alcohol , which will make you sluggish, and coffee, which Steelsmith says lowers testosterone in both men and women.
Overall, focus on fresh, unprocessed foods. “When you eat cleaner, you function more optimally,” says Clark. “Even your response to human touch will change—you can get aroused by simpler things. Your body is getting the message more clearly.”
Hungry for more? Click here for recipes to boost your sexual vitality (Maca Brazil Truffles, anyone?)

Increase Sperm Count ... Naturally

Low sperm count, medically termed as oligospermia is a health disorder characterized by less number of sperms than normal count in semen volume. Problems causing this particular health disorder can be either of psychological or physical origin. Common causes reported for the formation of this health disorder include hormonal imbalance, malnutrition and testicular injury.
Regular doing of relaxation exercise is one among the best recommended natural remedial measures to increase sperm count. It is found to be very helpful for treating oligospermia due to high stress condition. It calms down nerve cells and improves blood circulation throughout the body. In order to prevent the risk of stress condition, patients are recommended to set aside at least ten to twenty minutes per day for practicing relaxation exercises. Deep breathing exercise of yoga is one among the common relaxation exercises recommended by health practitioners. Apart from improving sperm count, regular doing of relaxation exercises also helps in improving concentration power, slowing down breathing rate and lowering blood pressure level.
Charak samhita, one of the most famous ancient medicinal texts have dedicated whole chapter regarding increasing quality and quantity of the sperms. It has mentioned certain methods i.e. lifestyle and supplements by which sperms of great quality can be generated.
According to Sushrutacharya Testicles are made of Kapha and Medha (fat). Increased heat imbalances kapha and medha, thus affecting sperm production.

In ayurveda these herbs are called as bajikaran dravya (sperm quality and quantity increasing herb)

Arogyam Pure Herbs Kit For Sexual Weakness.......


Regulate blood flow to the lower abdomen, keep the sperm count in check, boost the health of reproductive glands, prolong a man's productive age, cure problems like infertility. Counter obesity and constipation, boost thyroid gland functioning and strengthen the lower back.


Stand erect with your feet a foot apart. Place your hands on your knees and loosen your belly. Exhale fully, hold your breath out and pull your stomach in as far as you can, such that it touches you back. Then loosen and release the stomach. Repeat this pumping action for as long as you can. Relax and inhale. This completes one round of Angnisaar Kriya. Do this Kriya for 2-3 times.
Note: Not for people suffering from peptic ulcers, heart disease, high blood pressure, slip disc and intestinal swelling.


Lie on your back and stretch your body. Place your hands beside your thighs, palms facing down. Inhale and raise both legs slowly, till they are at 90 degrees to your waist. Do not lift your head. Using your hands as pivots, lift your waist too and stretch your legs beyond your head, trying to touch the ground behind with your feet. Keep your knees straight. Hold this position for as long as you can. Breathing normally. Return to base position, bringing your legs back very slowly and ensuring that your palms and head stay on the floor and your knees stay straight. Do Halasana ones or twice.
Note: This is not for people suffering from backache, slip disc or cervical spondylosis.


Lie on your back. Bend your legs at the knees, keeping the heels as close as possible to the hips. Hold your ankles with your hands if possible, else keep your palms beside your hips, palms facing down. Inhale and lift you're your back and hips very slowly and smoothly. Keep your shoulders and heels on the ground. Close your eyes and focus on the painful area of your spine. Hold the posture for as long as your can, breathing normally. Return to base position very slowly and relax. Repeat three times.


Lie on your stomach, facing down. Bend your legs and grasp the ankles with your hands. Inhale and raise the hind part of your body and your chest. Tilt your neck back with eyes closed. Feel the strain between legs and hands as your entire body rests on your belly. Arch the back into a bow, breathing normally. Hold the posture as long as you can and then return to base position. Repeat Dhanurasana twice.
Note: If you are suffering form hernia, hypertension and peptic ulcers, avoid Dhanurasana.


Sit comfortably in Padmasana or Sukhasana as shown in the picture, back straight and eyes closed. Breathe normally. Pull your anus and lower abdominal muscles up and relax. Focus on the muscles contracting and relaxing. Repeat this motion 200 times in two set with 100 repeats each.


