Saturday 31 January 2015

10 Foods that Increase Your Sperm Count

Sperm Count is one of the most important characteristics in male fertility. Research shows that in more than half of  infertility issues in couples, low sperm count is the cause. According to the World Health Organization, sperm count of more than 15 million sperms per milliliters in considered normal. In semen analysis which is a test for sperm quality to find the underlying cause of male infertility, the following parameters are measured: sperm countsperm motilitysperm morphology, volume, fructose level and pH.
Several environmentallifestyle and medical causes can lower the sperm count significantly.
Here is a list of the most common causes of low sperm count:
  • Drugs such as cocaine and marijuana
  • Drinking alcohol
  • Exteneded uses of computers and laptops
  • Long-term sitting, such as driving and bicycling for a long time
  • Smoking
  • Stress
  • Obesity
  • Medical issues:
varicocele, infections, inflammation of testicles and prostate, ejaculation issues, anti-sperm antibodies, tumors, homonal imbalance, gluten intoleance and some medications.

Exercise and a healthy diet can help you to increase your sperm count. Here we gathered a list of 10 foods that can help you to boost your sperm count :

• Bananas

Bananas are effective at increasing sperm count, since they contain a rare enzyme calledBromelain. Bromelain is also found in pineapples, and mostly  in their stem. Beromelain is anatural anti-inflammatory enzyme  which also boosts greater production of the male sex hormone, testosterone.
Bananas are also a rich source of vitamins B1, A and C. These essential vitamins help the body enhance its sperm producing ability and increases stamina significantly.
• Dark chocolate

Dark chocolate is not just used in seduction, but it also has enormous health benefits. According to a research published in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association, dark chocolate can increase the feeling of attraction between two people by releasing the same endorphins that are secreted during sex.
Dark chocolate also contains L-arginine, which is also present in red meat, nuts, spinach and lentils, whole grains,soy, seafood and eggs. This amino acid is needed for sperm production and when consumed, increases sperm count and boosts semen volume. According to The University of Michigan Health System , several months of L-arginine supplementation increases sperm count, quality, and fertility.
L-arginine is also known to improve the dilation of blood vessels, which increases blood flow to the genitals, which can help the penis to enlarge. That’s the reason why men who consume dark chocolate everyday have reported stronger and more intense orgasms.
• Garlic

Garlic has the ability to increase blood flow in the body. Garlic contains a chemical called allicin. Allicin is responsible for many of garlic’s amazing health benefits including its antimicrobial, and anti-hypertension properties. This compound prevents plaques from building up in arteries and enhances blood flow to the genital area which increases the production of sperm. Garlic also contains nitric oxide synthase, or NOS, which plays an important role in a healthy erection. Garlic provides the body with selenium and vitamin B6 which are responsible for the mechanism of healthy sperm production.
• Pomegranates

Pomegranates are useful in problems ranging from cold and flu to low sperm count. Pomegranates contain anti-oxidants that fight a chemical in the blood which destroys sperm. This chemical is known as malondialdehyde (MDA). Malondialdehyde is also found in the semen and is associated with low sperm quality . A new study published in the International Journal of Medical Research and Health Sciences (2013)  shows that smoking increases the levels of MDA in semen and lower the sperm count in semen.
Aother study published in Clinical Nutrition Journal  shows that daily consumption of pomegranate juice destroys free radicals and boosts sperm quality.
• Beef

Beef is a rich source of zinc which possesses protective properties that prevent free radicals from becoming part of sperm. Zinc stops testosterone from converting into estrogen which is responsible for low libido. According to Mayoclinic, daily consumption of 66 milligrams of zinc may increase sperm counts in subfertile men and 220 milligrams of daily zinc is helpful for sexual dysfunction in men.

Monday 19 January 2015

10 Amazing Health Benefits Of Jaggery (Gur)

How many of you have seen your grandparents and parents eating jaggery after lunch or dinner! Do you know why do they eat it and recommend it to others as well? There are a number of reasons behind it. There are innumerable health benefits of jaggery. It is not just a raw sweet or sweetening agent but also a wonderful remedy for many diseases.

