Sunday 28 December 2014

22 Amazing Benefits And Uses Of Bitter Melon/Bitter Gourd For Skin, Hair And Health

Confused with the name? More commonly bitter gourd in hindi is known as “Karela”. This vegetable is called as Bitter Gourd, Bitter Melon and Bitter Squash in english. First thing that comes to my mind seeing it is the bitterness in the name. They are dark or light green in colour depending on the region where they are grown. Though they taste very bitter, they are filled with many beneficial antioxidants and essential vitamins.

Bitter melon can be consumed in various ways like drinking its juice, pickle or using them in recipes.


Let us quickly look at some of the most well known health benefits of Bitter Melon:

1. Respiratory disorders:

Fresh pods are an excellent remedy for curing respiratory problems like asthma, cold, cough, etc.

2Liver tonic:

Drink one glass of Bitter Melon juice daily to heal liver problems. Keep consuming this continuously for a week to see results.

3. Immune system:

Boil bitter melon leaves or fruits in water and consume it every day to fight against infections. This also helps to build your immunity.

4. Acne:

Consuming Bitter Melon can help to get rid of acne, blemishes and deep skin infections.  Bitter melon is useful in treating blood disorders like blood boils, scabies, itching, psoriasis, ring-worm and other fungal diseases. The free radicals in it are also useful for anti ageing.
Consume juice of bitter melon mixed with lemon on an empty stomach daily for 6 months or till you get the required results.

5. Diabetes:

Bitter melon juice benefits to overcome type 2 diabetes. It has been a part of the Chinese and Indian ancient medicine for a long time but only recent research has proven that it is no folk lore. Type 2 diabetes is caused partially due to the inability of a cell to absorb the sugar in the blood due to insufficient insulin or due development of resistance to insulin. In both cases, the cells are unable to absorb the sugar due to the ineffectiveness of insulin produced. The absorption of sugar occurs due to the activation of AMP-activated protein kinase in the cells. Bitter gourd activated these kinases due to which the absorption of sugar increases. And hence aids in bringing diabetes in control.
Green juice for diabetics: cucumbers, green apples, bitter melon, celery, ½ green capsicum (bell pepper). Bitter melon contains certain chemicals that are like insulin which help to REDUCE BLOOD SUGAR levels.

6. Constipation:

Bitter melon helps in easy digestion as it contains fibre properties. The food is digested and waste is thrown out of the body which helps in curing indigestion and constipation problems.

7. Kidney and bladder:

Bitter melon helps to maintain healthy liver and bladder. It is also useful in curing kidney stones.

8. Heart disease:

Bitter melon is very good for the heart in many ways. They help to reduce the bad cholesterol levels which clog the arterial walls and thereby reduce the chances of heart attacks. Also it is known to lower blood sugar levels that help in maintaining good heart health.

 9. Cancer:

Bitter Melon can prevent cancer cells from multiplying.

10. Weight loss:

Bitter Melon contains antioxidants, which help to flush out your system. This improves your metabolism and digestive systems thus helping you lose weight quickly.The two other major factors that aid in weight loss is the calorie control and filling components. Calorie control happens as such because vegetables are low on calories which allows you to consume more quantities of them. Filling component in this vegetable is water. We know that water is a universal suppressant of hunger. And the pods of this vegetable contain on the whole 80-85% water.


The appearance of your skin is largely determined by what you put inside your body. In other words, getting proper nutrition is a pre requisite for healthy and damage free skin. Being a natural blood purifier, bitter gourd helps in improving the appearance of your skin. It provides the following benefits to your skin:

11. Prevents Skin Problems:

Regular consumption of bitter gourd helps in keeping your skin glowing and free from blemishes. It also helps prevent acne thanks to its blood purifying properties.

12. Skin Infections:

Bitter melon benefits in treating skin diseases or skin infections, eczema and psoriasis. Regular consumption of bitter gourd juice helps in improving psoriasis condition as well as other fungal infections like ring worm and athletes foot.

13. Anti-ageing:

Bitter gourd contains vitamin C, which is a powerful antioxidant. By fighting and eliminating the harmful free radicals, it helps to prevent wrinkles by slowing down the ageing process. It also protects the skin from damage by Sun’s ultraviolet rays.

14. Healing Qualities:

Bitter gourd helps in controlling blood flow and clotting, causing wounds to heal faster, preventing further infections.
bitter gourd hair loss


Bitter gourd is a great home remedy for your hair. Besides being beneficial for your skin and health, bitter gourd juice is also effective in treating hair problems and promoting longevity. It is beneficial for your hair in the following ways:

15. Shiny Hair:

To impart a natural shine to your hair, you can mix a cup of fresh bitter gourd juice with yoghurt and apply on your hair. Wash off after sometime. This will make your hair shiny and beautiful.