Sit comfortably in Padmasana or Sukhasana as shown in the picture, back straight and eyes closed. Form the Gyan Mudra and place your hands on your knees. Exhale to your maximum capacity through both nostrils, and then inhale through both with full force. Repeat this process continuously till you feel tired. Do it slowly first, then speed up gradually. Maintain a rhythmic patter; the time taken to inhale should equal that taken to exhale. And remember when you breath in, your lungs should expand and not your belly. Similarly, when you breathe out, your lungs must come back to their original position. Do this process according to your capacity, 30-40 times.
Note: People suffering form high blood pressure, heart problems and migraine should do Bhastrika Pranayam slowly without undue force.

Nutrients Needed to Make Healthy Sperm Count :
Oysters are often touted as an aphrodisiac food, or food generating sexual arousal. The key turns out there on the content of zinc in oysters. Minerals are necessary for healthy sperm production. Other sources are the main source of zinc is a ginger, sesame seeds, and sunflower seeds
Selenium is a substance antioxidants. Selenium protects DNA, nervous system, and prevent sperm damage. As many as 40% of sperm damage occurs because of the influence of free radicals. By protecting sperm from free radicals, sperm health can be more awake.
Vitamin B complex:
Men need vitamin B complex to improve body functions physically and mentally. Vitamin B6 and B2 plays an important role in the production of sex hormones in men.

  • Foods that contain iron and amino acids such as spinach, seaweed, sunflower seeds, egg whites, and poultry
  • Foods that contain lots of protein such as oysters, goat meat, red meat, turkey meat, wheat, beans, nuts, watermelon seeds, pumpkin seeds, almonds and avocados.
  • Foods that contain androsterone, which is good for sexual stimulation such as celery
  • Foods that contain lycopene, which many found in tomatoes, guava and red wine.
  • Foods that contain folic acid found in broccoli, asparagus, green beans, oranges, green leafy vegetables.
  • Antioxidant vitamins C, E and B12 for sperm production
  • Selenium sources such as tuna, red meat, poultry meat.
  • Proper intake of Water
  • Nuts & Grains
  • Fruit and Vegetables
Increasing the quantity of sperm can also be done by increasing the portion of green vegetables like spinach, broccoli, asparagus, and seaweeds. Spinach contains amino acids, while others contain folic acid which also affect sperm production.While fruits such as tomatoes, watermelon, guava, and red wine, have a high enough concentration lycopine. Not only beneficial to maximize the production of sperm, lycopine also good to fight prostate cancer.In addition to nutrient intake, sperm health are also influenced lifestyle. For the sake of quantity and quality of sperm to prime then you should do is to avoid stress, avoid smoking and alcohol consumption. Such bad habits can damage sperm quality. Use panties that are too tight also worsen the quality of sperm.

  • Normally your testicles should be a couple of degrees cooler than your body temperature. So avoid wearing tight underpants and avoid bathing in very hot water or sitting in a hot tub to prevent overheating of testicles.
  • Maintain a gap of two to three days between two consecutive ejaculations.
  • Exercise regularly to loose excess fat and avoid sitting for long hours.
  • Sperm levels are generally high in the early morning. This is the best time.
  • Massaging the body with oil, a technique known as abhayanga in ayurveda, increases blood circulation and sperm count. Abhayanga slackens aging, boosts health and increases the libido.
Above is a healthy food you can consume to increase sperm quantity (sperm count / more sperm), sperm quality and sperm motility. Hope can help.

23 Amazing Benefits Of Mangoes For Skin, Hair And Health

Summers are here and soon we will start seeing mangoes in the market, hmm fresh and juicy. Mangoes are loved by almost one and all, especially when they are sweet. I am sure your mouth is watering right -now as you read these lines. Apart from being tasty, do you know that Mango also offers a number of health benefits?