Jaggery is a great remedy for anemia, asthma, joint pains and menstrual pains. It also aids in digestion, purifies blood and keeps the skin away from problems such as acnes and pimples. It is a great energy booster as it provides us lots of energy. If you feel drained at any point of the day, a piece of jaggery with water can do wonders for you.
Some people don't like because of its raw appearance. It's yellowish, dark brown color and solid or gooey texture might be very unappealing, but its health benefits are great. If you don't like it in its raw form, you can have jaggery laddoos. These laddoos are made up of lots of dry fruits like almonds, cashews, walnuts, peanuts and jaggery. It is a great way to gain its health benefits while satisfying your taste buds and eyes as well.
Purifies Blood 
Jaggery is a wonderful sweet that not only tastes delicious but also purifies the blood. It acts as a cleansing agent for our blood and purifies it. You simply have to add it to your diet and have its benefits.Good for Digestion 
As jaggery has natural cleansing properties, it also helps get rid of digestion problems. If you eat a piece of jaggery every day with water or milk, your body will be free from all toxins.

Cools your Stomach
Having a medium sized piece of jaggery with water every day is wonderful for your body and stomach. Especially during summers, it cools down your stomach and whole body temperature.

Prevents Anemia 
It is a great remedy for women suffering from anemia. Jaggery is a rich source of iron and if women add it to their daily diet, it helps them get rid of anemia. It is a must eat for all women, especially teenagers and pregnant women.

Good for Skin 
Jaggery is great for your skin also. It makes your skin healthy and charming. If you have acne and pimples on your skin, eat jiggery every day. You will definitely see them going away and get a lovely and flawless skin.

Cures Cough and Cold 
It is an age-old remedy to cure dry cough and cold. If you don't like eating Jaggery in its raw form, you can try jaggery laddoos, which are made with sesame seeds and jaggery. They are very good in taste.

Provides Instant Energy 
When you are extremely tired and exhausted, have jaggery. It is an instant energy provider. The best thing about jaggery is that it is digested and absorbed gradually which in turn doesn't raise blood sugar level immediately.

Prevents Asthma.
Jaggery is, often, recommended to Asthma patients as it is a great remedy to cure asthma. It has such properties which regulates body temperature which is very good for Asthma patients. It also has anti-allergy properties.

Reduces Joint Pains 
If you are suffering from joint pains, eat jaggery, it is wonderful for you. Eat jaggery with a piece of ginger every day, it will definitely help you get rid of joint pains. Jaggery is good for migraine patients also.

Cures Menstrual Pain 
Many girls bear acute pain during their menstrual cycle. If you also have this problem, eat jaggery. It helps relieve premenstrual pain. You should have it at least once daily.

Sunday 18 January 2015

The benefits of natural food

If you’re looking to improve your overall well-being, help is at hand. Our nutritionist Lucy-Ann Prideaux is here to shed some light on what we mean by natural foods, and what foods you should be avoiding in order to stay healthy.
The benefits of Natural food

Let’s first understand the concept of “wholefoods” versus “fragmented” or processed foods. Processed foods have been stripped of one or more of their original elements, i.e. they are missing valuable nutrients, fibres or water. Natural foods, or Wholefoods (fresh whole fruits, vegetables, wholegrains, seeds, nuts, beans and legumes) have been provided for us by nature, and by their very nature, are the perfect foods for our bodies to thrive and survive on. We are, after all, part of nature, and as such are designed to thrive on natural foods. Whilst we can certainly exist on processed foods, we cannot (I believe) survive on these foods alone.

Natural food, as nature intended

Man-made/factory-made/synthetic foods or any foods, which have been highly sugared, salted and processed, are devoid of so many of the nutrients and life-giving substances needed for optimal health. Foods as close to their natural state, or as nature intended them to be consumed, are, in contrast, rich in health-giving nutrients that sustain and energise us. Fresh, raw fruits and vegetables are also full the “life-force” of nature, which along with vital vitamins, minerals and phyto-nutrients lead to a positive, natural state of physical and mental health and vibrancy.