16. Dandruff:

Dandruff is a common problem and is mostly caused due to the consumption of unhealthy food and exposure to pollution. To ward off dandruff, you can prepare a hair pack by mixing bitter gourd juice and cumin seeds. Regular usage of this pack will rid you of dandruff within a month.

17. Split Ends:

If you are troubled by split ends, you can apply raw bitter gourd juice to your split ends and then comb gently. This should be done twice a week to get rid of split ends.

18. Dry and Itchy Scalp:

To combat dryness of scalp, you can rub a fresh piece of bitter gourd on it and massage your scalp in a circular motion. Then rinse off with clear water. To combat itchiness, you can prepare a hair pack by mixing bitter gourd juice with either avocado or banana and apply it on your scalp. This should be used at least once a week to get rid of itchy scalp.

19. Hair Loss:

Bitter gourd juice helps in reducing hair-fall naturally. All you need to do is mix bitter gourd juice with a dash of sugar and use this paste on your hair to get good results.

20. Rough and Tangled Hair:

If you have rough and tangled hair, you can pour a cup of bitter gourd juice and allow it to soak for 10 to 15 minutes. Then rinse off your hair. This will help smoothen your hair texture and make it soft and shiny.

21. Grey Hair:

Bitter gourd can also treat premature greying of hair. You can apply freshly squeezed bitter gourd juice on your grey strands. Doing this once in every ten days will reduce grey hair growth.

22. Oily Hair:

Increased intake of oily food can cause the accumulation of excess oil in your hair. If you have oily hair, you should first limit the consumption of oily food. You can apply a mixture of bitter gourd juice and apple cider vinegar to remove excess oil from your hair.

Bitter Gourd: Nutritional Value:

The numerous health, skin and hair benefits of bitter melon can be attributed to its nutritional value. It has a wide array of vitamins and minerals such as vitamin A, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin C, calcium, potassium, zinc, iron, copper and phosphorus. The chart given below shows the nutritional value of bitter gourd.
See the table below for in depth analysis of nutrients:Bitter melon (Momordica charantia),
fresh, raw, Nutritive value per 100 g
PrincipleNutrient ValuePercentage of RDA
Energy17 Kcal<1%
Carbohydrates3.70 g3%
Protein1.00 g2%
Total Fat0.17 g0.5%
Cholesterol0 mg0%
Dietary Fiber2.80 g7%
Folates72 µg18%
Niacin0.400 mg2.5%
Pantothenic acid0.212 mg4%
Pyridoxine0.043 mg3%
Riboflavin0.040 mg3%
Thiamin0.040 mg3.5%
Vitamin A471 IU16%
Vitamin C84 mg140%
Sodium5 mg<1%
Potassium296 mg6%
Calcium19 mg2%
Copper0.034 mg4%
Iron0.43 mg5%
Magnesium17 mg4%
Manganese0.089 mg4%
Zinc0.80 mg7%
Carotene-ß190 µg
Carotene-α185 µg
Lutein-zeaxanthin170 µg

  • Calories: Bitter gourd is quite low in calories with a 100 gram serving providing just 17 calories.
  • Vitamin C: Bitter gourd is an excellent source of vitamin C with 100 grams of raw pod, providing 84 mg of this vitamin which is equivalent to 140% of Recommended Daily Intake (RDI).
  • Folates: Fresh pods are a good source of folates. 100 grams of fresh pods provide 72 µg of folate which is equivalent to 18% of RDI.
  • B-vitamins: It is also a good source of B-vitamins like niacin or Vitamin B3, pantothenic acid or Vitamin B5 and pyridoxine or Vitamin B6.


1. Always wash Bitter Melon thoroughly under running water.
2. Use fresh Bitter Melon for best results.
3. Always choose bitter gourds that are fresh, bright, deep green in colour.
4. Don’t consume more than 2 bitter melons a day
4. The Bitter Melon leaves should be kept in a cool, dry, dark place. They stay fresh in refrigerator up to a week.
5. Marinade with salt to reduce bitterness.
6. Pregnant women should be careful while consuming this vegetable. The laxative component of the vegetable may lead to premature contraction, vaginal bleeding and miscarriages. Do consult your doctor once.

Friday 19 December 2014

Measures to increase brain power through Ayurveda

Ayurveda and brain
Our body, mind your prime, is a ministry. Without the consent of any part of the body can not function properly. Excessive mental stress and fatigue sometimes, digestive Institute, prolonged physical and mental impairment or disease affecting the brain and our memory disturbances decreases. Slide through how to increase the power of our brain to learn to show through Ayurveda.


Found in almonds, iron, copper, phosphorus and vitamin B. It is the medicinal ingredients act together. So almonds brain, heart and liver helps to keep working properly. Bhigon five almonds in water overnight to increase the power of the brain.Make a fine paste by grinding day skin. Now the milk and two teaspoons of honey in a glass, add the paste and it will benefit you to drink a lot.