But before we look at mango health benefits, one thing you must keep in mind is that, we are definitely not talking about ready made mango drinks here, we are talking about fresh mango fruits.
Mango Benefits for Skin:
Besides being extremely pleasing to your taste buds, mango is amazing for your skin as it is a great source of antioxidants, particularly vitamin C, which keep your skin healthy and glowing. It is often used in various face masks and scrubs. Its various skin benefits are as follows:
1. Mangoes for Glowing Skin:
Mangoes are great for your skin as they have the ability to reduce dark spots, blemishes and acne, thus imparting a natural glow to your skin. Vitamin A and Beta carotene in this fruit restore, rejuvenate and revive your skin with vigor as well as add shine to your skin.
2. Treatment of Blackheads:
This might appear a bit surprising but mangoes can be used to remove blackheads. For this purpose,prepare a scrub by mixing a teaspoon of mango pulp, half a teaspoon of milk or milk powder and honey. Rub it all over your face in circular motion. This will help in removing dead skin and blackheads, thus adding a glow to your face.
3. Anti-ageing Benefits:
The antioxidants present in this fruit delay the onset of skin ageing and pigmentation. They also protect your skin against the harmful free radicals which can cause skin cancer. Vitamin C helps incuring pimples and acne. When applied directly, it smoothens out your skin and acts as a natural moisturizer.
4. Improves Complexion:
Mangoes are packed with vitamin A which is a vital nutrient for maintaining a healthy skin and complexion as well as the integrity of mucous membranes. Mango skin is a great de-tanning agent. You can rub your face and hands with the skin of a ripe or raw mango and apply some milk cream on it. Wash off with cold water after 10 to 15 minutes. Doing this at least twice or thrice a week will reduce tanning drastically. Regular consumption of mangoes provides you with a fair and smooth skin.
5. Treatment of Dark Spots:
Mango skin is also beneficial in reducing dark spots. For this purpose, you can make a powder from the sun dried mango skin and mix it with a teaspoon of yogurt. Using this as face pack will reduce dark spots, blemishes and add a golden glow to your complexion.
6. Treatment of Acne:
Raw mango juice is an excellent astringent that can remove acne. You can boil a slice of a baby mango or raw mango in water and use this water on your face as an acne remover.
7. Great Cleanser:
To cleanse your skin, take a teaspoon of wheat flour and add mango pulp to it. This acts as a perfect cleanser by reaching your pores and cleaning them from deep within.
8. Home-made Face Wash:
You can prepare a home-made face wash by mixing one teaspoon each of mango pulp and powdered almond. Add a tablespoon of milk to this mix and grind it into a paste. This face wash can be applied on all skin types and washed after 20 minutes.
9. Exfoliates your Skin:
You can prepare an exfoliating mask by blending ¼ of a peeled mango, 2 spoons of whole milk, powdered almonds and crushed oats in a blender. Apply this on your face and neck for 20 minutes and rinse in lukewarm water.
10. Good for Sensitive Skin:
If you have sensitive skin, you can make a face pack by mixing mango pulp, oatmeal, milk and honey.Wash your face with cold water. Pat dry and apply this paste on your skin. Wash off with cold water after 15 minutes.
Mangoes are rich in vitamins and minerals that nourish your hair and promote hair growth. Mango for hair is beneficial in the following ways:
11. Great Conditioner:
Mango can be used in preparing a home-made conditioner. For this purpose, mix mango pulp with a spoonful of yogurt and two egg yellows. Apply this on your hair and leave for 30 minutes. This will condition your hair by making them soft and manageable.