Not so natural foods: what to avoid

These highly processed foods lead to ill-health and disease, and to the accumulation of body fat and weight gain. Under this banner come:
  • White flour-based products which have a high glycaemic index and load (High GI or High GL)
  • Refined grains, many commercial “boxed” cereals
  • Refined sugars and syrups
  • Sugary foods and drinks such as biscuits, pastries, cake, canned drinks and many sports drinks and sports products.
  • Also problematic are foods that are high in both refined sugar AND commercial fats and trans fats. These include manufactured biscuits, many cereal and breakfast bars, processed protein and energy bars, cakes, pastries, chocolate bars, sweets and candies etc.
Doesn’t it make sense to move toward nature and simply eat natural foods?

Looking for healthy snacks?

If you’re after something healthy, low fat and natural which counts towards your 5 a day, why not try these yummy snacks from our range:
  • Get natural with Nakd Protein Crunch bars that are full of honest, healthy ingredients and 100 % natural goodness. The soya crunchy pieces packed with extra protein will keep you going for longer.
  • Nakd Caffee Mocha bars are new, delicious coffee flavoured treats made from all natural ingredients with the heavenly rich aroma of a fresh cup of cappuccino with chocolate mocha! Gluten, wheat and dairy free.
  • Nakd Infused Raisins count as 1 of 5 a day and are a delicious sweet snack to satisfy those with a sweet tooth. 100% natural goodness and delicious flavour.

How to Use Olive Oil for Hair Growth

You ask us for a powerhouse when it comes to hair care, and we say olive oil. Keeping a bottle of olive oil handy not just in your kitchen, but your bathroom can help your tresses look thicker, stronger, longer and shinier. Yes, the rich, moisturizing oil can be used as a conditioner, a hot oil treatment, or as a finishing product.

As one ages, the structure of the hair undergoes a slow change, thereby making it weaker and resulting in hair loss and greying.  Hair loss can be caused by a lot of reasons- genetic or hereditary reasons, but often it can be caused by pollution, misuse of hair care products, frequent colouring, poor diet, and certain medications or over processing of the hair. These causes of hair loss can sometimes be reversed. Resorting to the use olive oil for hair growth is perhaps the best option.


Olive Oil for Hair Growth

Benefits of Olive Oil for Hair: Removes Dandruff

Dandruff comes from a scalp which is dry, and flaky. Lemon helps loosen the dandruff while olive oil moisturizes the new, exfoliated layer of skin. To get rid of that scurf, mix equal amounts of olive oil, lemon juice and water. Massage into damp scalp, leave on for 20 minutes, rinse and shampoo. This dandruff-fighting treatment should be used anytime in alternative weeks. Too much acidity from lemon could cause your hair to grey prematurely.

Benefits of Olive Oil for Hair: Treats Split Ends

Winters make your hair prone to breakage, splitting, and frizzy flyaways giving your sleek haircut a messy and unkempt look. This is a time when you can use olive oil for hair that is smooth, has weight and moisture and is problem-free. Just smooth a little olive oil on your fingers and run them through your hair after you've styled it to give your ends and flyaways the kiss off.

Olive Oil for Hair Strength and Shine

You are in love with your regular conditioner which means you are in love with all the chemicals in it too. Olive oil could easily substitute it for bringing moisture back to your hair and make it look shiny. It is free of chemicals, rich in vitamin A, E, and antioxidants. It works by protecting the keratin in hair and sealing the moisture in. It is also believed to remove sebum buildup which blocks the new follicles and hinders hair growth.