Brahmi herb is known to increase brain power. Regular intake of antioxidants present in Brahmi element seems to enhance brain power. It is beneficial to drink a teaspoon juice everyday. If you do not like eating chewing juice has the same benefits from eating the leaves 7.

Linseed oil

Linseed oil faster, brain power and increases its concentration increases the power of you understand. Regular intake of linseed oil, would not you brain disorders.


Anise spice is used daily at home. Its regular use is very beneficial to health. Fennel powder and sugar mixed in equal amounts. After eating two tablespoons of this powder twice a continued weakness of the brain is blocked.


Omega-3 fatty acids found in walnuts are plentiful. Manganese, zinc and selenium, such as copper, potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, minerals are present. Walnut is also highly beneficial for our brains are an excellent source of vitamin E.


Not only hot cinnamon spice, but it is also a drug. Weak brain is good medicine.Bedtime regularly take a pinch of cinnamon powder mixed with honey and increasing brain power relieves mental stress.

Because that will be used in very small amounts of nutmeg abuse warm effect produces very sharp brain. Alzheimer Amnesia does not mean you are eating.

Black pepper
With medicinal properties too little pepper to taste rich food are seeing. To overcome the weakness of the brain and memory enhancement is beneficial pepper. 25 g butter, mixed peppers, cut 5-6 brain is faster than ever.

Fetish: 15 best herbs for better sex life

Herbs for better sex
To increase their sexual stamina and sexual performance, you can refer to Ayurveda. 15 Indian herbs that have the ability to eat naturally and you can increase your sex. So what are you waiting, quickly using these Indian herbs Modify your sexual performance.

Rose petals
Rose has many medicinal properties and Rose are aphrodisiacs. Rose is used in many beauty products. It can be used as a digestive. The anti-inflammatory properties rose improves the blood vessels and increases blood flow to the genitalia.

Macuna pruriens seed
Macuna pruriens the root, leaves and seeds are all benefits. It is used as a laxative and can treat ulcers. Macuna pruriens seeds, roots and leaves are a source of herbal aphrodisiacs. Stimulating effect macuna pruriens seed plays an important role in enhancing sex life.

White Water Lotus
White Water Lotus to stay healthy is one of the best herbs and it is erotic. White water using Lotus seeds have a positive impact on sexual life.

Miswak using tree bark is used as a toothbrush and promoting healthy teeth is important herb. Is often used in Ayurvedic toothpaste. Miswak tree and its fruit aphrodisiac properties also helps to overcome digestive problems.

Ashwagandha or Indian ginseng commonly used in Ayurveda anxiety, arthritis, memory loss, improvement in hemoglobin and is used to treat immune system. Ashwagandha helps in relaxing the nerves in addition it is an important aphrodisiac.

Hibiscus or Suflavar
Hibiscus or Suflavar is very popular in India. The headaches, hair care and treatment of diseases like mumps helps a lot. Also Suflavar is an aphrodisiac used it can improve your sexual stamina.

Nutmeg is used as a spice. It's very good home remedy to remove O headache and stomach ailments and blood circulation is improved. Nutmeg contains anti-inflammatory substances which improves blood flow to the genitals, which increases your sex ability.

White Lily
White lily is another flower that is not only beautiful but also aphrodisiac qualities. White Lily is anti-inflammatory and soothing, improving sex drive and sexual performance enhancement is beneficial.

The cooling effects of bamboo leaves. The drug relieves constipation anyone. It is also rich in protein. It is also a diuretic and sex capacity factor. It contains anti-inflammatory substances can increase one's sex life.

Saffron, which helps to improve mood and reduce depression. Use it not only to colds, insomnia, asthma and used for wounds but Saffron is an aphrodisiac. Saffron in milk drinking increases the efficiency of your sex.

Cinnamon is a spice that is used to make vegetable curry and sweet. The common cold and cough cinnamon is used for the relief. The dental pain, muscle spasms and is effective in the treatment of skin diseases. Anti-Iflemetri properties in cinnamon in the respiratory tract and blood circulation improves circulation with can make it effective aphrodisiacs.

People Tree
People are found in India and the root of the tree and the bark of the tree is considered aphrodisiacs. The bark of the tree is used to treat inflammation and fruit is Lackstiv.

Wrigtia tinctoria
Wrigtia tinctoria or woman is available mostly in the mountainous regions of India Kutaj. In addition to being an aphrodisiac used the leaves and seeds of high blood pressure, constipation and pain in teeth can be treated to reduce the problem.

Golden Eye Grass
Golden Eye Grass is such properties which helps boost sex drive. Moreover it also helps to rid the body of impurities. If you want to increase your sex ability to make it a part of your diet.

Nut grass
Nut grass is another herb used by Indian Sex capacity can easily be extended. The Anti-Iflemetri, Antispasmodik and aphrodisiac qualities are found.