12. Treatment of Dandruff:
Mango contains vitamin A which helps in fighting dandruff and adding shine to your hair. It is often used as an ingredient in hair moisturizers. Mangoes contain vitamin E which improves scalp circulation and encourages hair growth.
13. Treatment of Hair Loss and Grey Hair:
Mango seed oil is an excellent source of fatty acids, vitamins and minerals. The seed kernel itself has great moisturizing properties. You can prepare this oil by removing the outer coat of the mango seed and adding them to a jar of coconut, sesame or mustard oil and place this jar in the sunlight for a few days. Using this concoction regularly will make your hair long, black and thick and prevent hair loss.
Have a look at these 10 amazing health benefits of mangoes.
14. Fights And Prevents Cancer:
Mangoes are full of anti-oxidants which prevent breast cancer, prostate cancer and colon cancer. It also helps prevent leukemia.
15. Improves Eye Sight:
It contains high dosage of Vitamin A or Retinol which helps protect eye sight.
16. High amount of Fibre and Vit C:
It contains high amount of fibre and Vitamin C which helps to eliminate the Low Dencity Lipoprotein thereby bringing cholesterol levels down.
17. Maintaining the Alkaline Balance of the Body:
This is an amazing fruit which helps to maintain the alkaline balance of the human body because it contains elements like malic acid, tartaric acid and also a very good amount of citric acid.
18. Increases Metabolic Rate:
Like papayas, mangoes also help in improving digestion because it is very rich in fibres. Fibres help in good bowel movement and this inturn helps increase metabolic rate. Increased metabolic rate helps in cutting down excess stomach flab. So this is a good fruit for people on diet.
19. Boosts Immunity:
Mangoes contain 25 varieties of carotenoids and and they are enriched with a high amount of Vit C as well which helps maintain a healthy immune system.
20. Enriched with Anti-oxidants:
Mangoes are enriched with antioxidants and this helps in cell rejuvenation and cell repair.It helps detoxify skin from inside and also prevents occurrence of acne.
21. Increases Fertility:
Mangoes are rich in folate or folic acid which helps in improving fertility. It is a form of Vitamin B and folic acid deficiency that can cause miscarriage in women.
22. Trace Minerals:
Mangoes contain trace elements like copper, selenium, zinc and potassium which are essential for human well being. Absence of these trace minerals can cause a lot of health problems. So start including mangoes in your regular diet.
23. Vitamin E:
Mangoes are rich in Vitamin E, which helps increase and improve the sex drive in humans.
24. Reduces Cholesterol and Prevents Diabetes:
Mango fruit benefits also include reducing cholesterol and preventing diabetes. I know you would be surprised reading this, but it is true. Mangoes contain natural sugar, and each has nearly 31gms of sugar, but at the same time it is low on glycemic load, this means that it the blood sugar is not affected.

25. Prevents Strokes:
Mangoes are also known to prevent strokes as they control homocystiene levels in the blood, which otherwise is harmful to blood vessels that are known to cause CAD and stroke.

Selection: Mangoes are available in large amounts during the peak season and you might be tempted to buy a boxful when they are available at a reasonable price. Mangoes should be selected by their aroma and not by their color which varies from variety to variety. Their aroma should be distinct and ripe. While buying mangoes, choose the ones without dark spots, blemishes or splits. They should yield to gentle pressure. Fresh mangoes on an average measure about 4 inches in length and weigh about 9 ounces to 4 pounds each. Larger fruits have a higher fruit to seed ratio. Though unripe mangoes are generally green in color and ripe mangoes have colors ranging from yellow to orange to red, color is not always an indication of maturity. There are some varieties where ripe mangoes retain some green coloring. Avoid mangoes that have bruised or dry and shriveled skin as well as those which have no fragrant aroma as they are likely to have no flavor. Under-ripe mangoes should be avoided as they have an unpleasant chemical taste when eaten raw. A ripe mango generally has a full fruity aroma emitting from the stem end, is soft to touch and yields to gentle pressure.
Storage: Proper storage is important to ensure that the fruit stays fresh and to prevent spoilage. The storage requirements vary depending upon the variety. If the mangoes are hard and green, they should be placed in a brown paper bag for a few days to ripen. They should be stored at room temperature and away from the sun until they ripen. Mangoes generally have a shelf life of 1 to 2 weeks. Once ripe, they can be stored in the refrigerator. Mangoes can also be frozen. Freezing them makes their skin black but inner flesh will stay in good condition. They can be frozen either entirely or in the form of chopped up pieces. When freezing peeled mangoes, sprinkle sugar over the chopped fruit and stir gently with wooden spoon to dissolve the sugar in the fruit’s own juices. Seal these pieces in an airtight container leaving ½ inch airspace or plastic freezer bags after squeezing all the air out. Mangoes can be refrigerated for about 2 to 5 days.