How to Use Olive Oil for Hair Growth

Manage Your Hair Better with Olive Oil

If your hair looks lifeless, doesn’t hold a curl, and is hard to style, it probably is undernourished. Find resort in a hot oil treatment which features olive oil for hair that is easy to manage and style. Coating you hair in half a cup of olive oil, leaving it for 30 minutes, and then shampooing it off can return the much needed moisture to your hair. 

Use Olive Oil for Extra Smooth Hair

All those brittle ends and frizzy curls make your hair feel like steel wool. Don’t worry, olive oil can help soften your hair, making it more malleable. A natural, deep conditioning treatment of olive oil each week can replace the extra silicone ingredients used in conditioners that give your hair a false feeling of softness of for a few hours.

How to Use Olive Oil for Hair Growth

A hormone called DTH (dihydrotestosterone) is the culprit in many cases of hair loss, as it causes the hair follicle shaft to narrow. Olive oil actually stops this from happening, which means you can hold onto your hair for longer.

Benefits of olive oil for hair growth also go a long way in keeping promoting good health for your scalp, fighting fungi and bacteria, and improving the blood circulation. When your blood circulation becomes better, your hair follicles get stimulated, producing hair strands that are thicker and healthier.

It is actually amazing to see how olive oil and hair growth have become synonymous with it working alone excellently to prevent or slow hair loss.

Experts have proven that regular use of the olive oil helps to restore the shine in your hair. To ensure visible results, learning the right application method is equally imperative.


Benefits of Olive Oil for Hair

How to Apply Olive Oil to Promote Hair Growth

To use olive oil for hair growth, take 20 to 30 ml in a bowl and add approximately 10 ml of coconut oil to it.
  • Warm this mixture in a microwave, while ensuring not to overheat it. The oil should be warm enough to touch without scalding the fingers.
  • Part your hair in sections and apply the warm oil gently with your fingertips to the scalp. Continue this procedure, moving from section to section till the whole scalp has been covered.
  • Take some more oil on your palm and gently apply the oil from root to tips while holding each section individually.  This will condition the entire strand of hair and prevent breakage and split ends.
  • Soak a towel in hot water and squeeze out the extra water.  The temperature of the towel should not be uncomfortably hot.
  • Wrap this towel around your hair and leave it on for around twenty minutes.  This will not only steam your scalp for better absorption of oil, but will also enhance the blood circulation in the entire scalp.
  • During summers, wearing a shower cap after oiling your hair and leaving it on for thirty minutes would provide sufficient warmth to the scalp.
  • Wash your hair with a gentle shampoo. You can also use a baby shampoo as it is considered to be very mild. Repeat this procedure once or twice a week over a couple of months to witness best results.

Some herbs and spices also enhance the effect of olive oil. A teaspoonful of fenugreek seeds when added to olive oil and heated gently makes a powerful concoction that prevents dandruff and promotes hair growth.

Please understand that even though olive oil can work wonders for your hair, you must complement the olive oil treatments for hair with other lifestyle changes for even better results. Enriching your diet with good foods, such as almonds, seafood and Greek yogurt, can help your hair become healthier.

Ready to Quit Smoking?

Review the Pros and Cons of the Most Popular Methods for Kicking the Habit.

Smokers have been hearing the vital advice from friends, family and doctors for years, it's time to quit smoking. It's no secret that tobacco can do lethal harm to a person's heart and lungs. Cigarette smoking leads to heart attacks, strokes, emphysema and various forms of cancer - AND it elevates stress levels and blood pressure.
Cigarettes kill millions of people every year - and that's just in the United States. Fortunately, smoking rates leveled off or declined over the past few decades in developed nations. But there are still millions of smokers who need to overcome their addictions to the deadly habit.


There are so many choices these days for people to try to quit smoking, it's hard to know what to try first. None can guarantee 100 percent success. First, nicotine replacement therapies, such as lozenges and Nicorette Nicotine Gum, are over-the-counter candies and gum to release nicotine into the blood without lighting up. But the tastes are known to be horrible.

Nicotine Patch

The nicotine patch is placed over clean skin anywhere between one's neck and waist to release enough nicotine for the brain to think the body is smoking. However, the patch makes some users physically sick.

Laser treatment

The expensive laser technique is used to stimulate specific parts of the body to increase endorphin production and decrease cravings. Rather than the medical route, smokers try to quit with unreliable methods, like hypnosis and acupuncture. There are also herbal teas, pills and drops available that reduce cigarette cravings.

Prescription stop smoking pills

Zyban is a popular pill that is prescribed, and many ex-smokers find it extremely useful. Chantix is used to treat smoking addiction by decreasing the pleasurable effects of tobacco. In the years since it's been on the market, several of the medicine's side effects have been brought to light. People's moods and behaviors change as Chantix alters one's brain chemistry. It is up to the individual to decide if the advantages of quitting smoking outweigh the discomforts associated with medications.
Chantix physical side effects often include:
  • Gas
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Constipation

Herbal stop smoking pills - quit smoking naturally

Nicodyne is an all herbal formula that doesn't require a prescription. There are no cravings, as the product's natural ingredients fool a smoker's brain into thinking it just finished a soothing cigarette. Every day, Nicodyne helps smokers give up the habit safely and naturally without damaging side effects.
The professionals behind Nicodyne are now offering they offer a two week risk-free trial. There's nothing to lose. Click here for more details about giving up smoking for good with Nicodyne.

The amazing benefits of orange skins

Orange skins 

Are loads of oranges. Vitamin C and are rich in fiber, which delivers significant benefits for your body.

benefits of orange peel

But it does not peel less talented. Its properties are hidden hundreds of skins to your body ample reward. Let's go have some wonderful advantages of the skins of oranges.

Rich in vitamins and minerals

Orange shells are abundant in vitamins and minerals. It contains vitamin B vitamin B5 B6 and folate are found in the various neurological disorders such as depression (depression), stress, anxiety, Maigren, etc. Vitamin B keeps your nervous system are also healthy.

The skins of oranges in vitamin C

There are also plentiful in the skins of oranges is vitamin C, which is your body's immune system strong. O If you live far away and causing disease. Any disease in the presence of vitamin C, you can easily create your victim. Vitamin C keeps your skin young AND shiny. This vitamin is also strengthens your hair, prevents hair loss and makes hair thick and black.

Vitamins presence

Vitamin A is found in the skins of oranges is a large amount of your eyes provides health. This is your vision sharp and prevents wrinkles around the eyes. This vitamin also improves blood circulation in your body so that you are always healthy. This vitamin is also strengthens your hair so your hair are dense and are not falling fast.


Calcium is abundant in the skins of oranges sits is essential for the health of your bones. It strengthens your bones and you do not have the risk of osteoporosis.

Beneficial in diseases of the heart

Such properties are found in the skins of oranges that are off heart disease and thus the person who consumed Attek Heart, stroke, high blood pressure is shielded from such diseases.

Beneficial in constipation

Pectin is found in the skins of oranges, which is also known as natural fibers. There are many diseases because of your stomach. Such activity is very effective in removing the constipation.

To control weight

Such properties that are in the skins of oranges to control your appetite and weight do not have. Whose weight has increased because it is very useful for them is to lose weight naturally. Without any damage to your body.

To prevent cancer

Orange peel that save you from lung cancer. Also breast cancer, colon cancer, colon cancer, throat cancer, etc. are also protect you.

How to use it?

You can drink orange skins dried thereby making the tea will make you lose weight and you will find other benefits.Often devised orange powder is dried skins then the tea is consumed with other foods. Medical stores are available with the powder method of its use.

Monday 12 January 2015


When's the best time to have sex to conceive?

The most effective time to have sex is during your fertile window, which can last up to six days every month. These six days are the five days leading up to, and the day of, ovulation, when your body releases an egg.

 Your egg will survive for about a day once released. But sperm can survive for up to a week. Hence there is a six-day window for sperm to meet an egg.