Eating: Being one of the most delicious fruits, mangoes are usually eaten raw. They have a delicate blend of peach, pineapple and apricot flavors, a perfect mixture of sweet and sour. Before proceeding to eat mangoes, you should check their ripeness. A mango is said to be ready to eat when you gently push your fingers onto it and they leave a slight dent on its skin. Mangoes can be eaten in various ways.
1. Cutting the Mango: You can cut the mango into halves and thirds while leaving out the large pit. For this purpose, hold the peeled fruit and make vertical and horizontal cuts to create a chequered pattern. Using a knife, pull out the mango chunks from one half while grasping the other half of the mango. Place these chunks in a bowl.
2. Cubed Mangoes: You can place the cubed mango in a bowl and eat them with a spoon. Mango cubes also make a fantastic addition to fruit salads. To prevent the mango juice from overpowering the flavour of the salad, drain the mango chunks before adding them. You can make delicious mango salads along with other fruits like papaya, apples, cantaloupe, pineapples, pears, sliced cherries and oranges. Add a pinch of cinnamon or lime juice for extra flavour.
3. Desserts: Being naturally sweet, mangoes make a great addition to desserts. They can be blended with yogurt to make a smoothie or mango cubes can be added to yogurt. This luscious fresh fruit can be blended with non-fat sour cream and lemon curd and spooned into sweet brandy-snap baskets.
Cooking: Though mangoes are mostly eaten directly, they can also form part of several dishes. Raw mangoes are widely used to make pickles and chutneys. Mango juice is often added to impart flavor to dishes. In fact, there are several cuisines all over the world that use mangoes to add spice to a main course. Given below are some of the ways in which you can make your recipes interesting by adding mangoes to them.
1. You can prepare a mango salsa using mango chunks, papaya, avocado, and adding a bit of lemon juice and some cilantro. This salsa can be added to chicken, beef or shrimps or eaten as a snack with potato or plantain chips.
2. Raw mangoes can also be grilled. For this purpose choose ripe but firm mangoes and cut them in half. Moisten them with olive oil and set them on a medium-high grill placed two or three inches from the heat source, turning them after every two minutes. Cook them until they turn brown and soft. Garnish them with ½ cup each of toasted coconut and bread crumbs. This can be served alongside any meat dish.
3. Mangoes are used as an ingredient in Caribbean rice and other foods with a Caribbean flavor.
4. Mangoes can be added to chicken salad. This salad is a combination of new potatoes, tender broiled chicken and asparagus tossed in a fresh orange dressing and then mixed with juicy mango slices and baby salad greens. It is a delicious and well balanced meal.
5. Unripe mangoes can be used to prepare mango chutney. For this purpose, grill the mango slices along with their skin for 10 minutes until the skin becomes spotty and the fruit feels soft. Place these slices in a bowl, cover and let them stand for 10 minutes. Now peel the skin of the fruit with your fingers. Make the chutney by combining it with grilled onion, one chopped tomato, ½ teaspoon salt, 1 teaspoon sugar, some chilli flakes, 1 tablespoon lime juice, 1 tablespoon minced ginger, a handful of chopped cilantro leaves and 1 teaspoon sweet flavored vinegar.
We will discuss the nutrition associated with about a sliced 165 gram piece of a mango in this post. Read below to know mango nutrition facts.
Calories: The calorie content in this proportion of mango is 107. Out of this, the calories from fat are about 4. Others include – carbohydrates (101), proteins (2.8). Overall it is a moderate source for calories.
Proteins: Mango contains about 0.8 grams of proteins which is about 2% of the daily value (DV).
Carbohydrates: Carbohydrates are about 28.1 grams in all which amounts to almost 9% of the DV. These include dietary fibers at about 3 grams which is close to 12% DV. The sugars comprise the rest which is close to 24.4 grams in quantity.
Fats and fatty acids: Mango contains about 0.4 grams of fatty acids which is like 1% of the DV (daily value). The fat content comes from saturated fat (0.1gm), mono saturated fat (0.2gm), poly saturated fat (0.1gm). The other fats like Omega-3 fatty acids and Omega-6 fatty acids are present In 61.1 mg and 23.1 mg amounts.
Minerals: Mango contains minerals such as Calcium (116.5 mg), iron ()0.2 mg, magnesium (14.8 mg), phosphorous(18.2 mg), potassium (257 mg), sodium (3.3 mg), and zinc, copper and selenium in other small amounts.
Vitamins: Vitamin A, C, E, K and B6 with other vitamins like thiamine, niacin Choline, and Folate are also present in this fruit.
This fruit is mildly inflammatory and hence can be eaten in good amounts. The weight loss, weight gain and health parameters related to mango are also moderate. Being low in saturated fat, it does not give a lot of fat content to the body. It is also low in cholesterol and sodium. It is considered as a good source of dietary fiber and Vitamin B6. It is also a good source of Vitamins A and C. The bad thing about the fruit is that a good proportion of the calorie count this fruit provides is received from sugars which may be a harmful thing for diabetic people. They cannot consume the fruit as normally as others.
Water is about 135 grams and ash is about 0.8 grams in this serving.