 You are most likely to conceive if you have sex one or two days before you ovulate. However, it's tricky to pinpoint the exact day or two just before ovulation. So if you don't want your sex life to be ruled by the calendar, your best bet is simply to enjoy sex every two or three days.

 If you want to be more precise, though, you will need to work out when you will ovulate. When you'll ovulate in any given cycle depends on:
the length of your menstrual cycle
how regular your periods are

 A  menstrual cycle can be as short as 22 days or as long as 36 days. On average, a woman gets her period between 12 days and 14 days after she's ovulated.

 If you have a 28-day menstrual cycle, you're likely to ovulate around the middle of your cycle. If you have a short cycle, you could ovulate within days of your period ending. A long cycle could mean that you won't ovulate until two weeks after your period has ended.

 Nearly half of women have a cycle length that varies by more than seven days. If your menstrual cycle is different from one month to the next, your fertile window may also vary by about a week between each period.

 That's why it's best to have sex every two to three days throughout your cycle. It's more effective than focusing your efforts only on the days you think you're about to ovulate. Also, sex every two to three days improves the quality of sperm  compared to daily sex.
How do I know when I'm about to ovulate?
You may be very aware of when you ovulate, or you may not notice any changes at all. If you're thinking about getting pregnant, get in touch with your body. Signs that you are approaching ovulation can start around three weeks before you expect your next period. Try looking out for:
Increased vaginal discharge that's wetter, and like stretchy egg white. This is called fertile mucus.
Slight discomfort on one side of your belly (mittelschmerz).
Feeling more sexy.

 One of the simplest ways of working out your fertile days is to check your cervical mucus every day. Changes to your mucus are one of the easiest things for you to spot.

 To find out more about your fertile window, try our ovulation calculator. And read our article for helpful tips for spotting other signs of ovulation.
Do irregular periods make it harder to get pregnant?
Irregular periods do not necessarily mean that you are less fertile than women with regular periods. However, if your periods are irregular or are more than 36 days apart, it is worth seeing your GP.

 Sometimes, irregular cycles are caused by conditions such as polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) or a thyroid disorder. These conditions could affect your chances of conceiving, so it is better to get help sooner rather than later.

 The more irregular your periods are, the more difficult it can be to work out when you're fertile. So practise looking for changes in fertile mucus by checking daily. Try to have sex when you notice two or more days of wet, slippery mucus. Or you may find it easier to just have regular sex throughout your cycle.

Best Time To Get Pregnant Faster

The best time to get pregnant fast is to have sex or sexual intercourse once a day every day during the 4-5 days before and on the day of ovulation.

There is no single "best day" or best time to get pregnant and to make love if you want to improve your chances of getting pregnant. Studies have shown repeatedly that you can improve your chances of getting pregnant by:
Have sex every day once if his sperm count is fine
Have sex frequently during your fertile day (four days are better than one day)
Have sex  once daily, during the two days prior to the day of ovulation and on the day of ovulation

Calculate the best time to get pregnant and your fertile days HERE

Making love the day after ovulation won't get you pregnant.

To improve your chances of getting pregnant, you need to have sex regularly throughout the menstrual cycle and especially during your fertile days. That requires that you first find out how to calculate your fertile days.

While there is no definitive proof that you always improve your chances of getting pregnant by timing sexual intercourse, it can help if you calculate ovulation and your fertile days by using our fertility calendar, doing BBT fertility charting, and using OPKs, or fertility monitors.

Studies have shown that in women with regular cycles, ovulation can happen on many days of the menstrual cycle and there could be many days not just a single best time to get pregnant. Even in women with a regular cycle, there is a 10% chance of ovulating each day after the menstrual period ends.

Because having sex after ovulation won't get you pregnant, it's generally suggested to have sex regularly two to three times a week, every week. That is your best time to get pregnant to improve your chances of getting pregnant.

In addition, you may still want to make love daily during the four to five "fertile" days prior to and during ovulation (if his sperm count is OK). But if that's all you do, then it won't probably increase your pregnancy chances.